1,000 People Paying You £10 Per Month Is…?

I have talked before about running a paid newsletter where people pay you a monthly or annual subscription to receive specific information.

The other day I read a reply to a question about membership businesses which said something along the lines of…

‘if you help someone do just one thing easier and faster saving them time, money or make them more money, it is worth the yearly £97 cost of the newsletter.’

This is a great point. 

If the person paying the subscription fee learns at least one thing which makes their life easier or better in any shape or form, then it is definitely worth it to them.

If a newsletter shares information about making money for example, then I would say a decent rule of thumb is that if the subscriber earns back double what they paid out, it is more than worth their money.

The worst case scenario would be if they just earn back the subscription cost, they haven’t lost any money and they still got to enjoy a newsletter.

That is ok too.

Let’s not forget… people buy magazines for entertainment all the time and get nothing ‘actual’ from them.

There are people who buy cookery books and magazines and never cook any of the dishes featured in them.

They buy them because they ‘want’ to and because they ‘enjoy’ buying and reading those types of books.

A friend once told me that people who enjoy a specific hobby actually have two hobbies… the participating in the hobby itself, and the buying of hobby related materials.

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So a person who enjoys food and cooking, they cook a variety of foods to eat (the hobby), and they also buy food related books, magazines, and equipment (hobby related materials).

They don’t necessarily use the hobby related materials, they just enjoy buying it as it is an extension of the main hobby.

This is something that you should remember as a person who publishes a newsletter…

A person who subscribes to your newsletter does not necessarily have to get any ‘actual’ value from what you provide. For some, the act of consuming your newsletter is all the value they need making it worth their money to them.

Yes, it is nice that people enjoy actual value and benefits from what you provide, but it isn’t necessary. Many people simply enjoy buying, reading and seeing new stuff related to their hobby, and they are happy to pay for it.

The great thing about online digital newsletters is that – depending on the subject matter – you don’t need to provide more than 12 pages of content, and you write it only once.

Imaging that you had 500 people paying you £5 each month to receive a newsletter, you would make £2,500 for something that you produce just once a month.

That’s not too bad is it?

Not when you consider that your newsletter can be 12 pages or less.

Imagine that you were either charging more or had more subscribers… or both!

1,000 people paying £10 a month would make you a very decent £10,000 per month!

There are people who are doing that right now.

With the internet, you can quite easily have 1,000 people from all across the world paying you a monthly subscription fee to access content that you provide in your newsletter.

To learn more… click the link below:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once fully established, you could be earning thousands of pounds each month from work which could take less than a day… depending on what you are providing.

A subscription based business is all about the numbers.

Give a large group of people something they want and need at a price they are happy to pay, and you can be paid multiple times for the one piece of work each and every month.

Here’s that link again:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business