He Does What With His Bananas?

I think I have heard it all now!

An Australian couple, Mason and Mai, who share their money making and frugality tips on the video sharing platform, TikTok, have stooped to an all time low.

Well, Mason has, Mai is a little bit embarrassed at two tips he recently shared.

Many TikTokers have told Mai that she needs to leave him as he is gone beyond being frugal and is simply penny pinching for no good reason.

So what is it that Mason does to save money which pushed people to the limit?

  1. He peels bananas in the supermarket and puts them in a thin bag so when he weighs them at the self-checkout machine, they are cheaper.
  1. When going to Taco Bell, to get out of buying a ‘fizzy drink’, Mason picks up a used cup which has been thrown on the ground so that he can get ‘unlimited refills’.

One of the people who commented on the banana hack video said ‘all that to save 25¢’, which is roughly £0.13 today.

I despair!

This kind of stuff frustrates me.

These types of people frustrate me.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for people being shrewd and savvy with their money, and I don’t have a problem with people being frugal if that is what they want to do… but come on!

Removing banana skins to save 13 pence is just ridiculous.

As for drinking out of a discarded cup that someone else has had their sloppy chops around just so they can get free drinks is… feral, as one commenter nicely put it.

The attempt to get free drinks from Taco Bell is really theft, and that kind of thing can harm businesses.

I don’t know much else about Mason and Mia, they may be trying to be controversial simply to get their videos to go viral and build a big following.

As you know, there’s a lot of money to be made when you have a large following. It is possible that these were stunts, I so hope they were.

If this is genuine and Mason really does peel bananas to save 13 pence and drink out of dirty used cups to save the odd pound now and then… then there’s something fundamentally wrong with him and his thinking.

The amount of time Mason spent peeling bananas to save money really isn’t worth the monetary saving.

If he saved £0.13 every time he did it and it was a weekly occurrence, then Mason saves £6.76 for the whole year.

In my mind, it just isn’t really worth the effort.

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I know that it may only take 30 seconds to do, but that still amounts to just over 15 minutes in wasted time for the year.

Yes, I know that it’s not a huge amount of time, and I know that you cannot necessary accomplish a lot in that time, but if you use that time more wisely, it can earn you a lot more than a lousy £6.76.

This last week I have been reading a lot about people making money using various platforms such as Payhip, Gumroad and Substack to sell eBooks, newsletters, and digital products… some of which could take as little as 15 minutes to create.

A simple checklist and blueprint could take as little as 15 minutes to make and would earn far more than £6.76 over the year… it would earn a lot more.

Saving money is very often the worst thing people can do, especially if that involves a lot of pointless faffing.

As I say, protecting your money is a shrewd thing to do, but you have to weigh up which is better… spending 15 minutes peeling bananas in a supermarket which saves you the grand total of £6.76 over a whole year, or create something that you can sell and make you several thousand pounds.

On paper, which of the two do you think is best?

Instead of drinking out of dirty used cups to avoid paying for a new one, would it not make more sense to simply find a way that earns more than enough money to pay for a clean new cup?

Our good friend, Kate Davies, makes far more than £6.76 most mornings… and that’s before going to work.

Since lockdown in 2020, Kate makes an extra £750 – £1,725 a month while doing her morning workout before work.

After generating over £20,000 in TAX FREE profits, Kate put everything she does down onto paper and asked us if we would kindly publish it for her.

Her manual sold far better than anyone expected.

Through her comprehensive manual, she has taught many others to generate very healthy profits each day… there’s no peeling bananas or drinking out of dirty used cups here, this is pure TAX FREE profits of up to £185 per day!

The good news is… Kate wants to send you a copy of that manual – which has taught hundreds of people how to make up to £1,725 in TAX FREE money each month – for FREE!

If you would like your own copy of Kate’s wildly successful Treadmill Trader manual, click the link below:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Most days Kate spends as little as half an hour before work and makes between £50 and £185 in TAX FREE profits.

And she does it using just her phone!

Here’s that link again:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!