Act Now! … Or Lose Money!

Strike while the iron’s hot is a well known expression meaning ACT NOW.

It is sound advice.

If you don’t strike while the iron’s hot, and instead allow things to cool off, you will not get the results you desire.

A prime example of this is someone on my team who wrote a children’s book six years ago which has still not yet been published.

He wanted the book to have an illustration at the end of each chapter but instead of paying someone on Fiverr to do them for him, he accepted the offer of a close family member to do the illustrations.

Apparently they wanted to be an illustrator but were still in the learning phase.

On top of that, they suffered an ongoing health condition which heavily hindered their learning.

Wanting to support this family member, he waited patiently for them to recover and learn in their own time.

He could have gone to Fiverr and hired someone to do the work, but he wanted to support them and not make them feel any worse than they already did.

Sadly, six years have passed and there are no illustrations and the book has still not been published.

OK, this is slightly different to simply not getting illustrations made as he was trying to support a close family member and help them to develop specific career skills that unfortunately didn’t happen as planned, but… it is the same outcome… six years on and he has not been able to enjoy any rewards from his efforts.

The point is this…

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Far too many people have a product or project that is 70%+ complete that just needs finishing, but they never get around to it and so they don’t get to enjoy any results or benefits that would have come from that product or project.

Had he decided to get illustrations done by someone on Fiverr who is already working as an illustrator, he would have had six years of sales to enjoy.

We can’t know for sure how many sales he would have enjoyed over the six years, but what we do know is that by not getting the book published he has not had one sale.

You cannot enjoy sales if you don’t get anything out to market. It’s as simple as that.

If you don’t do something at the time it needs doing, or at the time you had the idea, you will not benefit from it.

Time will pass and before you know it, six years have flown by and your idea or finished product/project is still sitting in the corner gathering dust.

Whatever ideas you have, or whatever you are currently working on, make sure that you complete it so that you can enjoy the benefits of it being finished.

If you are not in a position to complete something right away due to time or money constraints, plan a way to ensure that the project/product gets completed, and actively work on that plan.

If money is the issue, find a way to make more to help bankroll the project, or put a specific amount aside each week.

If time is your issue, look at where you are wasting time so that you can reclaim some back so that you can work more on your project. Or pay someone to do the work that you are struggling to get done due to a lack of time.

The most important thing is to get the project/product finished so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Yes, there are no guarantees that what you create will be successful, but a finished project/product has a greater chance of success than an unfinished one.

Plus, a finished product that isn’t as successful as you first hoped, can still be used in other ways to help increase your chances of success.

An eBook that doesn’t sell as many copies as you would have liked can become a series of emails or newsletters, a free giveaway to grow an email list, or even a series of videos on YouTube.

A finished product can do so much good for you and your life.

Now… if you are someone who is not interested in creating products or working on projects and would prefer a simpler less involved way to make money, you should take a look at Dan Edwards Z15 Profit System

There is nothing for Dan to finish or complete. He makes a couple of checks and decides on what football games he wants to trade.

He doesn’t wait until the end of the game either, he is like the SAS, he gets in and out as fast as possible.

There’s no sitting around waiting for the final whistle. He takes his profit and runs before the game starts warming up.

If you would like to know exactly what it is that Dan does, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… This is something that can be done from wherever you are using a smartphone or a tablet. It takes a few minutes to learn and a few minutes to implement. It is one of the simplest methods we have ever shared.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System