Delivering Takeaway Food For Money Is Losing You Thousands Of Pounds!

Yesterday, I was told that the daughter of a close friend had started a second job delivering Indian food in the evening to earn some extra money.

She was paid £45 and given a free meal.

Apparently she enjoyed the job, she enjoyed the extra pocket money, and being a huge fan of Indian food, she enjoyed her free meal.

I am told that she is going to carry on doing it.

I have to praise her work ethic… to a point.

It is good to see that she is willing to work for her money.

She isn’t sitting around and expecting others to pay her way through life.

She is a willing grafter, which is good.


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She is working long days which can be incredibly tiring.

She works a 9 to 5 job and hardly gets much time to herself before starting her evening delivery shift at 6pm.

In that hour, she needs to take her dog for a walk too.

It’s going to be hard to keep up for a long period of time.

Still, she will enjoy the money each week.

She is doing two nights which means that she is earning an extra £90 a week which is a rather decent £360 a month on top of her quite decent monthly wage from her 9 to 5 job.

I believe she spent around £7 in fuel that night, but she was given a free meal which is worth around £10 so even if you take the fuel costs out of her earnings for the night, she has saved money by reducing her food costs.

Her free meal was taken to work the following day.

As I say, I cannot criticise her for doing the delivery job, it will pay for treats and holidays, but it is quite sad that there are younger people who still turn to these kinds of jobs because they do not see the opportunities of the online world.

My friend’s daughter spends most of her spare time scrolling through social media, and watching videos on Tik Tok.

Apparently, she is really enjoying Pinterest at the moment.

Before starting to write this article, I quickly scanned through an article from a woman who claims to be making around £22,035 per month creating ‘viral’ content for Pinterest.

I also saw an article from another woman who was sharing the fact that she had sold over 300 copies of her new eBook which showed people how she was making thousands of pounds on TikTok, and included a detailed case study showing how she had made £58,762 in one year using the platform.

The eBook was priced at £18 and so 300 copies would mean that she has made £5,400… but she has sold over 300 and could be well on her way to hitting 400 copies sold.

When she hits 400 copies sold, she will have generated a rather decent £7,200. That is on top of the money she makes from TikTok too.

The reason I am telling you this is that here are two women who are making money from the comfort of their own homes, creating content that they are either sharing or selling online.

And they are not making just a few pounds here and there; they are making tens of thousands of pounds from their online digital empires.

The question remains; why isn’t my friend’s daughter doing the same?

The answer to that is a combination of…

  1. She is a habitual consumer of entertainment.
  2. She doesn’t really know anything about these opportunities (probably because what she consumes is entertainment and not information).
  3. She doesn’t really know how to start something and stick with it until it is earning.
  4. She doesn’t understand the concept of doing something once and profiting from it multiple times over a long period of time.

Sadly, my friend’s daughter is a person who seems to think that to make money you have to exchange an hour of your time doing something specific for it.

On the surface, she may know that people make money doing things which are not paid for by the hour, but she doesn’t understand it fully.

She may also have acted on impulse.

She may have seen the Indian restaurant advertising for a delivery driver and knowing that she could do with the money, thought to herself ‘I could do that!’ and so decided to give it a go.

I mean… it’s not difficult. You carry a bag to the car, drive a short distance, carry the bag to a door and hand it over and take payment. It’s easy as far as ‘work’ goes.

But there is so much more money that could be made from that time spent delivering food.

I just hope that my friend can convince her to at least stop and look at what opportunities there are for her online.

There are many stories of people who have replaced their day jobs because they were earning more money selling digital products online.

People from all walks of life and from all corners of the world have created incredibly lives for themselves because they decided to build an online income.

Money comes from selling multiple copies of (or access to) a single product.

Sell multiple products and you can be making a lot of money each month.

Instead of driving around for four to five hours for just £45, you could spend four to five hours crafting content which will generate several thousand pounds… which is a far better use of your time, don’t you agree?

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Kind regards

John Harrison

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Here’s that link again:

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