How To Generate A (Semi) Passive Income Of £500 Or More Per Month Using Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle has become big business over the last 13 years since it began. Not only has it changed the way we buy and read books, it has also changed the fortune of millions of ordinary people.

People all across the planet are making tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and some are even making millions of pounds from self-publishing books via the Amazon Kindle platform.

Not all of these books are long sophisticated novels, hardly any of the writers have been on the New York Best Sellers list, and many of them will never be a best seller.

But that doesn’t stop them from making a fantastic passive income by publishing books on Amazon Kindle.

Make Money Years After Publishing

In fact, a lot of the people who make a substantial amount of money using Amazon Kindle do not actually write the books themselves.

Very often they outsource the writing to other people paying what can only be described as peanuts for the quality of work they get back.

It is something to consider if you are not very good at writing or gain no pleasure from writing itself. You certainly do not have to do the writing yourself to profit from publishing books on Amazon Kindle.

People are making good monthly incomes writing and/or publishing either fiction and non-fiction books. Some people may publish both.

Those who generally make the most money on Amazon do their research and write to  market. This means that they only publish books they already know will sell well.

If it is a non-fictional book they plan to publish, they will search Amazon Kindle for other books that cover the topic they wish to publish and see how well they are selling.

They will also do a search of Udemy – an online educational platform with hundreds of online courses – to see if there is an online course covering that topic and see how many people have paid to access that information. They may also do a Google search to see what comes up in the search results.

They never write a book blind. They only ever write or have books written which they know have a higher possibility of selling well. They stack the odds in their favour.

With fiction, it’s pretty much the same. Successful writers also write to market. They see what genres are popular and then write books to sell to that hungry audience.

One genre which is doing well is romance. Not necessarily the same as Mills & Boon – although that is a great example of a successful publishing business – they are quite tame in comparison.

Modern romance books have a little more 50 Shades Of Grey erotic kink to them. But this is an incredibly popular genre to write in.

The good news is that writing is actually very simple to learn. Stories which are popular, generally follow a template. In fact, most stories are the same, just the names and places are different.

Basic romance stories go something like this… boy meets girls… girl dislikes boy… girl is already in a relationship with a guy who is an arse… arse boyfriend does more arsy stuff… girl leaves arse boyfriend… new boy grows on girl… girl falls in love with new boy… and they get together. Happy ever after

James Bond, Jason Bourne and that chap played by Liam Neeson in the 3 Taken films are pretty much the same.

They are one man killing machines who take on a whole tribe of baddies who are trying to implement control over others or are trying to ruin an already established way of life. Tribe destroyed, own personal demons overcome, man is hero.

Star Wars is basically World War 2 in space.

There is the evil Empire managed by several evil men answering to one ultimate evil person who is crazily obsessed with an evil ideology who wants complete control. The evil empire is resisted by a plucky band of armed rebels working alongside an allied force of troops trying to topple them.

When it comes to stories, there is nothing new that you can really do. Take detective shows on the TV, whether it is Death In Paradise, Midsomer Murders, Dalziel & Pascoe, DCI Banks or Vera, they all have a main detective, who has a small team of 3 or 4 regulars who help investigate and solve a murder.

The difference is the names, places and the angle of which they approach the crime. Oh and let’s not forget, most detectives have some personal issue or character flaw like gambling, alcohol abuse or are haunted from a decision they made in the past which resulted in the death of an innocent person.

Writing a fiction book is actually a lot easier than you may think.

You only need to study a few books, copy the way things are written, such as are song titles in italics, how are numbers written, how are sentences structured and study the way conversation is formatted then the rest is simply making it all up based on stories which already exist.

For example, here are a couple of fiction book ideas off the top of my head based on stories which already exist and events which have already happened.

The Vampire Aliens Of UE-3

Deep in space, a lone scientific ship enters into an unchartered galaxy in the un-explored area known as UE-3. Finding one habitable planet they land and set up base from where they can explore the planet and the galaxy better.

As part of their exploration they find and enter a large temple complex only to waken several hibernating aliens.

Aliens who can fly and survive by draining the blood of their victims. The aliens attack the humans and the base, feasting off the scientists and their military protectors but eventually they are all killed and the only survivors are a female scientist – who battled with anxiety and overcame her fears to become a survivor – and one compassionate male soldier who was ridiculed for being weak by the other battle hardened alpha-male soldiers. 

Basically this is Dracula meets Alien with a hint of Jurassic Park

Is it Alien or Dracula?

No, it’s The Vampire Aliens Of UE-3. It is a completely new and unique story.

The Brooklyn Queen

An English actor while filming in New York pops into a small bakery in Brooklyn for a bagel one day and is served by an attractive young woman… who is surly and abrupt with him.

The young woman lives in Brooklyn, she struggles to pay her rent and is about to be evicted. Her stress leads her to be sloppy and surly in her work. Eventually she falls out with her boss who picks her up on her attitude to work and walks out of her job.

Her dream is to be a famous actress

About to lose her home, with no job and no money and at the end of her tether, she is about to do something stupid when serendipity intervenes. Just as she is about to throw herself under a subway train the English actor appears and recognises her and stops her.

He takes her for some food and talks with her. Hearing her life story and problems, he offers to help her to pay her rent and pays off her arreas as a loan as she insisted.

Feeling a little better, the young woman apologises to her old boss and gets her job back due to her boss actually really liking the girl and wanting to help her. she is given a second chance… aren’t they all?

Due to the actor filming in Brooklyn and the fact the young woman wants to pay the loan back fast they meet several times. Both by design and several by accident.

One day he invites her to the film set where she meets the director and he unexpectedly asks her if she would like to do a small bit part due to one actress going down with food poison… don’t they always? She jumps at the chance and has a small scene where she has to kiss her new friend, the English actor, for the first time. 

That first kiss… well you know what happens at this point. Eyes close… earth moves… back leg lifts up… slow to pull away… love is realised

Eventually, the young woman and the English actor get together and her life changes completely. Eventually she becomes a famous actress in her own right.

Basically this is Notting Hill based in Brooklyn with the roles reversed, with Serendipity thrown in and a good pinch of many other romance stories where two unlikely matches from two completely different worlds are forced together. Love is triumphant and personal transformations happen.

Is it Notting Hill?

No, it is The Brooklyn Queen. It is a completely new and unique story. See what I mean? The above examples are two fictional story ideas I have just this minute conceived out of many other stories.

The Lazy Way To Write A Story

I have a great idea for creating new stories, it is a bit cheeky but still a great idea in my honest opinion and that is to find some old stories from many years ago and simply rewrite them for a modern world changing characters, changing technology and environment.

Let’s say that you read a Western adventure originally published in the 1930s. Take the story and apply it to a hundred years in the future or set it in space on another planet entirely.

Change the Native American Indians to aliens native to that planet or have them visiting a future earth, change the name of the main characters, maybe even change the sex of a couple of characters and build a completely new story around that old story.

Once you start to build out your story you will find that the creative spirit will take over and you will soon be adding in new scenes and ideas which really turn the story into something new and unique.

When it comes to Amazon Kindle, when a book sells well, Amazon will show it to the people it thinks will appreciate it. After all, Amazon’s main focus is to make sales and make more money.

If they spot a book selling well in a specific genre or niche, they show it to people who have bought other books in that genre or niche.

Some people who publish books run ads on Facebook and Amazon itself to increase sales of their books.

This is a numbers game, to have a decent monthly income you need to have more than one book available for people to buy.

Let’s say that you wanted to earn £50,000 a year, (Ignoring TAX etc) If you earned £1 from each book, and had 20 books published on Amazon, you would need to sell 7 copies of each book every day.

That would give you £51,100. Selling a few copies of many books is often a lot easier than trying to sell a lot of just one book. The main focus is to publish books in a series. This is a lot easier to do if you write fiction.

When you write a story which people enjoy, a story which centres around a main character or two like detectives Barnaby and Jones in Midsomer Murders or a super spy like James Bond, people generally want to read more.

They want the adventure to continue. They want to experience the same feelings of excitement and adventure they enjoyed when reading the first book and if they really enjoyed one of your stories, it is a safe bet that they may enjoy another one.

They already know what to expect and they already know and identify with the characters. So if there are more stories published which they think they will enjoy, they will buy them.

Instead of having to try and sell 1 book to 50,000 different people, you now only need to sell 20 books to 2,500 people. Now that is a whole different ball game.

I titled this section How To Generate A (Semi) Passive Income Of £500 Or More Per Month Using Amazon Kindle, I call it a semi passive income because you may need to write more books to keep generating income plus you will need to manage the business.

Unless you automate a business by hiring other people to manage it for you, there are very few – if any – completely passive income  businesses.

However, saying that, when you have your library of books published to Amazon Kindle, they are live and people will buy books at any time of the day while you do nothing. You could hit your publishing and sales targets and not need to write another book for several months.

Going back to the title idea of earning £500 or more per month using Amazon Kindle, if you had 20 books for sale all of which gave you £1 per piece in royalties, you would only need to sell 25 copies of each book per month.

That works out at around 7 copies of each book a week, which is 1 copy of each book per day. That is more than doable.

Especially if you make your books the best they can be. Quality will always win through in the long run. Substandard books will only get bad reviews, great books will get both. (You’ll never please everyone)

Good books get recommended and shown to potential new buyers. It pays to do the best job you can. Each book is an investment, one which can generate money for many years to come.

As I mentioned earlier. You do not have to do the writing yourself, you can pay other people to do the writing for you.

You can simply run this as a publishing business where you pay to have the books written and then you publish them to generate an income for yourself.

Further Reading…

How One Man Generated $746,256.61 Using An Outdated Business Model

Sticking with Kindle Publishing… This is the story of how an author tapped into the popularity of the old Pulp Fiction style stories and made a tonne of money. 

One of the ways I make thousands of pounds each month is by using email. If you would like to know more and learn what I do… check out the Email Secret by clicking the link below.


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