£34 For A Plastic Chopping Board Covered With Sandpaper? Really!

Pop to any cheap shop such as B&M Bargains and I bet you’ll be able to find a plastic chopping board with a handle for a pound or two. Pop to B&Q and you can buy a pack of sandpaper for £5.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, I have just seen a product being promoted on social media which is essentially a plastic chopping board with a sheet of sandpaper attached to it, and the price for it was £34!

The reason this is a lot more than buying a chopping board and a pack of sandpaper is that this isn’t a chopping board with sandpaper attached to it (although it actually is), this is a tool designed to grind down dog’s nails.

This is being sold specifically to owners of dogs who don’t like having their nails clipped. This is a tool with one specific job that is being sold to one specific type of customer.

This little invention (if it warrants that title) solves a problem.

In the advert I watched, a treat was placed on the floor under the tool. The dog smelling the treat began to claw at the sandpaper, trying to ‘dig’ the treat out and in the process, it ground down its long nails.

The owner holding onto the tool moved it when they believed that the dog had done enough grinding.

This is a clever little tool which appears to be the amalgamation of two different items. By putting the chopping board and sandpaper together, they have created a brand new tool, one which they can charge a lot more money for.

The sandpaper is backed with Velcro which is how it is attached to the board. A pack of replacement sandpaper strips costs £10.50.

To buy the board along with a set of replacement sandpaper strips would cost you £44.50. Buy it online from their Etsy store and there could be postage costs to add to that.

You could knock your own up for less than a fiver if you chose to.

This is a great example of how to take two different products and create a brand new one for a specific market by combining them together.

That is one of the secrets of making big money….

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Adapt an item or combine items to create a new one.

I once told you about the pink tennis balls which were sold not to people who played tennis, but to dog owners who liked to play ‘fetch’ with their hounds but were fed up of losing green tennis balls in long green grass.

That was another product which was adapted and marketed to a whole different market. It was a tennis ball, but it was for dogs.

Sometimes you just need to look at things differently to come up with new ideas or try and find a simple solution for a common problem taking inspiration from things close by.

The board for grinding down dog nails really does look like one of those plastic chopping boards with a handle at one end simply covered in sandpaper.

That’s it.

I can’t imagine that it took many hours to design.

It’ll be interesting to see if it takes off and many people buy it. Who knows, this may be a big money spinner for them.

Before I end this article, I want to quickly tell you about our friend Philip Blake who approached us recently and asked us to publish just 50 copies of his Second Half Sniper System manual.

In it, Philip outlines how he uses BetFair to make between £250 and £375 per week. Studying one table on a free website and doing a little arithmetic, he works out which games have a high probability of becoming winners.

If you would like to know more, click the link below.

Second Half Sniper System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This is brand new, never been published before and there are only 50 ‘pioneer copies’ available.

Here’s that link again:

Second Half Sniper System