Screenshot taken from BBC Newsround Short
I want to share with you the stories of two different women that I have read and heard about this week.
Starting with the not so nice story of a nurse here in the UK.
I have it on good authority that a nurse who works fulltime recently called the Citizens Advice helpline to ask for a food bank voucher.
I don’t fully know how it works but the people at Citizens Advice working with The Trussell Trust give individuals a voucher for a registered food bank when they are desperate.
They can only hand out a few per person and I think it is something like one a month.
Once you have had your allowed number of vouchers, that’s it. You cannot have any more. Well, not from the Citizens Advice anyway.
It’s sad to hear that a nurse working full time needs to ask for a food bank voucher to feed her family.
It’s sad to hear that anyone who is working should need to ask for help like this. The fact that they are earning a wage should mean that they are self reliant.
Normally, when I hear a case like this, I would question the person’s previous spending habits and relationship with money.
To be working full time and need charitable help would very often have been the result of some previous bad financial decisions and bad habits associated with money and spending.
But with the recent astronomical increases in energy bills and food prices, that’s no longer the case for many.
The nurse requesting help is probably struggling due to current circumstances as are many others.
Now going to the other end of the spectrum, I was reading about a 33 yr old America woman who earns around £628,000 a year in passive income while travelling the world in a yacht with her husband and young daughter working only 10 hours a week.
Michelle Schroeder-Gardner quit her £33,000 a year financial analyst job in 2013 to focus on a blog which she started two years before as a way to track and share the progress of her financial goals…. which at that time was to get out of debt.
When she started her blog,, Michelle was 22 yrs old and struggling to pay off her student debts.
Eleven years later and her life has changed beyond her wildest dreams all thanks to starting that one blog.
It really all started when a company knowing that she had 50,000 monthly blog visitors paid her £80 to write and publish a sponsored post to her blog.
After that she reached out to other companies and continued writing sponsored posts.
She also added display advertising to her blog where she gets paid when adverts are shown and clicked on and she also added affiliate links to other products in her content.
Within two years, she was earning between £4,000 and £9,000 per month which was more than she was earning through her day job.
In the last five years, she has grossed an average of £628,000 per year helping people to manage their finances as well as teaching others how to start their own profitable blog.
Her income comes from three main sources…
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50% comes from affiliate marketing commissions.
20% comes from sales of her two courses. (Michelle has earned over £825,000 selling those two courses alone.)
The rest comes from display advertising revenue.
Michelle’s income is semi-passive as she still needs to produce and publish new content, but she only works 10 hours a week.
She now spends a lot of her time snorkelling, exploring and hiking.
Her life of living on a boat travelling the world and that of the nurse who is asking for help to feed her family are miles apart.
I know nothing more about the nurse other than that she called for help, that I know to be true.
She may be an incredibly busy woman who has a family and is probably strapped for time as well as money.
But the notable difference here is that Michelle started a side business – albeit by accident – which has out paid her job and given her more money and freedom she thought was possible.
Starting a blog today is probably not the best advice for the nurse as she needs financial help right now and as I say, she may simply not have the time to work on it.
When is the right time?
Is there ever a right time?
Michelle started her blog when she was in debt and struggling to pay it off.
She may not have been struggling to eat and pay bills, but when it came to paying back her student loans, she was spinning her wheels.
Had she not started her blog when she did, she wouldn’t be where she is today.
If she had decided that she didn’t have the time or money to start a side business like so many people do, she wouldn’t be out of debt and sailing the world with her family now.
Sometimes, the best thing a person can do is to make the courageous decision to do something and start today.
Once Michelle had been paid £80 to write a sponsored post, she started studying other successful bloggers. She realised that she could make money through her blog.
That first £80 was extra income which went towards easing the pressure and paying off some of the debt.
Once she realised that she could make money online through her blog things began to change.
She sells two courses from her website which have both generated over £825,000 for her over the years.
You too can sell digital products online… products which will make you money at any time of the day and night on autopilot.
The biggest fear for most people is that creating digital products is both time consuming and expensive.
That is simply not true.
You can create a digital product for free… and it can take very little time to do.
You can have your own fully automated passive income system up and running within 30 days.
You could even have one up and running in a weekend if you put your mind to it.
Imagine that you had your own blog website like Michelle selling your own digital products.
Price them at £97 or more and you only need to sell a handful each week to make a decent second income.
Put it this way, selling a handful of products priced at £97 or more each week will prevent you from having to ring the Citizens Advice and ask for a food voucher.
Obviously, there is more to it than simply creating a product and putting it online to sell, you will need to show people your fully automated passive income system but that is also easier than you think.
In The 30 Day To 30K Challenge, you will discover:
- How to create your own digital products which have the potential to earn you £30,000 or more each.
- How to write the perfect sales page to sell the product.
- How to build a website to sell your products from.
- How to fully automate the sales process.
You will also get the two page templates we use when building these fully automated passive income systems.
You can find all of that here:
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Points to consider:
- There is no limit to how many digital products you can sell.
- eBooks can be as little as a 10 pages long.
- You can set whatever price you think is fair for the products you are selling.
- Products can take only a few days to make, a whole fully automated system can be created within 30 days.
- Product creation can be outsourced.
Here’s that link again: