I am sure you have heard of the book Rich Dad, Poor Day by Robert Kiyosaki.
It is a book which talks about the difference between parents and how they pass on information regarding money and investments to the next generation.
Robert’s own father was the poor dad, whereas his best friend’s dad was the rich dad. In the book he compares the lessons he learned from both men.
What a lot of people do not realise is that their relationship to money and their ability to succeed and become wealthy has a lot to do with the information which has been passed down to them from their close peers.
Take our techy guy Andi for example; he spent years hearing from his family that gambling was a ‘mugs game’.
His mother would tell him the same story that her father told her about when he served in North Africa during the Second World War and how he watched many of his fellow soldiers lose their wages through gambling.
I don’t know if these were soldiers who didn’t have wives and children back home, but Andi’s grandfather was appalled at how they would fritter their money away each week.
I understand that if they had family back in Blighty who relied on the money being sent back by their husbands at the front, gambling it away was not a good idea.
But those men were on the frontline of a major conflict with death just around the corner, I can also understand why they would want some light relief.
It’s not like they had access to social media or YouTube like we do today.
Playing cards was one of the only things they could do on the front line.
This negative view of gambling was something which was being pushed on Andi at every turn.
He was once asked to go on a close friend’s stag do which including going to Market Rasen for the races. All week his mother kept telling him about the dangers of gambling.
Andi had no intention of wasting his money, but he had intended to use the free bet which came as part of the stag do party package. It was one day and he was out to have some fun and so of course he would
Andi placed two bets that day, the only two bets he has ever placed in person at a betting establishment… and both bets won.
He went home that night with more money than he started with and was, according to his suffering good lady, in a complete mess. He was well and truly ‘trollied’ as those funny Lincolnshire folk call it.
When he told his mother, he got the same lecture about the evils of gambling.
What was interesting is that Andi had no intention of gambling regularly, it just wasn’t his thing. He didn’t need to hear all of the anti-gambling rhetoric as he had no desire to make it a regular thing.
Because of years of conditioning and hearing the same old story, he too believed that no good could come of long term gambling…
That was until…
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He met several people who were making thousands of pounds each month using Betfair.
Because Andi wasn’t interested in having a flutter and believed that gambling was bad, he hadn’t actively look into it or pay any attention to that industry… which meant that he had no knowledge or understanding on how betting exchanges or systems worked.
Thanks to a previous work position, Andi attended several seminars where he met several people who used Betfair regularly to make thousands in TAX FREE money.
Meeting those people completely flipped his opinion of gambling on its head.
He soon realised that these people were not actually gambling in the same sense he originally believed, but instead they were making calculated trades which resulted in them winning more overall.
They won more than they lost which meant one thing…
These people were making profits each month… thousands of pounds in profits.
Andi has never forgotten the time when he asked one of the guys what was the most he had won in a month and his reply was £12,000.
His jaw nearly hit the floor.
This guy was working at the time and his sports trading was done at weekends and evenings but during that particular month he took a couple of weeks holiday from work and while the wife was at work, he spent his days trading on Betfair.
Normally, while working the day job, he was making between £5,000 and £8,000 per month.
But on this particular month, he banked £12,000… which as you know, here in the UK is TAX FREE!
This is when Andi’s view on gambling and what was actually possible changed for good.
He realised one vitally import thing that day…
You should only listen to those who actually know more about a specific subject and that you should question the advice which is given by those who don’t have any involvement in the thing they are telling you to avoid.
The people Andi met do something completely different to what those soldiers were doing in North Africa during the Second World War.
You simply couldn’t compare the two… and you most certainly cannot say that what happened to those soldiers will happen to everyone who partakes in a bit of gambling today.
I myself have met several people who make thousands of pounds gambling… or should I say… use gambling systems.
Those who make money trading specific sports do not strictly gamble.
Yes, they use online betting websites and exchanges and they place bets, but they don’t simply choose their bet on a whim or by studying ‘form’ which is often the worst thing you can do.
Every sporting event is independent from previous events with too many variables to successfully predict an outcome.
Whether we like to admit it, just because ‘A’ happened yesterday, it doesn’t mean that it will happen again today. Today is a new day and today’s sporting event is a new event.
The only time you can really predict a successful outcome is if you have extremes such as a race between ‘The Stig’ driving a Lamborghini and a five year old on a tricycle.
Even then there is the risk that the Lamborghini may not start and the child could still cross the finish line before it is repaired.
Gambling on outcomes can be dangerous…
Using a system which takes into consideration other factors which most people ignore is how people like our good friend Roy makes TAX FREE lump sums of £47,000 or more each year.
Roy banked £47,000 within a year after developing a system which takes into account the law of averages and probabilty instead of focusing on ‘outcomes’.
If you would like to know more about Roy and the system which allows him to help himself to TAX FREE weekly amounts of £903, click the link below:
System 903
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.
Here’s that link again: