How You Could Turn £200 Into £51,200 In The Next 336 Days!
Revealed…The Incredible “Set-And-Forget” System I Use To Double My Money Every Six Weeks And Turn Pocket Money Into Life Changing Cash.
No Effort, No Hassle And All From a PC, Phone Or Laptop!

Dear Streetwise Customer,

It’s the power of compounding at work….

  Get a simple, reliable system in place and small gains can quickly mount up into serious money. A daily profit of just 1.8% profit (and you can start with next to nothing) will turn £200 into £400 in six weeks.

  Reinvest your profits for a year, and you’re sitting on a nest egg of over £50,000…

  Week 0 — £200

  Week 6 £400

  Week 12 £800

  Week 18 — £1,600

  Week 24 — £3,200

  Week 30 — £6,400

  Week 36 — £12,800

  Week 42 — £25,600

  Week 48 — £51,200

  That’s precisely what I’m writing to you about today. And how I do it has nothing to do with gambling, forex, stockmarket trading or any sort of regular business.

  It sounds incredible I know, but if you give me a few minutes of your time, I’ll tell you about the “set and forget” system I’ve developed to make these sort of double-your-money gains, and how you can copy me quickly and easily from home without disturbing anything else you’re doing.

  My name is John Banks and I recently stumbled across this unique system to double my money during the first lockdown.

  But before I tell you about the system which regularly doubles itself without any input from me… let me quickly tell you a little about what motivated me to find a way to make money which didn’t require me to do a lot of extra hard work.

Looking For A Better Life

  Working as a laser technician in a lab – yes you read that right, I work with lasers, but not the cool kind you see on Star Wars – I am locked away from the world in a concrete building for five days of the week, often starting work at 6 a.m.

  I have two young daughters who I hardly see because of the long antisocial hours I work. And when I do see them, they take up quite a bit of whatever time I have left in the day…

  Now I’m not complaining about that…I want to be able to spend more time with them. But…and this was the problem…it left me little time for working on trying to escape the 9-5 grind.

  It was so frustrating!

I’ve Tried Several Ways To Make Money From Home To Replace The Work Wage

  Some of the things I’ve done have been pretty successful too. I did well selling items through Amazon FBA and eBay for example, and I’ve made several thousand pounds from blogging and creating viral content for fun websites.

  In one month alone I sold over £700 of other people’s T-Shirts and generated around £8,000 in advertising revenue from a couple of my websites. But, as is the way with websites, bringing in a reliable income requires a lot of time and a lot of work.

  It doesn’t take much of a setback for a good run to dry up. 

  Miss a few days, publish a couple of ‘dull’ posts, suffer a change to the Google and Facebook algorithms and you can be left dead in the water, almost overnight. 

  Writing articles and creating fun viral content is incredibly time and labour intensive. 

  Selling items on eBay and Amazon is hard work and also requires a lot of time sourcing items, listing them for sale, packaging them up and sending them to either Amazon or the customer.

I Needed To Swap Hard Work For An Easier Way To Make Money

  Instead of leaving the job I was trying to get away from, I was giving myself more and more work! I was working not one, but several jobs at a time. 

  I didn’t want that!

  So why didn’t I leave work to pursue these other projects which I was making money from?

  The sad reality is that they were a bit hit and miss when it came to making money. As I said, it doesn’t take much to cause the money to dry up… plus those businesses required a lot of work to run and grow.

  I just needed to find something which would make me money without having to do a lot of extra work!

  Something which could grow without it needing much input from me.

“You Need To Check This Out, John,”

  Just when I considered giving up and resigning to the fact that I was looking at spending the rest of my years working in a lab as a laser technician… in stepped Dave.

  Dave, a sort-of-but-not-so-close friend from work bumped into me one lunch break and began to tell me about how he was making bags of money trading the Cryptocurrency markets.

  “You need to check this out, John.” he said

  Knowing that I was looking for a way out of the laboratory, he suggested that I should give it a try, and do what he was doing.

  It was the same old story… “If this currency goes through the roof, I’ll be quids in… and if that currency does what it did last year, this time next year Rodders, I’ll be a millionaire.”

  It sounded great… provided you switched your brain off!

  Now normally, when people talk to me the way Dave had, my first thought would be this is just too good to be true…complete pie-in-the-sky.

  In the past I have had several people talk to me about Network Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing systems with the same enthusiasm and passion as Dave. Normally I would say ‘Okay, sounds great’… make my excuses to leave and then forget about them.

  However, this was a little bit different.

  You see, I’d heard many independent stories about how Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies had, at times, shot through the roof and made millionaires out of ordinary people

  They were true stories and well documented, albeit far from typical.

  But I’ve often thought “If other people can make money from the Cryptocurrency markets… why can’t I?”

  So, I decided to take a closer look at what Dave was doing.

  And then…

  That’s when the interest and enthusiasm drained away a little…well a lot!

Was This Going To Be Just Another Dead End?

  Looking at what Dave was doing, I noticed a little snag… well, quite a big one really.

  He wasn’t just making money… he was losing money too.

  Quite a considerable amount to be exact.

   Dave was doing little more than gambling… and waiting – or should I say hoping –  for that big pay-day.

  He was throwing money into trades and hoping for one to go through the roof. Which is fine I guess… if you can handle the stress, like a bit of excitement and can accept the possibility that you could lose all your money just as easily as make a packet.

  He was riding the markets like a surfer… one minute he was up on the crest of a big wave… then the next, he was down in a dip waiting to be drowned out of the market…and that just isn’t for me.

  Feeling a little disheartened, I nearly decided to give up and walk away from the crypto-currency markets… but there was still something about it which gave me hope.

I Could See HUGE Potential...
Even If Dave Was Doing It Wrong!

  You see, the system Dave was using used an automated bot…a way to trade Cryptocurrencies without actually being there to do it.  Now that was something that appealed to me and I believed I could use to my advantage.

  At the very least, it offered the opportunity to set up a trading system which could be left to work on autopilot without any intervention or further effort from me.

  I decided to spend some time observing the automated trading bot at work and soon realised that Dave had his set up all wrong.

  His settings were too aggressive. As I mentioned earlier, he was trying to win big and have that big pay-day where he could stick two fingers up at his boss and leave work for good.

  Who knows, it may happen for him one day, but knowing what I now know… I fear that he will lose all of his money first!

  There is no way that I was going to risk my money in the same way Dave was… I absolutely hate losing money.

But I Figured That I Could Make This Automated Trading Bot Work For Me…
Without Me Looking Over Its Shoulder Every Five Minutes

  I figured that if I tweaked it so that it was less aggressive in its approach, not only would I consistently cream profits off the cryptocurrency markets… I could prevent losing money and protect my investment.

  So that’s what I did… I set about making my tweaks and closely observed what happened. And after several tweaks and much testing of the settings… I found my ideal set-up.

  It took a fair amount of trial and error (which I was careful to mitigate by using very small stakes) but pretty soon I was quietly creaming profits from the markets… and I didn’t personally need to do anything for the money to keep coming in

  I just set it and  left it to run and do its work.

  Every now and then I would check my account to see how it was performing.

  I watched as £200 turned into £400… and £400 turned into £800… £800 into £1,600 and so on… all without me having to do anything.

  Unlike other markets, the cryptocurrency markets are trading 24 hours… 7 days a week.

  So, this system is working hard to double my money even while I’m sleeping.

  And it could do the same for you!

  Once you have the system set up… which should take no more than 30 minutes… your money doubles itself on autopilot without you needing to do anything other than check to see how it’s going.

The Crypto-bot hard at work doubling my money…  while I get on with my day!

A two-week growth period on the bot

My Initial Investment Doubled Within 6 Weeks…
So I Added More!

  I know this sounds too good to be true but… I have consistently grown my investment doing nothing more than using this system.

  The only other thing I have done… which I am sure you will do the same once you have seen it at work… is add more money to my pot once I realised that it just keeps growing.

But I Needed To Make Doubly Sure!

  I was a little concerned that this was some kind of one-off fluke which I was enjoying.

  I needed to see if it would work for other people… I couldn’t see why it wouldn’t, but I needed to make sure that it wasn’t just me striking lucky.

  So, I decided to share it with a small intimate circle of friends and ask them if they would test it. I wanted to see if it would do for them what it was doing for me…

  The answer was a big fat YES!


  Not only is this the ultimate hands-off way to double your money every few weeksyou don’t need to know anything about how this works.

  You don’t even need to understand how cryptocurrencies work… or even what they are!

  All you need to know is how to set the system up once… which should not take you more than 30 minutes… and how to check your account.


  • This is so easy to use. Simply set your parameters – I’ll show you how – and put it to work for you while you get on with your life.
  • This automated trading crypto bot is pandemic proofThis virus, or any other, isn’t going to stop the system from working.
  • This system doubles your money quietly in the background while you are busy living your life and enjoying other things. You do not need to do anything once the system is up and running.
  • The system takes no more than 30 minutes to set up and once it’s set up correctly, you leave it to get on and do its job of doubling your money.

  Just to clarify… the bot trades the cryptocurrency markets for you….while you’re asleep, while you’re working, while you’re on holiday…while you’re getting on with your life.

  1. This has nothing to do with Bitcoin mining.
  2. You do not need to splash out on a room full of sophisticated – and expensive – equipment to go trawling the internet looking for rogue coins.

  This is a simple set-and-forget system which doubles your money trading cryptocurrencies in six short weeks… and then does the same again and again for as long as you want to keep using it.

  All you’ll need to make this work for you are an internet connection, my step-by-step instructions, and access to the Bot which costs less than £14 a month to use.

  Everything you need to know is crammed into my ground-breaking 22 page manual ‘The CryptoCash Strategy – HowTo Double Your Money Every 42 Days Or Less!’ which you can access and download direct to your PC, laptop or tablet today.

  I show you how to set the system up, which settings to use and how to get the maximum out of your very own automated trading bot.

  If you’re unsure of anything and you get stuck, then you can shoot me an email and I’ll help get you up and running.

  So how much is it going to cost to try this out? I emphasis try this out because as you’ll see in a moment, I’m going to let you try this out totally risk free and without obligation.

  Well, I hope you’ll be relieved to learn that I’m not going to be asking you for anything like what it’s worth. The truth is that a set-and-forget system enabling you to effortlessly double your money every few weeks is worth THOUSANDS….to someone with capital.

  Heck if you’ve got £10k laying around, you could be sitting on a £10k profit 6 weeks from now – maybe even more. But I’m conscious of the fact that most people don’t have that or anything like it.

  I wanted to set a price which would allow the ‘ordinary Joe or Joanne’ to be up and running and making a profit very quickly while still giving me a fair return on all the time and effort I’ve put into this.

  I hope you feel that’s fair.

  So, I haven’t set the price at £5,000, or £2,500 or even £1,000…all of which would be an absolute bargain for what’s on offer here. I haven’t even set the price at a measly £500, which would be an absolute steal.

  No, the price for the complete package and my ongoing help and support for as long as you need it is £397.

  As my tester Matt said in the screenshot above…

  “This is the most passive investment I’ve ever made!”

  However, because I need more testimonials from people like Matt for when I offer it to the general public later next year… I have decided that…

  If you purchase “The CryptoCash Strategy – How To Double Your Money Every 42 Days Or Less!” today as part of this pre-launch… on the promise that you will send me feedback and a testimonial which I can use when I put it up for general sale later in the year…

  I will let you have it today for the heavily discounted price of £297.

  That’s right… just £297!

  That’s a whole £100 off the initial heavily discounted price.

  If you help me… I will help you.

  Just for promising to give me feedback and a testimonial… you have £100 EXTRA to add to the automatic trading pot which can easily double within 6 weeks… as it did for me.

  Surely that is a win-win situation… not only do you have more money to add to the pot ready to be doubled… you will make back the £297 cost of “The CryptoCash Strategy” even faster.

To Reserve Your Risk-Free Copy
 On Approval Click Here

Or Call Our Credit Card Hotline on: 01709 361819

  But That’s Not All…

  As well as giving you a huge £100 discount on the intended price, my publishers at Streetwise Publications are offering a full Cast Iron Unconditional 90-day Money Back Guarantee to completely take the risk out of your hands.

  Try this at home and if you do not think that it will work for you or you are in any way unhappy with ‘The CryptoCash Strategy’, my publishers will happily refund you in full with no questions asked.

Your Cast Iron No Quibble 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

You can download the ‘The CryptoCash Strategy: The Lazy Way To Double Your Money Every 42 Days Or Less!’ on approval without risk or obligation. Study the manual at home, and try it out for yourself. If you’re unhappy with what you receive for any reason whatsoever, or you don’t feel it will work for you, simply let us know within 90 days of purchase, and we’ll refund your payment in full. No questions asked.

To Reserve Your Risk-Free Copy
 On Approval Click Here

Or Call Our Credit Card Hotline on: 01709 361819

  Very Best Wishes









  John Banks

  P.S Taking just £200 starting capital and doubling every 6 weeks, you’ll be sitting on a profit of over £50,000 in under a year… and that’s without introducing a single penny more in capital.

  PPS Don’t forget you can try this out for yourself without risk or obligation for 90 days. That’s plenty of time to put it to the test.

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