To Find Financial Freedom, You Only Need Two Of These…

I was reading an interesting article this morning which basically stated that to quit your job and reach financial freedom, all you needed was to specialise in a specific skill and find just two clients each month from social media.

It was an interesting article and I agree with a lot of the points raised.

It said that when it came to making money online and quitting the day job, most people over think it.

This is true.

What the author of the article was basically saying is that all you need to do is learn to do one specific thing really well, open up conversations with wealthy business owners on social media and then tell them that you have a business which can help them with the problem they are facing and charge £5,000 for that service.

Two clients at £5,000 per month is £120,000 per year.

I do believe that this article was written by a thritysomething and was aimed at people in that age category because he mentioned mastering specific skills such as writing, content marketing planning, social media managing and other various roles which are popular with younger people.

However, that’s not to say that people over the age of forty cannot do those jobs, our techy guy and writer is nearing fifty.

He was fast approaching forty when he started to learn the skills which led down a different career path.

Most things can be mastered by people of any age if they have enough interest and discipline.

Also, the process of landing paying clients the author of the article talked about works for people of any age and possibly any industry.

Everything I read about in that article echoes a lot of what I have written about in my previous articles such as opening up conversations with people who are in a position to employ your services for a premium fee.

The author said that a lot of people today who want financial freedom are so focused on chasing money through multiple methods that they overlook the simplest method going…

Offer a much needed service to only those who can pay a premium price for it.

This is a service which doesn’t require a lot of hard work and allows you to manage two or three clients comfortably each month.

In one previous article I talked about the six degrees of separation also known as the six handshake rule which states that we are all just six social connections from the people we need to know.

Basically, what that means is that you are closer than you realise to the wealthy clients you need.

And thanks to social media, you can connect with more and more people around the world.

Finding clients has never been easier.

You are one click away from people who can pay you thousands to deliver a service or results that they need.

In the article the author suggests people open up conversations on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook by first liking and commenting on people’s post so that they get to ‘know’ you before talking business in direct messages.

It’s basic human networking.

Start with small talk; get to know each other a little before getting down to business.

It’s like dating…

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You get to know the person for a short while before asking them to marry you and telling them that you want children with them.

If you dive right in from the start, you run the risk of scaring people off or ‘rubbing them up the wrong way’.

People buy from people they know and trust, especially if the price is in the thousands.

They want to know that you are legit and that you are who you say you are and that you can do what you say you can do.

Business owners do not want to waste or lose money hiring the wrong person.

Once you get to know them more and they get to know you better, you ask if they need any help with whatever it is that you specialise in.

So for example; if you specialise in email marketing, you ask if they are having problems with their email campaigns and that they should book a free 30 minute chat with you where you talk about their problem.

You offer up some advice and then tell them that you can do the work for them if they would like.

If they say yes, you discuss price and payment and if they are happy to go ahead, you now have a new client who is happy to pay you £5,000 or more.

There are many services that you can specialise in where you can charge clients thousands of pounds each month.

If you find the right clients and can deliver the service you promise and they are expecting, then yes, you can charge several thousand pounds per client.

You do only need two clients each month to leave the day job and find financial freedom.

You might find one or two clients who are happy to hire you for your services each month as part of a long term rolling contract.

Many companies which need sales letters written each month pay a monthly retainer to the same writers.

They keep them ‘on the books’ knowing that they can contact them when they need a sales letter written, and that they will get something they know is good.

The writer himself may only do a few hours work each month but gets paid a premium.

Being able to write sales letters and sales material is one of those skills where you can charge the right clients thousands of pounds.

It is through the use of sales letters that we and many other businesses have made millions and so if you know how to write a profitable sales letter, your skills are going to be incredibly valuable to the right people.

If you would like to know how to write profitable sales letters which can have you earning thousands of pounds from the right clients go to:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Knowing how to write a profitable sales letter is one of those ‘in demand’ skills and demand is growing. With more and more businesses moving online, the need for quality written sales letters is huge. The market is growing.

Industries, business methods and money making strategies may come and go, but companies will always need quality sales letter writers.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement