Are You A Freebie Seeker? I Have Bad News For You If You Are!

With so much information online today, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was possible to find everything you needed to learn anything, for free.

For example, if you wanted to build a successful online business that generated a passive income, there will be everything you need online to learn how.

You wouldn’t need to buy any programs or products because it will all be there online somewhere for free.

The problem with free information is that it isn’t always together in one place.

Anyone who wants to source the information required to learn something specific for free will have to spend hours, days, weeks and even months trawling through YouTube videos, web pages, and signing up to email lists to acquire free reports.

It can take a lot of time and effort to sort through the crap to find the most useful information.

Here’s the thing… when you are trying to save money by learning something for free… it actually costs you more in the long run.

It costs a lot in time and effort to learn something for free… and it can cost you a lot in LOST revenue if you are taking forever to get started.

That is one of the problems most people overlook.

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They think they are doing great by learning a new set of skills or building a business for free, but it can take them a lot longer meaning that they don’t see their desired results as fast as they should.

Another thing to consider is the mindset aspect.

People who generally want everything for free and avoid spending money to get what they want, usually don’t believe that they can sell anything for a half decent price.

They may tell people that they intend to sell a product for £297 but deep down inside they will doubt that people will pay that price because they themselves won’t pay it.

Think about it, if they are not willing to pay the price to learn something, then why would others?

Even if you know other people are willing to spend that kind of money, they struggle with the idea that people will buy it from them because they are not the type of person who will spend that kind of money.

Your internal world is expressed through your external actions and so if you are a freebie seeker, it is safe to say that your internal world is all about getting stuff for ‘free’ IE not paying for it, and if that is you, you will find it hard to believe that people will buy from you.

Knowing something and subconsciously believing something are two very different things.

Successful and wealthy people in general pay for tools, services, and education without question.

Yes, wealthy people are generally thought to be tight Scrooge-like characters, but that is because they generally don’t like to waste their money.

They choose what they spend their money on wisely.

They very often question what they are spending their money on and what they will get back from that purchase.

Successful and wealthy people won’t hesitate to spend money on tools, services, and education if it is likely to have a positive return.

Non successful and wealthy people will often spend money on entertainment and pleasure which they can ill afford, successful and wealthy people will avoid entertainment if it will put them in a bad financial position.

Freebie seekers have a mindset that is often associated with greed. They want everything for nothing.

A perfect example of this would be the story of the Queenpins, a group of women in the US who were so obsessed with getting free stuff using coupons, they went on to run one of the biggest multi-million counterfeit scams in US history.

They generated $25 million selling fake coupons via a website at half the ‘saving’ price.

Some coupons would allow a person to claim a product completely free and get ‘cash back’.

For example, a person could use a $25 coupon to purchase a $15 bag of dog food and receive the difference in cash.

They defrauded companies of multiple millions while making millions for themselves, which I believe was laundered by buying items for cash then selling them on.

They were finally caught and punished for their crimes.

The comedy (that’s debateable) film, Queenpins, staring Kristen Bell, Kirby Howell-Baptiste, Bebe Rexha, and Vince Vaughn is based on the real-life story.

I know that many people struggle financially and that they often need to be savvy with their shopping so using free coupons and getting freebies can be a necessity, but genuine people do not want to be in that position for long if they can help it.

Greedy people however, will do their utmost to get anything and everything for free… and that is their downfall.

When you are a person that is constantly on ‘the take’ giving little back, you will suffer in the long run.

People will get fed up of you and avoid you, doors will close to you, and opportunities will dry up.

In all of my years in business, I have to say, I cannot name one freebie seeker who has gone onto be successful and become wealthy…

But I have seen many people who have risked their money buying products, services, tools, and education to go on to become incredibly successful.

It’s like it is some kind of natural law of the universe.

I don’t know if there is any truth to it, I don’t want to go all metaphysical and ‘woo woo’ on you, but it does seem that what you get out of life is determined by what you put into it.

It is also very much amplified.

If you were to spend £1,000 on a project, it could potentially earn you back £10,000 or more, but if you keep on taking, there is nothing of yours to be amplified.

Again, I am not going to say that this is a law of the universe like gravity, but it does seem to be something that we see happening over and over and over again.

You get back what you give.

Even if you don’t get it back today, you do later on in life.

A perfect example of this is someone who paid to learn something specific as a way to land a new job.

They may not get the job they were hoping for at the time, but what they learned helps them a year or two later to land an even better job or do something of their own which is better than the initial job they wanted.

It’s kind of ironic that freebie seekers trying to avoid paying for products or services end up paying a lot more in lost time, energy, and money in the long.

If you cannot buy something due to financial difficulties that is a different story, you do what you can do at the time, but if you are out to get everything for nothing, you will simply not progress far in life.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S… You don’t need to sell counterfeit coupons and then buy and sell items with the proceeds to prevent paying tax.

In the UK, you can make money with horse racing and you pay no tax on the winnings.

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