£2,000 Per Month Increase In Expenses…Could You Cope?

This week I caught the end of an episode of the Hotel Inspector where Alex Polizzi goes into hotels (and now other businesses) to help them when they are struggling.

In this episode, Alex was revisiting The Dukes, a country pub and hotel in Bedfordshire, that she had helped previously in 2019.

The owner, Sarah, had been struggling to keep the place afloat and it was made harder by the fact that her husband had decided to leave her less than two years into buying the business together.

They had borrowed close to half a million to buy the business, and then he decided that he wanted out and ran leaving her to deal with the business and their two daughters alone.

To say that she was drowning was an understatement.

Anyway, Alex arrived, waved her magic hotel wand and helped her to regain her confidence and turn the business around.

Four years later, Alex decided to visit The Dukes to see how Sarah was getting on.

Let’s just say that she was managing OK.

She wasn’t struggling like she was four years ago, she had survived the pandemic but sadly the business was now taking a bit of hit thanks to the recent cost-of-living crisis.

What hit me was that through no fault of her own, Sarah’s monthly expenses had increased by £2,000.

Prices had increased on gas and electricity, food and drink, and other services. Her monthly expenses were now at £7,000.

Passing these price increases on to the customer was near impossible without causing harm to her business.

With a lot of completion in the area, increasing room prices always resulted in a drop in occupancy rates.

I cannot remember what advice Alex dished out in response to the increase expenses, I am sure it was good and that she helped Sarah get out of a hole.

I probably tuned out as I was too busy thinking ‘why would you want to give yourself such a hard, costly, and labour-intensive job as a way to make money?’

There are many different ways to make money that doesn’t require such an expensive or time-consuming commitment.

At one point, Sarah was taking breakfast orders, cooking the breakfasts, waiting on the tables, and then she was doing it all again at lunch and dinner time.

And that was on top of her other daily duties!

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The problem is that most people have a romanticised idea of what certain work is like. They fall in love with the idea and that completely blinds them to the reality of what work is really involved.

Many people want to do a specific job because of ego. They love the idea of being ‘something specific’ and being able to tell others what it is that they do.

They approach it like it is a fun hobby and then suddenly realise that they have bitten off more than they can chew when they start to drown in work and debt.

If it’s more money and more freedom that you want to enjoy, giving yourself a lot of work is not the right way to go.

Over the last few months I have spoken about people who are making tens of thousands of pounds selling products and services on social media platforms such as Facebook, this is a far easier way to make money than running your own restaurant and hotel.

However… like all businesses, there is a fair amount to learn and a fair amount of trial and error needed.

You still need to ‘cut your teeth’ and master a set of skills, but, it is far less strenuous than running a restaurant and hotel.

Personally, I would not focus on any social media platform alone. It would be foolish to put all your efforts on a social media platform without building an email list at the same time.

You MUST build an email list while sharing content on Facebook or any other social media platform.

The email list is where the money is… I am not saying this from a point of theory; this is real life experience… this is my experience.

I have been using emails to make money for over two decades.

I talk more about them both here:

$10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible?

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Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Due to increasing interest, Andi, our Facebook chap, recorded a new video that has been added to this exclusive report and can be found at the bottom of the page.

If you haven’t yet seen this, you need to act fast as I’m considering turning this into a Micro-product, even more so now that we seem to keep adding to it, so act now before it’s hidden behind a ‘Buy Now’ button.

Here’s that link again:

$10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible?