How Can Two People With The Same Skill Set Have Completely Different Results?

One person is completely struggling while the other is a massive success!

I want to share with you the stories of two different people that I know who basically do the same job, but come at it from different angles.

One is struggling for money, and the other it seems, is laughing all the way to the bank.

Before I say too much, I should first say that life circumstances have played a part in the one who is struggling currently.


As you will soon learn, he could have prevented this from happening and protected his future had he done what he was advised to do several years ago.

OK, so there are two people, I am not going to name names out of respect for their privacy, both of whom specialise in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

SEO is the art of getting your website on the first page of the search results.

Getting your webpages on the first page of the search results for specific search terms can result in a lot of people visiting your website for free generating a lot of sales and revenue.

It is an industry that is changing due to the development of AI tools, but before AI was introduced, the people who could do SEO well, were highly sought after individuals and generally well paid.

Many SEO specialists would work on their own websites and land them on the first pages of the search results to generate a lot of passive income from sales of affiliate products and advertising revenue.

A good SEO specialist would often have several websites earning them a decent monthly passive income meaning that they could focus on other work without stress and fear of not having money coming in to cover living costs.

Many SEO specialists didn’t need to earn an income as they had money coming in passively from their websites or other avenues.

They may do some SEO work for well paying clients, but on the whole, they would just keep adding to their portfolio of websites that earn them a passive income.

And this is what I want to share with you today.

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The difference between the two SEO specialists I am talking about is that one desperately needs money and is currently begging clients for freelance work…

And the other is making more money passively in a year selling SEO eBooks and courses, than the other one makes offering SEO services.

The biggest difference here, other than one is male and from Indian and the other is a female from the US, is that one bounces back and forth between ‘money making ventures’ whereas the other has an idea, plans it out, and sticks with it until it is all in place and running smoothly.

The female SEO specialist now has several products and websites online which are earning her a decent monthly ‘living income’ and everything else she earns from freelance SEO works is a nice bonus.

The male SEO specialist, is still scratching around looking for work that will make him just enough money to feed his family. He has no time to work on his own websites or eBooks because he is desperately looking for much-needed paid work.

The sad thing is that he had been advised many times to do specific things such as create an eBook or build a website to generate passive income and he did have a go, but each time he tried to ‘game the system’ and do a half hearted attempt instead of doing things correctly.

He has had several years where he could have written and published several guides on topics such as SEO and building websites that he could have been selling on platforms like Gumroad and Payhip.

As I say, life circumstances have changed and that is forcing him to currently chase a lot of ‘paid work’, but if life changed suddenly and drastically for the female SEO specialist she would be well protected as she has built a ‘living income’ that will support her.

He too could have been in that position if only he had stuck with one idea until it was completed instead of flitting from idea to idea.

Life can change for people at any minute.

It only takes a split-second and your life could be completely different for the rest of your life.

A passive income takes away the stress of needing to earn money to keep your head above water when dealing with a crisis.

Or should the worst ever happen… a passive income gives your family an income and some financial protection if you are no longer around.

It’s not a pleasant thought, I know, and I hope that you don’t need a passive income for that reason.

The point of today’s article is to remind you how harmful it can be if you don’t stick with one thing until it is complete and instead flip from one thing to another.

When you do that, you are likely to never succeed in anything and when life does strike, you are left struggling and begging for work when your attention should be on something more important elsewhere.

Kind regards

John Harrison.

PS… If you are looking for a way to create a passive income and build your own six-figure-a-year income, clink the link below:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!