FACE It! This Is The Future Of Making Money Online!

It’s time to face the fact… the world is changing.

AI is evolving fast, and could soon replace the traditional search engines we have become accustomed to.

With AI pulling the information you need from its database and sources across the web, delivering it straight to you in a chat box, the need to go to websites in search of information could soon be a thing of the past.

That’s not good for those people who set up websites as a way to passively generate affiliate commissions and earn advertising revenue from visitors who were sent by Google or Bing.


The good news is that those who offer services and are ‘personalities’ that front their businesses, i.e. they are their brand… people will still go to their websites for information or entertainment as AI cannot deliver ‘you’.

You are unique and you are simply ‘you’, and people ‘like’ people.

A lot of money can be made when celebrities endorse specific products.

That is because the people who like those celebrities will take a look at the product they are endorsing over any other similar products.

Being known is always going to help a person to make money.

In the changing world of AI generated content, ‘you’ will become your marketing.

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Russell Brunson is seen all across the internet appearing in videos, podcasts and adverts… the name of his business is probably known by fewer people than those who know him by name.

I wouldn’t be surprised that the amount of people who search for him is far greater than anyone who searches for his products, books and businesses.

He has that celebrity status which has made him bigger than his business.

Have you heard of the science and medical journalist and television presenter, Michael Mosley?

Whenever I want to search for any of his books or television shows, his name is the first thing I type into the search bar.

His name is his search term.

He is his brand.

That is what I believe is going to be the future of online business.

If you want to start an online business, you will need to become the FACE of it, or at least, it will need a human face associated with it.


There are still going to be a lot of ways to make money that don’t require you to plaster your face and ‘story’ far and wide.

You can make money from the comfort of your own home by using your smartphone trading horse racing.

Gambling is virtually as old as the human race.

Neanderthals were probably betting on who would kill the woolly mammoth first, would it be Colin Cave-Dweller, Malcom Mudhut, or Barry Bearskinwearer.

Gambling is not going to stop any time soon, and it is a great way to make extra money without having to do a lot of hard work.

Online businesses can deliver a lot of money… and I do mean A LOT of money, but it can be quite labour and time intensive.

If you are not after making millions and are happy with making one or two thousand pounds extra per month, then using a gambling system is probably the right way to go for you.

Not only can you make a decent amount of money each month, there is very little to learn and even less to do.

The Easy As 1-2-3 Betfair System is a simple system that can give you a decent growing return once you have the hang of it… and it won’t take long to get the hang of it.

It is very easy to learn and understand.

You could be using it to make money as soon as you have finished reading the short easy-to-follow manual.

Discover more here:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S… You can started right away with just £100 and after 6 months, you could be sitting on a decent tax free £12,800.

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3