I caught a few minutes of You Are What You Eat the other day. It is a show which helps people change their eating habits and lose weight.
It’s not the type of show I would normally chose to watch and I probably won’t be rushing to watch it again… at least it is no longer hosted by that pretend doctor who always look poorly, Gillian McKeith.
The idea of being told that you are not likely to live long by a woman who looked like she was going to keel over any second always made me chuckle. The grim reaper looked healthier than Dr (not really a Dr) McKeith.
Anyway, I digress.
The new show is hosted by a respected television presenter Trisha Goddard and has a real fully qualified doctor Dr Amir Khan. Together they help people who have food and lifestyle issues.
On this particular show, a woman named Dawn asked for help with her diet.
She wasn’t overweight or eating a tonne of carb and sugar heavy fatty foods, Dawn was nibbling on pellets throughout the day and needed to relearn how to eat a proper full meal.
Her family were concerned that she was not eating enough of the right foods.
Throughout the day Dawn would nibble on popcorn and chocolate covered rasins… and that was about it.
The reason she doesn’t eat proper food or sit down to enjoy a full meal was very interesting to say the least.
And the reason I am sharing Dawn’s story with you is that I want people to realise that historical events and teachings can be holding you back today.
Things that happened in your childhood, things that you were taught and told many years ago could easily be affecting you today.
Meal Time Trauma
You see, when Dawn was a child, she lived with her mother and father and sister in the country. Her father worked away a lot and her mother was a very ferocious and formidable woman. You’d be right to say that she was a bully and abusive.
Because Dawn’s father spent most of the week away with work, Saturday night was the only time the whole family sat down to eat a meal.
But unfortunately, every week her mother and father began to argue. Dawn’s mother would get very loud, clear the plates away and send the girls to their rooms before they were able to finish eating. They were not allowed to take any food with them.
As Dawn told her story, it sounded like the girls hardly had any access to food. She recalled that her and her sister spent a lot of time outside away from their mother and while they were out, they would constantly graze on berries.
That was their main source of food.
As an adult, Dawn avoided meal times and hardly ate anything other than constantly grazing on small berry like foods.
Dawn had carried that behaviour over into adulthood.
Because meal times as a child were so traumatic and had left a powerful impression on her, her subconscious was driving her to avoid family meals and instead eat her ‘safety’ food alone which were berry sized nibbles.
This is a perfect example of how something which happened in the past, something that is completely no longer relevant today, is holding back a person from enjoying a normal and happy life.
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Now this is a severe case, but don’t be fooled into thinking that it cannot or does not happen to you.
Many people are being run by old programming and haven’t realised it. You may be one of them.
That old programming could be holding you back from achieving so much more in life.
The programming could be a simple phrase or saying that a parent said to you over and over again.
‘I Want Never Gets’
I know a person who told me that when he was a child his mother said to him several times ‘I want never gets’, whenever he wanted something.
What is that saying to a young and impressionable mind?
What it’s saying is that you’ll never get what you want… so there’s no point in trying.
Another one of his mother’s favourite sayings was ‘where did I go wrong?’
She would say that when he did something she didn’t like or agree with, not necessarily when he did something bad or wrong.
Whenever he did something which was aligned with him and he was asserting his own uniqueness, if she didn’t like it, she would hit him with the ‘where did I go wrong?’ line quickly followed by ‘do what you want, you always do anyway.’
Those kind of constant messages break spirits and make a decent person feel that they are always doing something wrong and cannot do anything other than upset and displease people.
He said that in his mind, his mother was saying that she had done a bad job of bringing him up as a child and that he was a faulty human.
It took many years before he realised that those were her issues and not his and that he wasn’t actually a bad selfish person doing bad things, he was simply him doing what he wanted to do.
His mother didn’t like him doing what he wanted to do and that lack of control led to her trying to shame him into thinking he was a bad person for hurting his parents.
So not only was he being told that he would never get what he wanted, he was being told that he was a bad selfish person for trying to be who he was… no wonder he spent years not chasing any dreams or ambitions he had.
But here’s the thing… his mother had learned that behaviour from her parents.
She never stopped to question her programming or motives for doing and saying what she did.
What Past Experiences Are Holding You Back?
You may think that your own beliefs and actions are yours, but are they really?
Are you not doing something because of beliefs and ideas which have been programmed into you by others?
Are you too afraid to spend or invest money on something which could change your life for the better because of something you were told over and over again as a child?
Can you not be bothered to try and get something because you’ve been led to believe that you will never get it?
What you do and the way you look at the world is very often not actually of your own personal doing. More often or not, you are working on other people’s beliefs and ideas.
I could talk and write for hours about this topic. Success in life and in making money is amplified by having the right understanding and mindset.
I’m sure you have heard people use the phrases ‘wealth mindset’ or ‘poverty mindset’ or even ‘success mindset’, and as annoying it is to hear them being repeated over and over again… there is a truth there.
Successful and wealthy people do have a different mindset to those who are not successful or wealthy.
But here is the important thing to remember… you don’t have to be born with it. A successful and wealthy mindset can be cultivated.
Old programming and ideas can be overwritten with a new and empowering one.
To become wealthy, you need to think beyond wealth and understand how wealth works and how you work.
Multimillionaire Stuart Goldsmith will teach you everything you need to know to create the right success mindset and how to create great wealth in his incredible book Beyond Wealth. Learn more here:
Beyond Wealth
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… This is probably the best books written on the subject of cultivating the right mindset for success and wealth.
The mindset of a millionaire is a lot different to the mindset of most people. Get the mindset right and the money will follow. Here’s that link again.