The Future Looks Increasingly Bleak… Here’s How To Change That!

I recently watched a show that had a film maker spend time in some of the most deprived and troubled areas of the UK.

As expected, there were a lot neglected social housing, and forgotten people.

The areas were hotbeds of crime, violence and drugs. Many of the young men were carrying weapons including machetes and hand guns.

These are not pleasant places to live, and I am grateful that I haven’t had to live anywhere as bad as that.

Throughout the programme, the presenter who was living in these troubled estates, would befriend people and spend time with them, asking questions and getting to know more about the areas and the problems.

One of the people that he befriended was a guy who was struggling with drug addiction. He had been struggling with his addiction for nearly ten years.

Battling his addiction was hard and had taken its toll on his life.

This guy was living in a bedsit, he didn’t have a job due to depression and anxiety and his addiction, and he had very little money.

At one point, he took his mobile phone into a Cash Converters where they would pay him £50 for the phone which he would later buy back… of pay a monthly interest for them to hold on to it instead of selling it.

Apparently, he had done this 12 times before. The guy admitted that the store had had the phone longer than he had over the last year.

As he handed the phone over hoping to be given £50 so that he could pay off a few debts, he was reminded that his bass guitar was now out of it’s month period and that if he wanted it saving from being sold, he would now need to pay interest at £16 a month.

So instead of getting £50, he was handed £34, which was not enough to cover his debts.

What was interesting was the fact that he had previously pawned his bass guitar and that he had paid more in interest to stop the store selling it than what he had paid to buy the guitar in the first place.

That is just madness!

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It would have been cheaper to have sold it to raise some needed money, and then save up and buy another one later.

I know that sounds ridiculous because he never has any money to save, but whenever he did get any money, it was taken as interest on the items he had pawned… so technically, he could have saved that amount each month.

But, that is desperation and poverty at play.

Research has shown that poverty is very expensive.

When people cannot afford to buy the better and more expensive version of an item, they are forced to buy the cheaper option which doesn’t last as long which in turn means that they have to buy it again… and again… and again.

Most people who are really struggling financially spend far more on basic items than those who can afford to buy better.

It is the same with the pre-paid gas and electric meters.

Studies have shown that those who cannot afford to pay monthly gas and electric bills actually pay far more when using pre-paid meters.

The only way they can keep costs down is when they are forced to go without energy when they do not actually have the money to top up their pre-paid meters.

Without energy, they cannot cook, enjoy hot water, heat their rooms or use any lights.

Add to that battling constantly with mould and damp that a lot of old council housing is prone to and you have a seriously miserable existence.

I am not going to start saying that these people ‘should do this’ or ‘should do that’ as it became apparent that they haven’t got an idea as to what opportunities are available to them.

What they don’t know, they can’t do.

Plus, many of them simply can’t access the tools or the services that could actually help them to make any extra money to make life easier for them or even escape the misery.

With people pawning items like phones and laptops to pay for bills and going without electricity, how are they going to be able to access the information that can help them?

They can’t.

They certainly won’t be able to start an online business if they don’t have a constant connection to the internet, which is a big shame considering that the internet allows people to sell products to people and serve customers from all across the world.

People could make extra money with their phones while having just five minutes downtime.

With people making tens of thousands of pounds each month, and others struggling to keep the lights on… the difference between them is not ability… but WHAT they know.

Those who make a lot of money online know something other people don’t… that and that they take action on that information.

And that is why self-education is vital if you want to accelerate away from poverty and struggle.

With that in mind, I want to share with you an article which will show you a way to make money that you can start today for FREE!

Click the link below to discover…

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

Using certain platforms and just a smartphone, it is possible to create a subscription business that can generate thousands of pounds a month extra.

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once fully established, you could be earning thousands of pounds each month from work which could take less than a day… depending on what you are providing.

A subscription based business is all about the numbers.

Give a large group of people something they want and need at a price they are happy to pay, and you can be paid multiple times for the one piece of work each and every month.

Here’s that link again:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business