I’ve just read about a guy named Michael who sold a business that was earning him approximately $20,000 (£16,579 at time of writing) per month.
This was a monthly membership business where people paid him a subscription to receive one new book each month.
Within 60 days of launching the business he had over 100 subscribers paying him $97 (£80) giving him a monthly income around $10,000 (£8,289) which he grew to $20,000 (£16,579) per month before selling the business on for a decent profit.
The books that he published each month were printed books that were sent out in the mail… but here’s the thing… the books were usually only 20 pages long.
Sometimes they were less!
Initially, a new subscriber was sent a larger book which outlined how to get started with making an income online and set up their business.
After that, they received one new short book each month that taught them complimentary subjects which helped them to grow their online business and make money online.
Basically, each new book was a chapter of a larger book.
I want you to stop and think about that for a minute.
Michael was earning between $10,000 and $20,000 (£8,289 and £16,579) per month for publishing just one book that was only 20 pages or less.
How long would it take you to create 20 pages of content?
Not long at all I’d imagine.
Could you create 20 pages of content each month if it was earning you between $10,000 and $20,000 (£8,289 and £16,579)?
Would you create 20 pages of content if it was paying between $10,000 and $20,000 (£8,289 and £16,579)?
Hopefully the answer is yes, yes you would.
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Unless you really enjoyed creating the content yourself, you could pay someone else to do it for you, especially if you were earning the same amounts of money as Michael.
The point is this… there were people paying $97 (£80) per month to receive a small book on a topic which they could get from multiple places online.
There’s probably thousands of websites offering the same information for free.
Michael created a ‘series’ of books as part of a product, and people were happy to pay for it.
$97 is a good price but so much of that would cover the cost to print the books and post them. There were also commissions to be paid from that because Michael used affiliates to help grow the subscription figures.
Even so, here were people who were happily paying $97 to receive one short book each month… if that doesn’t tell you that it’s possible to make money publishing information and/or thin books from home, nothing will.
Previously I have talked about the bestselling author Seanan McGuire who makes around ten thousand pounds each month writing and publishing short fiction stories for her fans.
Unlike Michael who was selling just a few hundred copies of his books for a larger fee, Seanan sells to several thousand people for less.
She uses the Patreon platform which allows her to set different price tiers meaning that subscribers can pay more and receive more.
Seanan doesn’t send out physical copies of her book, she publishes them as eBooks that fans can access via the Patreon platform meaning that she doesn’t need to charge as much as Michael, nor does she have to focus on getting books printed.
Subscription businesses like these can be incredibly profitable… and they can be incredibly simple to run.
The biggest hurdle to these kinds of businesses is getting people to your sales page where they can join.
Michael used affiliates to drive traffic to his sales page whereas Seanan informed her fan base, which was already established thanks to her being a bestselling author, of her Patreon profile.
Putting aside the fact that Seanan had an established following, the fact remains that it is possible for anyone and everyone to make money publishing information and fiction stories.
Very few people are born with an established following, network of affiliates, or an email list, these are built and grown. Michael and Seanan started at square one and are now reaping the benefits.
The styles may be different; Michael published information in real books, Seanan self-published fiction as eBooks (she also has real books being published through publishing houses), but they both made a lot of money publishing and selling books to people through the internet.
The internet is global and it means that you can put yourself in front of hundreds and thousands of people on a daily basis.
You have the tools in your pocket and on your desk that you can use to build a profitable subscription business.
To learn more about how powerful home-based subscription businesses can be; go to:
How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business
Kind regards
John Harrison.
PS…With a subscription based business you are not exchanging your time for money working for just one person at a time, you are supplying a product or service each month to a large number of people… or a relatively small number of people as in the case of Michael.
Charging just £5 a month to access content isn’t a lot. One person paying you £5 won’t make you rich. But what if you had 1000 people paying you just £5 a month?
You would earn £5,000 a month… which isn’t bad, is it?
Here’s that link again: