Who’d Have Thought Strange Fruit Could Be So Profitable!

Have you heard of the durian fruit?

It’s not something that I recognise, personally.

According to Wikipedia, it is the edible fruit of several tree species and there are 30 recognised Durio species, and at least nine of which produce edible fruit.

Durio zibethinus, native to Borneo and Sumatra, is the only species available on the international market.

So there you go, you now know what a durian fruit is… well, you know about it now.

I don’t believe that I have ever seen one on my travels, and I’m pretty sure that I have never eaten one.

You may be wondering why I am telling you about the durian fruit, well, the reason is that I recently read about a woman, named Albena, who has made around £160,000 writing about the fruit.

Albena is a writer who realised that there were people searching online for information about this little-known fruit and so she set about writing about it.

She publishes her articles to several platforms, including Medium, and she also creates short video versions of her articles which she shares on video platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.

She is about to start creating and publishing content about the lychee fruit (I’ve heard of that one).

This time, she is planning on generating US $1 million (approximately £800,000) in income from that one fruit.

How has she been able to generate £160,000 around one specific fruit, and is expecting to generate a further £800,000 from another?

She did it by simply focusing on that one fruit and writing anything and everything about it.

Not only did she create articles, she created recipes, videos, and even books.

All of her attention was on publishing content around that one fruit.

She even wrote about the history of the fruit, and what people used the fruit for. It wasn’t just content about how to eat the fruit or where you can buy it.

She created content about EVERYTHING about that one fruit.

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I’m not saying that you will be able to do the same if you wrote a lot about the humble Maris Piper potato, it is incredibly common, but looking at her example, you probably could make some money.

If people go searching for content around a specific subject and you have virtually ‘littered’ the internet with content on that subject, it is highly likely that it will be your content that will be shown to them.

When the amount of content you share across several platforms out numbers the competition, it begins to bury their content and you begin to dominate the search engines.

It’s even easier to do when the subject matter is something like a fruit very few people know about.

When few people know about something, it means that a lot of people don’t and that also means that a lot of people could go searching for information.

Think about it, are you likely to do a Google search to explain to you what a potato or a tomato is considering that you eat them regularly?

Or are you more likely to do a search about the durian fruit that is completely new and alien to you?

I believe that she writes about other strange fruit and vegetables.

What I found interesting is that she also offers a service where, for £1,200, her team identifies a specific fruit or vegetable, they build a Medium profile, and then over a six month period they write and publish 30 pieces of content written around that fruit or vegetable.

That’s a rather cool way to make money.

Not only does she make money publishing content around little-known fruit and vegetables, she also makes money offering to do it for other people.

I don’t know if anyone has ever taken her up on that offer, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there has been takers due to the fact that she has published several articles online explaining how much money she has made publishing content around a strange fruit or vegetable.

Who wouldn’t want a piece of that?

If someone pays her and her team £1,200 to publish content about a fruit or vegetable people don’t know much about, and it resulted in them earning £2,400… then it is definitely worth it.

Doubling your money is always a decent return.

With the internet, people can make money year after year with their content and so a £1,200 investment could earn ten times or more back, especially if they carry on publishing new content.

Income amounts will diminish each year if you don’t publish new content, but you can still earn money from content that was published many years ago.

I recently told you about an author who was still to this day earning around £500 a month from a series of books he wrote over 8 years ago which he no longer ‘promotes’.

People were still finding his books and buying them earning him around £6,000 a year in passive income.

There are many different ways to monetise the content you have online, but one of the latest methods which is growing in popularity is to add the content behind a paywall and add a simple Buy Now button on the page so that people have to pay to read the content.

This may not work for fruit and vegetables – unless you are publishing a book or a collection of recipes – but it works nicely for content that will ‘transform’ a person’s life.

If you publish content that helps people to solve a problem such as make more money and/or have more free time, people will pay to access the content.

A perfect example is the content we published here:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Newsletters are one of the easiest ways to make money online today.

People love to read and they love to learn, and newsletters deliver great content directly to people’s phones.

The best thing about online digital newsletters is that you can publish one from wherever you are in the world. It is an easy way to make money that you can take with you on your travels.

To learn more, go and watch the video now.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you watch the video, you will see how easy it can be to create your own video newsletter and paid-for content.

Here’s that link again:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!