Why Work In A War Zone When You Can Work From The Beach?

“Nobody wants to work in these places. They’re war zones.” Those are the words of Kevin O’Leary, a well-known investor and star of the show Shark Tank, the US version of Dragon’s Den.

O’Leary was talking about remote working and replying to those people who have publicly stated that allowing people to work remotely is no longer a good idea and that people should be coming back into the office instead of working ‘in pyjamas’.

People like Elon Musk and Martha Stewart have publicly shared their anti-work-from-home views, and O’Leary wanted to address this.

He believes that calling people back into the office is foolish as you will not find the best talent to do the job.

The reason for this he says is:

“The economy has changed radically. The problem with saying everybody has to work in the office is you won’t be able to hire the best talent,”

Appearing on Fox’s Outnumbered show, O’Leary insisted that the increased crime in cities like San Francisco is deterring people from returning to offices, whereas before the covid pandemic of 2020, the idea of working in a big city used to be attractive.

He said: “Nobody wants to work in these places. They’re war zones. So, they want to work where they get their jobs done.”

On the show, O’Leary claimed that 40% of workers won’t return to offices, a big difference from the 15% that experts estimated two years ago.

The other point to consider is that those who are in the lofty position of being the best at what they do, they can pick and chose who they work for.

If one company is happy to pay them well for what they do and allow them to work from home where others won’t, it’s unlikely they will choose the one that wants them in the office if that is not what they personally want.

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Coincidentally, the day I read about O’Leary’s comments, I also saw a video by a company that has been tackling car crime in San Francisco and the footage showed cars being broken into while they were patiently waiting in slow moving traffic.

It also showed parked cars being robbed across the city.

It has become a daily occurrence with gangs purposely going out to rob cars and then take their haul to a buyer who would give the robbers cash for laptops, phones and anything that they could sell on.

The footage showed the exchange of goods and cash happening in car parks in broad daylight. The gangs would get paid, then go off to rob more cars only to return within an hour or two to sell another haul.

This was a conveyor belt business of stolen goods.

It was a modern day version of Fagan and his gangs of Artful Dodgers.

I hadn’t realised this, but San Francisco is the grips of a car crime epidemic.

It’s not just stuff being robbed from cars that is an issue; carjacking is a huge problem across the city too.

One carjacking that went wrong resulted in the police shooting dead the carjacker after he crashed and then began shooting at the ‘good Samaritans’ who, unaware that he was driving a stolen car, rushed to help him out of the wreckage.

It is a real problem and the locals are quite-rightly hacked off, and I can see why many people would rather not have to travel into the city to work each day.

Working from home means that they don’t have to fear getting their cars broken into and their personal belongs stolen… while on route into the city!

Working from home is quickly becoming the norm in this new economy… and it’s not all about working for other people either.

You can work for yourself from home and make more money than you would working for someone else… plus you are completely free from all of the office politics that can affect your mood, motivation, and productivity.

Working from home is incredibly freeing because your home can be wherever you make it.

This week your home could be your actual home, the next week it could be a beach-front hotel in Greece, and the week after that it could be an Airbnb with an ocean view in the USA.

Working from home running an online business gives you a lot of freedom. You can choose what you do, when you do it and where you do it from.

To discover what an online and email based business can do for you, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember, because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money.

Now that’s what I call freedom!

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret