How To Make Money Selling Something That Is Abundantly Available For Free

When you think about it, the idea of a paying to lay out on a sunbed or stand up in a small enclosed tube filled with ultraviolet lights to get a suntan is quite strange when you consider that outside; there is a huge burning disk in the sky that bathes the Earth with all the light needed for a tan each and every day for free.

Sunshine is abundantly available every day, and it is completely free!

Yet, there are millions of people who will pay to go to tanning salons to get a sun tan.

I’ve always thought it was a strange concept… until the other day.

A friend of mine, who lives in a country that is blessed with hotter summers and more sunshine than the UK, was complaining that there were no tanning salons close to where she lived.

I asked her why she needed a tanning salon considering that she lives in a place where the sun can burn you to a crisp if you are out in it longer than ten minutes.

In the UK where we have long grey winters, I understand why people use them to ‘top up’ a tan, but when you live in a place with a lot of sunshine, why would you want to use a tanning salon. It baffled me.

Her answer finally made me understand the popularity of sunbeds… she said, “the sun does not consistently reach all of the parts and it doesn’t give you an all-over body tan. Tanning salons do.”

When you lay out in the sun sunbathing it is hard to get the sun down your sides and in to those areas where… ‘the sun don’t shine’.

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When you go out and about in the sun, you often end up with a red face, arms and shoulders but everywhere else is left white due to your clothes.

With a sunbed, you get a controlled, concentrated and consistent all-over coverage.

You know exactly what you are getting when you pay to go on a sunbed… and this is why they are popular.

Sunbeds deliver a solution to an age old problem… not being able to get a decent sun tan using the sun alone.

This is why people pay money to regularly use sun beds even though there is constant free sunshine every day!

You might be wondering why I am telling you this… well the reason is that I want you to understand that if you offer a product or service that delivers a solution to a problem, in the same way sunbeds do, you can make a lot or money.

By offering a solution to a problem that a lot of people are struggling with, you will have a constant source of income.

Tanning salons are always busy with customers.

The only reason tanning salons would close would be from there being too many other salons in the area offering a better priced service, the owners decide to retire, the price of sunbeds drop considerable that everyone buys one, or they are deemed incredibly dangerous.

Tanning salons will not close while there is a big demand for the all-over body tan, and I can’t see that changing any time soon, despite the sun shining each and every day.

This is why people who publish eBooks and digital products make a lot of money, they find problems that a large number of people are struggling with and they create solutions for them.

They help people get what they want, whether that is more money, more free time, or less pain and struggle.

Creating digital products that you can sell online generating a passive income is a lot easier than you may think.

You can have a brand new product created and selling online within 30 days.

To learn how, go to:

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Not only will you be shown how to create a product fast, you will be shown how to install and modify the two page templates that come with this product as a FREE bonus.

Those pages are where you will sell your products from, and you get them for FREE

Here’s that link again: