Making Furniture From Graffiti

I’ve always thought that graffiti is such a waste of effort. Much of the artwork is excellent, and yet there’s nothing you can do with it and it gets covered up or removed at the first opportunity. An Israeli-based design studio has decided to do something about it, and created Street Capture which turns wood painted on by anonymous graffiti artists into contemporary furniture.

The project fixed wooden boards in areas frequented by graffiti artists, waited until they’d done their work, and then picked them up, cut them up and re-fashioned them into pieces of furniture. One slightly questionable part of this is that they didn’t tell the graffiti artists what they were doing. I suppose how you feel about that depends on how you feel about people daubing paint where they shouldn’t!

Anyway, might this work in the UK, or is there some other way of capturing and harnessing the work of what are sometimes very talented artists?

Quote Of The Day

“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.”



Alternative Quote Of The Day

“If woman ran the world we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.”

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Robin Williams

Wine In A Pouch

Sometimes, you need to do no more than re-package a product to change the appeal and target market. For example, two American companies, Nuvino and Spotwine, are now re-packaging premium wine in convenient juice-style pouches in single servings. The idea is that it makes the product more accessible for busy unattached consumers.

This is thinking which can be applied to a lot of different products. What would happen if it was made available in smaller quantity, or in more user friendly or easily disposable packaging? Give some thought to how this might apply to your product, or indeed someone else’s product. It may be possible to steal a slice of the market by varying the appeal and offering in this way.

Today’s National Day




from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

  As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

  Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

 Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison