Even With A Week Off, I Smashed Through The £200 Target!

You may recall that I recently wrote about how I was making money on Medium by publishing pre-written articles to the platform.

You may recall that last month I made £112 and that I predicted that I would hit £200 in November.

Well, I am happy to say that I have already earned £208 and we are only two weeks into November… and I had one of those weeks off!

I’ve no idea how much money I shall make this month over on Medium.

I keep adding new content but the majority of this income comes from just one article which has gone viral and will eventually slow down.

That one article has made £131 this month.

That means that I have only earned £77 from all of my other articles and commissions from people who joined Medium through my link.

Once that popular article stops earning, my income will drop down again… unless another one of my articles goes viral.

The second best performing article of this month is actually the last article I published to the platform over a week ago so it is possible that it may go viral and earn more money.

The point is this… in the last two months I have generated over £300 publishing content to a free-to-use platform.

That surely would be a big help to anyone who needs more money.

It’s possible that I might make more than £300 this month. That alone would be a big help to anyone who needed some extra money.

As I say, this is costing me nothing to do other than time, time which I am already using to write these articles.

The best earning content has been inspired by stuff that I have read elsewhere.

It hasn’t taken a lot of creative effort to come up with ideas for content as they are there online ripe for picking.

I’ve found that the best content to make money with is to write about ‘ways to make money’.

People from all around the world need and want more money and so they are willing to read content which helps them to make more.

The larger number of people that read my articles, the more money I earn.

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Medium is also a great place to build an email list.

I won’t say that it is the fastest or best way to grow an email list, but it is free and you can get paid to grow your list at the same time.

Yesterday six people joined my email list taking the total to 22 people who joined the list since last Monday.

It may not be a lot… but that is 22 people who have now joined my email list for free.

That is 22 people that I can promote products to.

The week before, 15 people joined my email list. Most of them may have come via Medium.

If you were to use Medium to build an email list and you add 10 new people each week, at the end of the year you would have at least 520 on your email list. (Not counting anyone who unsubscribes.)

Not only can you make money publishing content to Medium, you can build an email list to which you can promote products and services where you make money either as affiliate commissions or as profits from your own product sales.

Having your own email list is an incredible way to make money from anywhere in the world.

Having an email list is a list of customers on tap.

Imagine that you owned a burger bar in a busy town centre and that you needed to only sell 10 burger & chips meals a day to make a profit.

Imagine that the town centre had an average of 10,000 visitors per day, do you think it would it be difficult to sell just 10 burger & chips meals with that amount of visitors?

Now imagine that you could sell more than 10 meals per day meaning more profits AND… there was very little business expense.

A burger bar in a busy town centre will cost you an arm and a leg. You would need to sell a lot of food and drink to cover costs before you even start to make a profit.

Today, with the current cost-of-living crisis, the situation has been made worse.

But with email, depending on how you go about it, you can build an email list for free and sell a whole range of high priced digital (and physical) products with very little expense to a large list of customers giving you more profits.

It’s a business you can take with you anywhere too.

To learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Compared to running a burger bar in a busy town centre at a cost of thousands of pounds per month, an email business can cost less than a cup of coffee from Starbucks each week.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret