All posts by Streetwise

Would You Say Yes To £30,000 For One Week’s Work?

This morning I’ve been adding the final touches to a new product we are soon to launch.

The product was sent to us by a customer who asked if we would be interested in selling it for him on a joint venture basis.

I’ve been liaising with him over the last couple of days to tidy a few bits up and think that it is nearly ready to go.

I just need to create the sales copy for it and we are good to go.

The reason I am telling you this is that this product could make this person several thousand pounds before the end of the year.

I believe it will continue to make money over the next few years as it is a subject that is not going to change or disappear any time soon.

The point I want to make is that the product is something that he put together whenever he had ‘a few spare minutes’ in his busy schedule.

The tools he used to make the product were:

  • A laptop
  • Google docs for writing the product and the sales copy. (Free to use)
  • A free art package for cropping and modifying screenshots, and making a cover.

Other than his laptop which he bought a while back, the product cost him nothing to create.

It is also less than 50 pages long.

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It is something that he has been working on quietly as and when he could, but if you were to add up the time he has spent working on it, it would probably amount to less than a week.

He has created a product which over the next few years could now generate the equivalent of a year’s wage or more… for less than one week’s work!

I’m going to make a prediction based on the results we have had on previous products and say that this one product will make at least £30,000.

I actually believe that it will make a lot more than that over its lifetime.

You see, I expect both him and my company to make over £30,000 each.

Think about that for a minute.

He spent the equivalent of one week, possibly no more than five days in total creating a product and its accompanying sales page that I expect is going to make him over £30,000.

How does that sound to you?

I hope you are beginning to realise that this is not a hard thing to do.

The reason we are selling it is that it is similar to the other products we sell, and the fact that when he contacted us there was a product to look at and a sales page to work with.

If he had contacted us with just an idea, I would have sent him on his way. I only consider products that we can look at and that has a sales page that I can work with.

It doesn’t even have to be a great sales page, I am willing to make changes if I believe the product is worth selling.

I am always willing to look at people’s products, I may say no to some of them, but I am always willing to look at them. But they must be products, not just an idea or concept.

Most of the products we have sold made at least £30,000, they often take very little time to create, and they are often less than 100 pages long… we’ve even sold manuals that are less than 15 pages long.

Digital products and information products are incredibly profitable and very easy to create.

The amount of money they make can be life changing.

To discover more go to:

The 30 Day To £30K Challenge

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… You can create and publish your own digital product within 30 days and have a passive income asset online for many years.

There is no number to how many digital products you can publish.

Here’s that link again:

The 30 Day To £30K Challenge

I See A Lot Of Potential Profits With This…

Following on from a previous article (Can You Earn Six Figures A Year Building Websites?) where I told you about a website that was for sale and the owner was looking for £22,000, well, today I was told about another website that also sold for £22,000.

This website had 1,200 articles which were mostly written by AI and then touched up by human hands.

This website was generating between £630 and £955 each month.

Whoever bought the website did so as an investment.

That website is generating a passive income each month.

At the lowest earning range of £630, it would take just under 3 years for the buyer to make his money back.

With a little planning and maintenance the website could earn over £955 each month meaning that the buyer could earn his investment back within 2 years.

After that, once the running costs are accounted for, it would be all profit.

£22,000 is a decent amount of money to make for a website.

I cannot say how much of that is straight profit as I don’t know what the running or build costs were, or how much the selling fees were, but it is safe to say that they have made a big chunk of profit from that sale.

The more I think about it… the more I believe that there is a lot of money to be made selling websites.

I was shown a series of emails from a company that specialises in selling websites, and in those emails were a few of the latest listings.

In one email, 3 of the 4 websites for sale were ‘starter websites’ which means that they have little or no visitors and are earning little or no income.

All 3 of the websites were priced at £800 or more.

One of the 3 websites has been bought and the asking price for that website was £1,400.

I don’t know what the buyer paid for it as there may have been more than one person bidding on it.

Potential buyers can submit offers and so it is possible that it went for less than the asking price… or it may have sold for a lot more if there were multiple people bidding on it.

The website was in the cat (pet) niche which is a very profitable industry.

Another website which focuses on lawn mowers and earning an average £220 a month was up for sale at £6,600.

This website is a couple of years old but if it sells for £6,600, that is still an incredible return.

There are people who build multiple websites to sell and they can be making far more money than most people do working hard in a day job.

The average annual UK salary is set to reach £29,588 in 2023; we have already seen people selling individual websites at £22,000… at that price it wouldn’t take many website sales to smash through that.

I think there is a lot of money to be made building and selling websites… but there can be a lot of work involved if you are looking to sell websites for prices above £20,000.

I believe that there is a huge market for ‘starter sites’ which sell for over £1,000 each.

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The starter sites that I used as examples had quite a lot of articles added to them and were built as a way to generate passive income from advertising revenue and affiliate sales.

I believe that there is an audience for websites that have just 3 or 4 pages and a couple of digital products.

These websites have:

  1. A simple landing page to build an email list with a free digital product (lead magnet) that is either delivered by email or a download page.
  2. A sales page with a ‘Buy Now’ button, and a paid digital product that is either delivered by email or a download page.
  3. 5 or 7 pre-written follow-up emails.

This starter site is built ready for people to start working with and I believe could be sold for up to £1,997possibly more.

People are not just buying a website; they are purchasing the exclusive resale rights to a digital product and the sales page that goes with it.

They are also purchasing the exclusive rights to the digital product that is given away to build an email list.

They are buying a ready-made online business where they can start sending people to as soon as they have paid for it.

Products don’t need to be anything big; they could be a simple eBook.

As long as the quality of the eBook is good and it covers a topic that a lot of people want to know more about, then you should have a product that people are willing to buy… and a product someone would be willing to buy from you to sell as their own.

I see a lot of profitable potential with this idea, but it gets better… as well as creating these product-loaded websites to sell as ready-made businesses to other people, you can create your own and earn a passive income from the sales of your own digital products.

Let’s say that you create a product-loaded website about the popular ‘keto’ diet to sell, you can take the same content you used to create the landing page, the sales page, and the products, and rebrand it all and use it as your own.

Basically, you create two versions of the same website and products and you keep one and sell the other.

And when you have made plenty of sales through your own website, you could sell it for more than the first one because it is an established business with a history of making money.

If this sounds like something you would like to do, Andi, our techy guy, shows you exactly how to create simple digital products along with their own sales pages…


He also shows you how to build the website and put everything together so that you have a fully finished automated passive income system (that could be sold for £1,997) of your own within 30 days or less.

Learn more here:

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… If you follow everything in The 30 Day To £30K Challenge, you could quite easily have 12 of these websites made over the course of a year.

That’s 12 websites you can either sell, or have as your own fully automated passive income systems making sales 24/7.

Here’s that link again:


Can You Earn Six Figures A Year Building Websites?

How much would you pay for a passive income that was already making £423 on average each month?

This morning while having a quick look through a few groups on Facebook I saw a website being sold which was earning around £423 a month from advertising revenue.

The website had a lot of potential because there was a lot of content around the ‘technology’ niche which could be used to make Amazon affiliate commissions as well as the advertising revenue.

The website had around 24,000 visitors in the last 28 days. That is quite a lot of traffic. There is a lot of potential with a website that big.

What I found interesting is that the guy who selling the website is asking $28,000 for it, which is about £22,000 at time of writing.

That price is around 52 months the average monthly earnings.

That is a little steep in my opinion, but… if he were able to sell if for that price, he only needs to make and sell 5 websites a year to smash through six figures.

I was recently told that the price of a website is now usually determined by taking the average income of the last 6 months and then multiplying it by 20 or 30.

So the price for this website should be somewhere between £8,460 and £12,690.

I’d feel more comfortable paying £8,460 for a monthly income of £423 than £22,000.

I personally believe that the website is overpriced, but price can also include the ‘potential’ it has to grow.

A website that is not earning a penny can still be sold for around £2,000 because of what it includes and what it could do for a person.

For example, to rent a restaurant space that has all of the necessary items such as tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, and kitchen equipment, it would cost more in rent than one which was just an empty shell.

You are paying for the ability to start trading today without any more work or the added expense of having to buy the items needed to get started.

It is the same with websites; you can buy a brand new one with little to no content for a couple hundred pounds, or for more money you can buy one with all the necessary pages and content needed to start building your online business today.

Why am I telling you this?

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Well, there are two reasons really.

  1. You could buy yourself a readymade website that is ready to start making sales and/or grow an online business.


  1. You can build websites to sell to other people.

The other day I was thinking of a question I had seen being thrown around on social media which said something along the lines of…

‘If you needed to make £2,000 pretty fast, what would you do?’

After seeing the posts in the Facebook group for buying and selling websites, it got me thinking that it could be quite easy to make £2,000 pretty quick by building and selling simple websites.

They don’t need to be earning money either… but if they were, then the amount you can sell them for increases.

As always, it is far easier to sell when you have people to sell to. With websites, you can list them on dedicated market websites such as Flippa and Motion Invest.

To make a quick £2,000 would require 8 simple websites priced at £250, which could take someone less than a week to put together.


One website with a digital product like an eBook that is ready to sell, which could also take as little as a week to put together.

As with everything in life, you need to match the product with the right audience, but I imagine that it is possible to create one new website each week that can be sold for £2,000.

One new website each week would give you 52 websites in a year earning you a rather decent £104,000.

Obviously, you will have a few weeks off for holidays… and you may sell some websites for more or less, but you could quite easily build a six-figure-a-year income building simple websites that you sell to investors looking for more digital assets.

And that is the point that I want you to think about, like property, websites are assets that can generate an income or be sold for a profit.

And that is why people like to buy them and add them to their portfolios of digital properties.

If I showed you a way to double £1,000 to £2,000… you’d be interested, right?

Well, that is what these people are doing when they are buying websites.

They are looking for a way to double their money.

They are looking for websites (digital property) that they can buy, relatively cheaply compared to real property, which will double their investment.

Websites can be incredibly cheap to buy and have a greater potential to double, triple, quadruple the investment… often far more.

Discover how easy it can be to build a website that you can sell, click the link below:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Points to consider:

  • A simple website can have as little as 3 pages.
  • A simple website can take as little as an hour to build.
  • You can sell to investors from all around the world.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Did You Know… Being ‘Regular’ Can Be Incredibly Profitable!

The other day, I read a post on social media discussing Russell Brunson’s statement ‘If you put out one piece of content every day for one year, you will never need to look for customers again’… or words to that effect.

There is a truth to this, however it does depend on what the content is that you put out and what you sell.

Plus, your positioning is also important.

Many celebrities and professionals are kept in work due to them regularly sharing content online.

It is true for them, they share interesting videos, podcasts, and articles, and then media companies see them and invite them to work with and for them.

The constant publishing of content keeps them in the limelight and keeps them a familiar face.

But for every person who is given work through their daily content posting, thousands of others are overlooked and ignored.

A lot of it depends on you as a person (are you relatable and likeable?), and your message.

What is it that you are talking about?

Does it help people?

Does it entertain people?

As for Russell Brunson, he never stopped putting out content and so he is really filling the lake with fishing hooks.

He tailored his message for a specific audience and created omnipresence where his name was known by virtually anyone in his field.

You turn around any corner online, and you are likely to be greeted by Russell on one of his many adverts, or a piece of his content that has been shared.

He will never be short of work or sales of his products because he is a celebrity in his circle, and he planned it that way.

Another thing I would like to add and that is your products and services can age, and one year of publicly published content and a few products will not keep feeding you for life… unless you happen to be a hugely popular and successful children’s author.

Elvis was one of the biggest stars of music and film ever, but as every year passes and new generations are born, his music is played less, and less people will buy his songs.

When was the last time you saw an Elvis film being shown on one of the main television channels?

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This is one of the reasons why record labels release ‘Greatest Hits’ albums.

Super fans would no doubt already have all of a bands previous albums and songs… but they don’t yet have this album.

The songs may be old and fans may already have them all, but this album is new, the artwork is new, the advertising for the album is new.

It reaches old fans and new fans.

Aging musicians like Rod Stewart release new albums and perform at gigs because they need to keep putting out new stuff and to be seen… plus it is what they love doing.

But many musicians, especially new younger ones today publishing on streaming platforms, cannot live off a few songs and albums that were popular years ago.

A few do, but many don’t.

As much as I agree with the statement that publishing content online every day for one full year will do you a lot of good financially, in most cases it has to be well planned, and you cannot rely on it forever.

New content needs to be published. Maybe not every day, but new content needs to be published otherwise the old will disappear into the past.

The new content props up the old content, it sends people to your old content and keeps your old content being seen.

Content can be incredibly easy to create and publish.

What you are reading now is content, it can be sent as an email, added to a website, added to platforms such as, shared on social media, recorded into a microphone and converted into a podcast and a video.

Or it can be done the other way round… you record a podcast and then add the audio to a few images and create a video, then have the audio transcribed into written text and use it in emails and articles.

You can create several pieces of content from one if you plan it well. The more content you get out there, you will be seen by more people.

The point that Russell was making, and it is a point that I agree with completely, is that when you become ‘known’, ‘liked’ and ‘trusted’ by a large number of people, and you are being seen regularly in specific parts of the internet, people are ‘drawn’ to you and they will spend money with you either hiring your services or buying products from you.

Think of the classic US sitcom ‘Cheers’.

Why are regulars called regulars?

It’s because they go regularly and are seen regularly. That is why they all know each other by name.

And when people get to know each other, they tend to pass work, opportunities and money between themselves.

And that is what will happen when you publish content online every day for one full year.

You become known to people. You are a regular that they trust.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… if you haven’t already claimed your two FREE copies of our popular newsletter, Streetwise Confidential, click the link below:

Two Free Copies Of Streetwise Confidential

Who’d Have Thought Strange Fruit Could Be So Profitable!

Have you heard of the durian fruit?

It’s not something that I recognise, personally.

According to Wikipedia, it is the edible fruit of several tree species and there are 30 recognised Durio species, and at least nine of which produce edible fruit.

Durio zibethinus, native to Borneo and Sumatra, is the only species available on the international market.

So there you go, you now know what a durian fruit is… well, you know about it now.

I don’t believe that I have ever seen one on my travels, and I’m pretty sure that I have never eaten one.

You may be wondering why I am telling you about the durian fruit, well, the reason is that I recently read about a woman, named Albena, who has made around £160,000 writing about the fruit.

Albena is a writer who realised that there were people searching online for information about this little-known fruit and so she set about writing about it.

She publishes her articles to several platforms, including Medium, and she also creates short video versions of her articles which she shares on video platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.

She is about to start creating and publishing content about the lychee fruit (I’ve heard of that one).

This time, she is planning on generating US $1 million (approximately £800,000) in income from that one fruit.

How has she been able to generate £160,000 around one specific fruit, and is expecting to generate a further £800,000 from another?

She did it by simply focusing on that one fruit and writing anything and everything about it.

Not only did she create articles, she created recipes, videos, and even books.

All of her attention was on publishing content around that one fruit.

She even wrote about the history of the fruit, and what people used the fruit for. It wasn’t just content about how to eat the fruit or where you can buy it.

She created content about EVERYTHING about that one fruit.

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I’m not saying that you will be able to do the same if you wrote a lot about the humble Maris Piper potato, it is incredibly common, but looking at her example, you probably could make some money.

If people go searching for content around a specific subject and you have virtually ‘littered’ the internet with content on that subject, it is highly likely that it will be your content that will be shown to them.

When the amount of content you share across several platforms out numbers the competition, it begins to bury their content and you begin to dominate the search engines.

It’s even easier to do when the subject matter is something like a fruit very few people know about.

When few people know about something, it means that a lot of people don’t and that also means that a lot of people could go searching for information.

Think about it, are you likely to do a Google search to explain to you what a potato or a tomato is considering that you eat them regularly?

Or are you more likely to do a search about the durian fruit that is completely new and alien to you?

I believe that she writes about other strange fruit and vegetables.

What I found interesting is that she also offers a service where, for £1,200, her team identifies a specific fruit or vegetable, they build a Medium profile, and then over a six month period they write and publish 30 pieces of content written around that fruit or vegetable.

That’s a rather cool way to make money.

Not only does she make money publishing content around little-known fruit and vegetables, she also makes money offering to do it for other people.

I don’t know if anyone has ever taken her up on that offer, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there has been takers due to the fact that she has published several articles online explaining how much money she has made publishing content around a strange fruit or vegetable.

Who wouldn’t want a piece of that?

If someone pays her and her team £1,200 to publish content about a fruit or vegetable people don’t know much about, and it resulted in them earning £2,400… then it is definitely worth it.

Doubling your money is always a decent return.

With the internet, people can make money year after year with their content and so a £1,200 investment could earn ten times or more back, especially if they carry on publishing new content.

Income amounts will diminish each year if you don’t publish new content, but you can still earn money from content that was published many years ago.

I recently told you about an author who was still to this day earning around £500 a month from a series of books he wrote over 8 years ago which he no longer ‘promotes’.

People were still finding his books and buying them earning him around £6,000 a year in passive income.

There are many different ways to monetise the content you have online, but one of the latest methods which is growing in popularity is to add the content behind a paywall and add a simple Buy Now button on the page so that people have to pay to read the content.

This may not work for fruit and vegetables – unless you are publishing a book or a collection of recipes – but it works nicely for content that will ‘transform’ a person’s life.

If you publish content that helps people to solve a problem such as make more money and/or have more free time, people will pay to access the content.

A perfect example is the content we published here:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Newsletters are one of the easiest ways to make money online today.

People love to read and they love to learn, and newsletters deliver great content directly to people’s phones.

The best thing about online digital newsletters is that you can publish one from wherever you are in the world. It is an easy way to make money that you can take with you on your travels.

To learn more, go and watch the video now.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you watch the video, you will see how easy it can be to create your own video newsletter and paid-for content.

Here’s that link again:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

How Long Before You Are Replaced By A Robot?

While doing a quick scan of the BBC website this morning I saw an article with the headline ‘How long until a robot is doing your chores?’

A quick read of the article revealed that there are several companies that are a busy working on creating AI robots and tools specifically to do the household chores everyone hates.

Even Elon Musk has a company working on creating a home-help robot which he believes will be on the market in just a few years.

Technology is moving fast and technology will evolve and develop fast in the next ten years.

I don’t know whether there will be any robots helping around the home in the next ten years or not, but it is interesting that there are so many companies spending a lot of money on developing them.

They say the market is going to be huge, and if the film iRobot is anything to go by, it could be.

There are billions of people on the planet with most of them hating doing chores such as washing pots and cleaning.

The question is this… will there be many people that will be able to afford to buy a home-help robot?

I personally doubt it.

With AI set to put millions of people in the creative industries out of work, labour focused robots that do the house hold chores would also put a lot of cleaners and home-helps out of work too.

With so many people going to be out of work and not earning a wage, there will be less and less people who could afford to buy a home-help robot.

Will the governments step in and start paying people a living wage and pay for people to have home-help robots?

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I somehow doubt that.

Governments and politicians have been more interested in self-serving power than working for the greater good of society.

Who knows, the home-help robot could have the complete opposite effect and create a booming industry for human cleaners and home-helps.

I can’t imagine that a robot that is capable of looking after the household chores, similar to those seen in the excellent Channel 4 series Humans, would cost anything less than £10,000.

They could be a lot more.

At that price, you could pay to have a real human cleaner come and work for you for several years. You could possibly get ten years of service for the price of a home-help robot.

Ok, they may not come and clean your pots every day, but dishwashing machines do that anyway.

It takes a few minutes to load and unload a dishwasher and I cannot imagine that a home-help robot is going to stand at a sink washing the pots for you; they will simply load the dishwasher and leave the machine to do the work.

£10,000 is a lot to pay out for a robot just to load and unload a dishwasher and do a few other simple jobs such as vacuum the carpets.

Plus, if there is a fault and your robot breaks down, new parts may be quite costly and I imagine that for safety reasons, robots may require a yearly check-up similar to a car MOT, and I doubt that will be done for free.

I understand that robots could be incredibly useful when exploring space, studying inhospitable planets, and doing jobs that are extremely dangerous to humans… but washing pots, making beds, and hoovering the lounge?

It seems an unnecessary and expensive extravagance to me.

I’m all for outsourcing the cheap work so that you have more time to focus on the work which makes you the most money, and washing pots and hovering are low costing tasks… but I don’t think spending tens of thousands of pounds on a home-help robot is a good use of your money.

That money could be invested elsewhere, or used in a way that would generate tens of thousands of pounds more.

In fact, I would rather wash the pots and pay someone a few hundred pounds to do a specific task for me that could generate a return of thousands of pounds.

There is an art to using your ‘time and money’ and if you use it wisely and efficiently, it will give you a lot more time and money back.

The future is going to be interesting to say the least.

I cannot say whether home-help robots will soon become the norm, but I don’t think they are going to be a good investment.

At least, not for the majority of the people at the moment, once they become as common as a vacuum cleaner then they may be worth it… but I wouldn’t bank on it.

What I do bank on is that in the future people will still enjoy sports and they will still enjoy betting on sporting outcomes.

The world around us changing fast, but one thing I don’t imagine is going to disappear anytime soon, is gambling.

It’s the oldest hobby in all of history and is likely to have preceded the invention of money itself.

I don’t see gambling or sports going away any time soon and because of that, I believe it is one of the best future-proof ways of making extra money.

It can also be one of the easiest ways to make money.

Take The Easy As 1-2-3 Betfair System by John Banks for example, John makes a couple of simple checks to see which horses qualify and then he places his bets.

It’s as easy as that.

There is nothing complex to learn, or any complicated working-out to be done, simply check that a specific criterion is met, and you are good to go.

You could be doubling your money every 3 to 4 weeks with this system.

Learn more here:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S… You can started right away with just £100 and after 6 months, you could be sitting on a decent tax free £12,800!

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3

How To Make Money Fast With PPR & PPV Micro Products

I’ve just put together a little list of what I want incorporated in my next PPR/V micro product.

For those that don’t know what a PPR/V micro product is, it is an article or video that is published online that is hidden behind a Paywall.

The PPR/V stands for Pay Per Read or Pay Per View.

Putting it simply, people pay to read an article or watch a video.

Think of the special Pay Per View boxing matches that Sky Sports do… I assume they are still doing it.

It always amused me that people would pay to access a television channel dedicated to sports, only to have to pay more to watch the sports they really wanted to see.

Interestingly, a hell of a lot of people would pay the extra.

What is even more impressive is that people would pay more to watch two men have a scrap.

If you pop to your local at closing time, it is highly likely that you will get to watch an even more entertaining brawl for free.

Anyway, I digress…

PPR/V micro products are digital products that people can instantly access online for a price.

These products are educational and tutorial in nature.

But considering that people pay to watch two grown men beat each other around the head with padded gloves, and other dubious content such as videos of women’s feet… you could quite easily do this with entertainment too.

I think they are a great way for people to get started online.

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I recently ran a test and sold access to a product that I had Andi, our techy guy, put together.

The brief was simple… to create something simple.

It had to be easy and quick to create, people needed to learn something that could make them more money, something that most people could do, and something that people would pay to learn.

Have a look HERE!

The price was kept low on purpose for the experiment but it could have been more considering what people learned when they watched the video.

My next PPR/V micro product will cost more… but again, it will be worth the price people pay. I’m thinking of pricing the next one between £10 and £20.

This is probably the quickest and easiest way to create a product to sell… and that is what the next product will be about.

A micro product can be created in less than a day. You could create several in a week. I dare say that you could create several in a day if you planned your day well.

Knowing how simple this is, I fear that I could lose staff. They may go and set up their own profitable website selling micro products.

And who could blame them?

It really is that simple to do.

Combine that with building up an email list and you are putting yourself into an incredibly profitable position.

A large email list and the ability to create stacks of digital micro products quickly means that you can make money on demand.

Create a quick product, send an email to your list, and make sales.

Sounds like the perfect system to me.

The Email Secret

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Once up and running, it can take as little as ten minutes to write a money-making email that you can send to your email list.

Plus, this is away to make money that you can take anywhere in the world and you can work on it at any time of the day or night… whichever suits you best.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

The One Simple Profitable Habit That Separates Doers From Dreamers According To Steve Jobs

Nearly 30 years ago, the founder of one of the biggest tech firms ever, the late Steve Jobs, said in an interview that the one simple habit that separates the doers from the dreamers is…

The ability to ask for what you want.

In an interview in 1994, Jobs said:

“Most people never pick up the phone and call. Most people never ask, and that’s what separates the people who do things from the people who just dream about them.”

Being able to ask people for what you want is what made him, and many other people, incredibly wealthy.

A lot of people are too afraid to ask other people for the things they want.

Maybe it is a fear that stops people from asking for what they want. It could be a fear of commitment, a fear of being seen as a nuisance, a fear of rejection and having their request refused.

Whatever it is that stops people from asking, it is stopping people from making a lot or money and leading incredible lives.

Jobs got his big break when at the age of 12; he mustered up the courage to call Bill Hewlett, the co-founder of Hewlett-Packard and said “I want to build a frequency counter, and I was wondering if you have any spare parts I could have”.

Apparently, Hewlett was so impressed with Jobs’ boldness; he gave him the parts and a summer job at HP.

That one phone call changed the course of Jobs life and taught him one of the greatest lessons of his life:

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Be willing to ask for something you want.

Anything and everything that has ever happened in the world came about by those who were bold enough to ask other people for help, for money, for advice, or in Steve Jobs’ case… for parts.

The next big lesson that is life changing and goes hand-in-hand with asking for what you want… is to not take no for an answer.

I don’t mean that you should ignore someone who says no to you and to keep asking them the same question until they relent and say yes as a way to get rid of you.

Some people may say no simply because they are not in a position to give you what you want at that specific time.

It’s not about pestering people to the point of submission; it is about moving on to someone else and asking them for what you want.

Think of authors like JK Rowling.

She wanted her first Harry Potter book publishing and so she asked book publishers if they were interested. Twelve publishers said no, one said yes.

Yes only needs to be said once for it to be life changing!

Had she taken the first no for an answer, she wouldn’t have moved on to the other publishers, and if she had carried on pestering the first publisher she would most certainly have never had the book published.

She asked… and she didn’t take no for an answer.

As the saying goes:

‘If you don’t ask, you will never know.’

It’s better to ask and be told no, than to never have asked at all and have no idea as to what could have been.

It’s even better to ask and be told no and then to move on and ask someone else.

Elon Musk wouldn’t be where he is today if he hadn’t asked for help when starting PayPal all those years ago.

He didn’t do it all himself. He needed help and he needed financing.

Like Jobs, he asked people for what he wanted and needed.

Some people said yes and he got what he wanted and needed.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… if you haven’t already claimed your two FREE copies of our popular newsletter, Streetwise Confidential, click the link below:

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When Change Is Forced Upon You… It’s Time To Flourish!

Well, I wasn’t expecting to talk about this woman again, but… the 50-year-old Instagramer who had spent £300 having a website built has had a moment where the planets aligned for her.

A day or two after announcing that she had launched her new website, she was told that the company she works for were being forced to reduce working hours, and possibly reduce staff numbers.

It appears that she could soon be working less hours, or quite possibly have no job at all.

Fortunately for her, she has already built up a pretty impressive following on Instagram and has now set up a website where she can sell products such as eBooks, and courses.

To say that she is in a fortunate position is an understatement. It seems that the planets have aligned for her and she is now in a good position to weather the storm.

40,000 followers interested in what you have to say around a specific topic, and a place from which to sell digital products that talk more about that specific topic is probably going to be a huge lifesaver.

If she does lose her job, it could potentially be the best thing to happen to her… work wise that is.

Why do I say that?

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Well, take Pat Flynn as a perfect example.

Pat is a popular blogger, speaker, author, and affiliate marketer. He has built himself a wonderful career online earning him millions of pounds… and it all happened when he was made redundant from his architect job way back in the summer of 2008.

Pat was happy working fulltime in his dream job as an architect when without warning, he was made redundant.

Fortunately for him, when he was laid off, he had something to fall back on, although he didn’t know it at the time.

He didn’t realise that he already had something to fall back on until he was forced to find a way to bring in a wage.

While Pat was studying architecture, he set up an online blog, and as a way to help him remember what he was trying to learn he wrote about specific aspects of architecture and published his writing online.

By the time he was made redundant; Pat’s website was being visited regularly by others who were also studying architecture. It became a valuable resource of learning materials to other students of architecture.

Realising that his blog was helping others, he created an eBook teaching students on how to pass the architecture exams, he added adverts to his blog, and soon began to make money.

He turned his attention to blogging and began to learn more about writing ‘keyword rich’ content which was being searched for, he learned more about affiliate marketing, and eventually began to teach people how to make a passive income with affiliate marketing, blogging, and building an online business.

He has since published several books, has a successful podcast, a successful YouTube channel, and gives talks at speaking events around the world.

Pat used to release his monthly online earnings and he was making tens of thousands of pounds each month.

His main website now has 19 online courses ranging from free to $499 (£392 ATOW).

Being made redundant was his big turning point.

He freely admits that had he not suddenly found himself unemployed, he probably would not be as wealthy or as successful as he is now.

Sometimes, losing what you have can be the trigger required to make the changes you need to succeed.

Change is scary, but it can often be the best thing to happen to you.

It might be the best thing that happens to the woman who has only just launched her £300 website.

That is an amazing price when you consider that it means she has a place to sell digital products and services for two years, and it also includes it being built by a web designer friend.

If you do it yourself, you can do it for less than £125 for two years… as discussed here: It’s No Brainer, Really!

The wonderful thing about websites is that people can visit them at any time of the day or night using their smartphones and tablets, and buy a course without the owner needing to do anything other than bank the money.

I noticed that Pat Flynn has several products priced at $49 (£38 ATOW) which he calls workshops. His workshops appear to be a series of short videos with one workshop having a total of 2 hours and 19 minutes of video.

I have seen other workshops by other people that are just one video that is around an hour or two long.

I’ve seen some that are no longer than 30 minutes long.

There is no need to break up a video into loads of smaller videos.

Some people may perceive a series of videos as ‘more value’ for their money, others may perceive them as ‘a lot of work’ whereas one video appears to be less work, even though the total time of video training is the same.

The point I’m trying to make is that you can simply record a video for an hour and charge up to £49 for it… possibly more.

That does depend on whether you know what you are talking about and can actually help the person who has purchases it.

The great thing about online video is that if it is a live tutorial such as the one HERE, there is very little editing required and it can take no longer than the actual recording.

For example: a 30 minute video may only require an extra couple of minutes adding a cover graphic, and that’s it. In total, it may take 35 – 40 minutes to get the video finished and then added to your website.

Videos don’t need to be as polished as eBooks or reports.

The information and what they teach is the important part and as long as the person watching the video can clearly see what you are doing and hear what you are saying, then that is good enough to be sold.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… if you haven’t already claimed your two FREE copies of our popular newsletter, Streetwise Confidential, click the link below:

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It’s A No Brainer, Really!

Yesterday I told you about the woman who spent £300 having a website built which she now has for two years.

I also told you that she could easily make that money back, and with the amount of followers she has on Instagram (40,000+), she could make that money back fast.

She would only need to sell 30 copies/places of a product that costs just £10.

That is nothing.

It can be incredibly easy to set up a quick product that you can sell from your own website.

A perfect example of this would be a little test that I ran recently where Andi, our techy guy, recorded a 22 minute video on a specific topic and added it to a page with a little bit of text, and a payment button.

This is what I call a mini product.

I decided to charge a small amount (I could have charged at least £10 for this information), and I am happy to say that we have had more than a few sales.

The reason I am telling you this is that I want you to understand how simple this is to do.

It took less than a day to record the video, write the content, and set the page up with a payment button.

For someone who has plenty to say about a specific topic, I imagine they could do a new mini product every day.

A website could have hundreds of these mini products and generate a lot of money over a two year period.

The reason I am using a two years for this example is because that is how long a typical hosting package lasts.

If you go to, you can register a name for your website (domain name) and hosting for one website (the StartUp package) for less than £125 for two years.

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The hosting cost for two years is: £85.92

A domain name registration is usually for one year and can cost:

£17.99 for a domain name ending in (£35.98 for two years.)

£15.59 for a domain name ending in .com. (£31.18 for two years.)

All prices include UK VAT and so for a website for two years (domain name and hosting), it will cost you £121.90.

For a .com website, the cost for two years will be £117.10.

That is a place online where you have the opportunity to sell digital products at any time of the day and night for 2 years for less than £125!

That is a crazy insane price when you really stop and think about it.

The last couple of days, I have made around £20 selling one incredibly cheap mini product priced at just £2.99… which was just a test!

Imagine if I had priced it at £10.

Now imagine that you had a website that was selling 10… 20… 30… or more digital products priced between £2.99 and £97.

Over two years you will get your money back and a whole lot more besides!

I do recommend that you start to build an email list from day one.

Aweber allow you to build one email list of up to 501 subscribers for free, which is fantastic.

After that you need to pay, but you can certainly make a few sales of products with a list of 501 active people who are interested in whatever you are sharing and selling.

However, you can simply start by adding a few mini products to your website and then start to grow an email list after.

Once your list starts to grow, you direct people to those products.

These are two vital parts of the same business.

  • Products to sell.
  • An email list to promote your products (and other people’s products) to.

You can start all of this for as little as £125… but if you don’t have £125 spare to spend on a website, go and have a read of this report:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Once you have this up and running correctly, it can reward you with an automated passive income for many years.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!