Stupid Is What Stupid Does!

You may recall that previously I talked about the Spanish tobacco smuggler who had been fished out of the waters by Gibraltar’s customs officers.

Well today I want to share with you another fine example of stupidity by the lowlifes of Gibraltar.

In another episode of Cops on the Rock, the police were called to a restaurant where the manager was being given grief by a group of young men.

The reason they were giving the manager grief is that earlier in the day they had been sitting outside the restaurant having a few drinks… and dealing drugs.

The manager had spotted them and called the police.

When the police arrived they found a small stash of cocaine hidden behind a statue and promptly arrested the men.

Once the men had been processed and released on bail, they went back to the restaurant to find a stash of drugs which the police had missed… oh and to intimidate the manager… who then called the police again!

The police arrived, searched the spot the men had been seen frantically searching, and found another small stash of cocaine.

The men were promptly arrested again.

That’s twice in one day!

Gibraltar has a very strict policy on drugs.

Being caught with a small amount of class C drugs can result in several years in prison. These guys were arrested twice in one day with class A drugs!

I appreciate that they can make quite a bit of money selling drugs… but come on?

Arrested twice in one day!

That is pure stupidity.

As Forrest Gump said… Stupid Is What Stupid Does… and that was Class A Stupidity!

There are more than enough ways to make money which do not run the risk of long spells in prison.

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Only today I saw that a marketer on Instagram runs a group where 1,500 people pay him $10 a month to receive marketing information and advice.

That’s $1,500 per month for posting content to Instagram… without fearing prison time.

Okay, this man has built up a reputation and a following for being good at what he does but that doesn’t mean that other people cannot do something similar.

Like everyone else in their chosen professions, he had to start at the beginning.

If you have something to share with the world, there will always be people who will want to learn it.

There are many other ways to make money online which do not require you to share your knowledge or skills with people.

Sometimes you simple need to buy something cheap and sell it onto someone else for a large profit.

That’s essentially what the drug dealers are doing, just that they don’t know that there are things you can legally sell for large profits without risking prison.

For example; our friend Roger Blake has discovered a fantastic way to turn a £7.50 investment into £75.

It’s a simple process which requires:

  • No special skills education or ability. Simply follow the instructions and you can’t go wrong.
  • No software or tools required. Everything is done via readily accessible websites run by other people.
  • No silly MLM or member recruitment nonsense.
  • No affiliate schemes or generic products to sell which everyone else is selling.
  • No service to provide or product to deliver. Everything is done virtually online.
  • You don’t need a website, social media accounts or any kind of online presence
  • No need to process any payments or fulfil any orders. It’s all done for you.
  • No customer service or back-up service needed.

More importantly…

  • You can get started fast…less than an hour from reading the step-by-step instructions to up and running and making money!
  • Work when you have the time, wherever you happen to be in the world…24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Work from anywhere on the planet with an internet connection.
  • You can get started for just £7.50 (Show me a business you can start for less!)
  • You will have zero competition. Nobody will be selling the same thing as you because it will be totally unique.

Plus… unlike the stupid drug dealing Gibraltarians I mentioned earlier who were arrested twice in one day… there’s no need to keep looking over your shoulder for the long arm of the law with this.

If you would like to know how to turn £7.50 into a £75+ profit, click the link below:

The Magic Multiplier

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This is one of the simplest methods we have see in recent years where you buy a simple digital asset and then sell it to someone else for a huge £75+ profit.

And you can get started today for as little as £7.50!

Here’s that link again.          

The Magic Multiplier