You Only Need One Or Two Sales Per Month To Make £1,000 Or More

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot about people making thousands of pounds each month by creating a series of short videos and sharing them on social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

What these people are doing, is promoting high priced products such as ‘educational’ networks and when a person buys, they get paid a commission.

These educational networks teach people how to sell high ticket products for affiliate commissions. 

Basically they learn to promote the product they buy.

Sounds familiar right?

Yes, it is a kind of a Network Marketing and Multi Level Marketing system.

In fact, one of the networks I have seen being promoted was set up by one of the two Dave’s who founded the Empower Network which imploded spectacularly owing money to a lot of people.

Putting that aside, the foundation of their teaching is sound, and that is:

Find a high priced item, become an affiliate for it and sell it to other people.

If your target is to make an extra £2,000 a month, finding a product which pays you £2,000 when a sale is made means that you only need to make one sale a month.

If the product you sell pays you £1,000 when a sale is made, then you only need to sell two per month.

Once you have a system set up in place, it is just as easy to promote and sell a £2,000 product as it is a £20.

The only difference is that more people are willing to spend £20 than £2,000.

A £2,000 purchase creates more doubts and fears for most people compared to a £20 purchase.

So the system selling a £2,000 or more product needs to be set up a differently so that it removes doubts and fears from potential buyers.

A £20 product needs a shorter sales page and can be bought automatically.

A £2,000 product may require a free report or book given away initially to attract potential buyers with a follow up face-to-face chat to help remove any doubts and fears a potential buyer may have.

The sales page and marketing message would need to be longer than those used for a £20 product.

Other than that, the actual promoting of products is loosely the same….

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The sales funnel may be different, but the way to get people into the funnel is pretty much similar.

Making a couple of thousand pounds each month promoting high ticket items is a great idea, if the product you are promoting is a decent one and actually does what it says it will.

Anik Singal made over £1 million in 18 days promoting a course which paid him over £1,200 per sale.

It was in the ‘law of attraction’ niche and so people lapped it up… plus, you can’t disprove that it works or not with it being ‘metaphysical’ and focuses heavily on what you ‘think and do!’

You do need to make sure that you sign up to the right product as an affiliate though.

If you personally promote something to someone through a face-to-face chat or via a messenger app that leaves them in a bad place because the product was shady… it won’t reflect good on you which is why I suggest you steer clear of anything that looks to be a NM or MLM product.

There is money to be made promoting high priced items. High priced items are generally bought by people who are ‘solution aware’ and already looking for a person or product to help them achieve XYZ.

They know what they want and they know they need help getting it, they just don’t know who to have helping them.

If you can find a constant flow of ‘solution aware’ people you could make a decent amount of money by doing very little. It’s finding them which is the hardest part.

Finding them often requires you having to ‘attract’ them by setting up Facebook groups and publishing a fair amount of ‘warming-up’ content which ‘pre-sells’ people on the idea.

There is a lot of money to be made…


There is a simpler way to make a decent amount of money each month that doesn’t require you to deal with people and try and sell them products they probably don’t want… and that is to trade football matches.

Philip Blake uses Betfair to make between £250 and £375 per week placing simple bets on specific football matches.

That is TAX FREE money.

He works out which games have a high probability of becoming winners by studying one table on a free website and doing a little arithmetic.

He only places bets on those games he has identified as having a greater chance of winning.

He wins more than he loses which is how he makes between £250 and £375 per week.

Unlike promoting high priced affiliate products, Philip doesn’t need to talk to people or churn out a ton of content to try and ‘attract’ potential buyers.

He goes to one website, checks a few numbers then places his bets on Betfair.

That’s it!

If you would like to know more, click the link below.

Second Half Sniper System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This is brand new, never been published before and there are only 50 ‘pioneer copies’ available.

Here’s that link again:

Second Half Sniper System