All posts by Streetwise

The Fallacy Of The Wealthy ‘Foot Soldier’!

This week I saw a post on social media written by a very successful guy in America aimed at wannabe ‘rappers’, ‘gangsters’ and ‘drug dealers’.

As a successful African-American, he wanted to get a message across to more young African-Americans that the best way to make money was to run a ‘real’ business.

Rap careers are often short-lived for most artists, those who go on to make a lot of money like Dr Dre and Jay-Z, who are both reported to be billionaires, have businesses which carry on long after their music careers have ended or at a standstill.

Rappers and musicians are business people as they create and publish products which people want to buy and own, but gangsters and drug dealers are not.

They are constantly playing a game of cat and mouse with the authorities. Their whole ‘career’ can come crashing down around their ears at any time. It takes just one stop and search for their lives to change for the worse.

US prisons are full of gangsters and drug dealers who wanted wealth but chose to go down the route of ‘fast money’.

Yes, there have been some incredibly wealthy drug barons such as Pablo Escobar, but look what happened to him!

Shot three times by police, while standing on a roof.

The wealth that Jay-Z and Dr Dre are enjoying isn’t going to be taken from them, they are not going to be sent to jail and they are unlikely to be shot by armed police as part of a drug raid.

I have to say, it has always perplexed me why so many youngsters wish to become drug dealers and gangsters because the lifestyle really isn’t as glamorous as it seems on the surface.

Very few actually have flash cars and live in mansions.

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The donkey work is usually done by foot soldiers and the vast majority of them have or will spend some time in prison and are constantly being hassled by the police or rival gangs.

The lifestyle lived by 90+% of gangsters and drug dealers is about as attractive as working naked in a fish gutting factory.

The guy who shared his thoughts on social media makes his millions publishing eBooks online and he teaches people how to do the same.

He also owns property which he rents.

He is earning more money each month than any ‘foot soldier’ could imagine and he doesn’t have to hide from the authorities or rivals whenever he is out.

He can sleep soundly at night without the fear of the door being knocked off its hinges by the police or members of a rival gang out to steal his supply or worse… out for blood.

The lifestyle enjoyed by a few gangsters as seen films like ‘Goodfellas’ is rare.

It can actually be enjoyed more by those who own legitimate businesses or make money from one of the many ways to make money today.

It is strange that so many youngsters still choose to sell drugs and fight over ‘turf’ which can result in death when they could be making a lot of money online creating and selling digital products.

Digital products sell automatically at any hour of the day.

There is no need to pass them onto people with a slight movement of the hand while keeping an eye out for any passing police.

You can be doing other things while digital products sell depositing money into your bank account automatically.

Selling digital items is one of the most freeing businesses anyone can run and own.

If you would like to know more, go to:

The 30 Day To 30K Challenge

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… There are no limits to how many idigital products you can create and sell.

A portfolio of products means you have a greater opportunity to earn more. Sell premium priced products and you can make more money selling less.

Here’s that link again:

The 30 Day To 30K Challenge

Money Making Opportunities Are More Abundant Than You Realise!

There are always new opportunities to make money.

I was reminded of this recently when I was shown a Facebook group which had people around the world sharing pictures of the view from their windows.

The group was started during the Covid pandemic where countries across the world were put into lockdown as an attempt to control the virus.

While people were isolated and unable to meet friends, the world went online and as a way to relieve the boredom and connect with others around the world struggling with being locked in their homes, the group was created.

Since the Facebook group was created, it has swelled to over 3.8 million members.

There is a second copy-cat group which has at least half a million members too.

The original group has published two books since it was created.

I am assuming that those books contain a collection of the best and most interesting pictures that were posted in the group by members.

I imagine that the picture owners were contacted through the group and asked permission to use the pictures.

Humans are ego driven and love the idea that people like what they do and see etc and so a lot of people will love the idea of having their photos and their lives immortalised in a book and being seen by others.

What I like about this idea is that these two books were created by simply using other people’s content. Also, the people behind the group now have a huge audience of people who may buy the book.

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I don’t know how many copies of each book they have sold, but they now have two products that they can sell for many years and while people constantly share their pictures – which they do each day – they have the opportunity to create more books.

What’s even better is that the group would have cost nothing to grow with it being on Facebook and because it is something that a lot of people find interesting (people are curious and voyeuristic in nature), it has grown fast.

Another book I had recently seen for sale on Facebook is a book documenting the early years of graffiti here in the UK.

It’s the same story here, a Facebook group dedicated to the early days of UK graffiti was created which had a lot of the old graffiti artists posing their photos and those photos were then compiled into a book.

That book has been sold online and promoted via Facebook and I see that a lot of the people who offered up photos to be included in the book have bought their own copy.

They have already sold out of the first batch of books and are planning on having more printed.

This is the power of creating products around niches and hobbies that are enjoyed by a lot of people.

People love to buy and own products that document the hobbies they love.

Fishermen have shelves full of books and DVDs about fishing.

Golfers have shelves full of books and DVDs about golfing.

Food lovers have shelves full of books about food and cooking.

Travellers have shelves full of books about travelling and places.

Graffiti artists have shelves full of books and magazines about graffiti and street art.

Etc… etc.

I am not saying that you need to publish books around specific hobbies and niches, this may not be right for you; I just wanted you to see that there are always new opportunities to make money.

These books took other people’s content and documented something which a large number of people enjoy. And it happened thanks to using a free-to-use social media platform.

Anyone can do this.

Publishing photos and or information is always going to be a great way to make money because we humans love to learn more and own products that tell us more about specific subjects.

We just do.

It is nothing new, it is as old as the hills… and it’s a habit that isn’t going to change anytime soon.

The two examples I shared with you were real physical books but they don’t have to be.

We live in the digital age and people love to own and read eBooks and newsletters about specific topics just as much as they do real books.

EBooks, newsletters and membership websites can be sold from a fully automated passive income system that can take less than 30 days to have up and running.

Once it is online and people can buy it… it’s time to create another.

To learn how, click the link below:

The 30 Day To 30K Challenge

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… There are no limits to how many idigital products you can create and sell.

A portfolio of products means you have a greater opportunity to earn more. Sell premium priced products and you can make more money selling less.

Here’s that link again:

The 30 Day To 30K Challenge

This Method Of Making Money Will Be Around For MANY Years!

Unless there is a complete collapse of society or the human race magically and instantly transcends into a god-like species, gambling is always going to be something people do.

Even in countries where it is frown upon and harsh punishments are imposed for those caught doing it, it still happens a lot.

Maybe it is part of human nature, I can’t say as I really don’t know.

But I do know that it is something that a lot of people will do for many years to come.

I guarantee it.

No matter how bad things get, people will always want to bet against others on a specific outcome.

Whether that is sports, politics, stocks and shares, or the direction of the markets, people will bet that something specific will happen.

Knowing this tells us that no matter what changes happen to society, and what new trends appear, there will always be a way to generate money without actually having to run your own business or work hard.

Out in the real world popular restaurants have been forced to close when the locals get fed up of eating steak and chips and choose to eat pasta and pizza from the new place across town.

The pasta and pizza restaurant eventually closes when people get a taste for tapas and Spanish cuisine.

People change and trends change.

The restaurants your parents and grandparents went to are all closed.

The food they ate is different to what you eat, and the food you eat is probably different to what your children and grandchildren chose to eat regularly.

The television shows you and your parents love to watch are a lot different to what your children and grandchildren watch.

On The Busses, Last Of The Summer Wine and Bless This House might have had your parents belly-laughing throughout the whole episode in the 70s, but your grandchildren might not even crack a smile if they were forced to watch them.

Yet show your children an episode of The Big Bang Theory and you could be struggling to understand why they are giggling.

People change, the young and old differ in so many ways, technology and businesses come and go… but do you know what still unites the generations?

Sports… and gambling!

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Young adults today love to have a flutter on sporting events just as much as their parents, grandparents and great grandparents did.

This will not change anytime soon.

The players, horses and jockeys may be different, but the desire to win money isn’t.

The temptation to win a big pile of cash fast is just as tempting to people today as it was 50, 60 or 100 years ago.

Today, gamblers go to the apps on their phones instead of going to the bookies as their parents once did, and they slap a tenner on the 14:25 at Cheltenham or twenty pounds on Chelsea to win the Champions League final.

Those people generally lose more than they win.

Those who make a lot of money from gambling do so through the use of a system.

They are disciplined and follow a strategy which doesn’t have them placing money on random races or the odd football game because they ‘feel’ that a specific outcome will happen.

Those who make money trading sports use data and research to determine where they need to put their money. They don’t care what the outcome is, just that it happens as the data predicted.

And if the outcome didn’t happen, they carry on because they know that it is highly likely to happen soon compensating for any losses and giving them a nice profit too.

They don’t stop; they build on their success and grow the money they win until they can withdraw thousands of pounds out of their accounts.

And it’s all tax free!

Roy, the man who developed System 903, made £47,000 in one year using it.

There are not many people who place random bets that can boast a yearly win amount like that!

That is because Roy doesn’t just place random bets, he uses a system which over time pays out more than what he loses which resulted in him making a £47,000 TAX FREE profit in one year.

Unlike your parents and grandparents, you don’t need to go to the bookies to use System 903, you can do this from the comfort of your own home and all you need is your smartphone… or tablet or laptop, whichever you prefer.

The only other thing you may need is a notepad and a pen to do some basic arithmetic. But you could do that on your smartphone, tablet or laptop too if you wish.

You may also want to have a tea or a coffee while you do it, but that is optional.

To discover how you too could make £47,000 in one year using Roy’s system, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Sometimes You Have To Go Back To The Money Making Basics!

Sometimes going back to basics is the best way forward.

We are living in a world where everyone wants to do as little as possible, spend as little as possible and earn thousands of pounds back instantly.

The reason for that is because it is doable and it happens.

You can do something such as write a sales letter that takes less than a day and earn thousands of pounds for your efforts, and yes, you can spend £10 on stocks and cryptocurrencies and make a few thousand pounds back… but you have to be in the right industry and have the right knowledge and skills.

Yes, you can learn those skills and knowledge… but sometimes the best idea is to keep it simple and take a step back and focus on the basics which have worked for hundreds of years.

Think of the retail industry.

They buy in items to sell and make a small profit on each item.

Now, I am usually telling people to avoid that kind of business.

When there are other methods of making money that require less effort and outlay, I see no reason for spending £1 on an item only to make a profit of twenty pence on it.

Businesses like corner shops, coffee shops, supermarkets, clothes shops and furniture stores require a lot of money for purchases, running costs and staffing, and they are a lot of hard work, which is why I usually tell people to avoid them.


It’s the idea of spending £1 to make £0.20 that I think some people need to go back to.

As much as we all would love to spend £1 and make £10 back, that kind of thinking can hold a lot of people back from making a lot of money.

It is the reason why many gamblers lose a lot of money.

Gamblers want to put down £10 on a horse and win hundreds of pounds. For them there is nothing better than the thrill of winning big.

They love to boast to their mates down the pub how they made £500 from a £10 accumulator… or whatever it is that they do.

It doesn’t sound as impressive if they said that they made £500 from £2,500 even though it is still £500 extra money in their pocket which is tax free!

Making £500 using £2,500 means that for every £5 spent £1 is earned back in profit.

It’s not a lot is it?

But the principle is powerful!

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When you use money to make money either through buying and selling products or trading, you get back the money you spend with a profit on top.

You recycle the initial money and use it to keep building profits.

This is still a powerful model.

It is how big businesses make millions.

They use money to buy items cheaply which they sell for a profit. The profit in most cases is less than what it costs to buy and sell the product to the public.

Starbucks has a typical profit margin of around 10% per cup of coffee, but that varies between stores.

At 10% that means that a coffee costing £2 is only giving them a profit of twenty pence!

According to industry data the average profit for a cup of coffee in the US ranges between 2.5% and 6.8%.

That is not a big profit margin.

Yet coffee shops like Costa Coffee and Starbucks are making millions of pounds in profits each year.

The point here is that although we would all love to double, triple, or quadruple any investment, we can still make a lot of money with smaller profits.

Those smaller profits add up to larger amounts of money.

There are ways to get more from your money by reducing costs and expenses so that your profits are way over 30%.

The best way to reduce your costs and expenses is to not run a business like a shop, restaurant or coffee shop and instead use your money trading sports like football matches.

There are no other costs associated with trading, just the cost of placing the bets and Betfair’s fees.

This means that your profit margin is far greater than those associated with selling real items… and there is a lot less work and effort involved too.

You simply choose which games to trade, place your bets and wait for the results.

Our good friend Stephen Lewis bags himself between £380 and £725 each week betting on specific football games.

As you should know by now, for those living here in the UK, those earnings are TAX FREE.

The only equipment Stephen needs is a smartphone or a tablet.

You can use a laptop if you wish but you really don’t need anything more than that.

There is no stock to purchase, no equipment to buy, no utilities to pay for, no staff to pay, no premises to pay rent, insurances and loans on, no business rates and insurances to pay for either.

It’s just you and your phoneor tablet or laptop.

This is a super simple system which pays Stephen a decent amount of money each month in return for the little amount of work he does.

The work involved requires nothing more than picking potential winning teams and then placing bets.

Here’s why he wins more money than most people… he picks teams that are likely to win… that are not considered to be the favourites by most people.

To pick his winning selections, Stephen visits a free website, looks at 3 tables and compares 4 numbers.

That’s it!

Some quick and basic arithmetic using a calculator gives Stephen a list of teams that he can back… at higher odds than those given to the favourites that the majority back.

Which means one thing… you win more money.

In one example Stephen made £141.32 backing ‘no hopers’. These were teams which everyone else expected to lose.

Out of a selection of 9 teams, he had a 56% win rate… but because of the HIGHER odds, he was able to make a £141.32 profit on the day… that is after any losses had been accounted for.

Had he traded those same games betting on the strong favourites, Stephen would have just broke even… but he didn’t, he won £141.32 because he chose to back the expected losers… although he expected them to win… which they did.

If you would like to know more about Stephen’s incredibly simple system where he makes guaranteed profits by simply taking a quick look at 3 tables and comparing 4 numbers, go to:

The Kamikaze System

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Stephen also uses a little known button in Betfair which locks in profit taking away any need to sit and monitor the game he is trading.

This is a safety switch which means that should the team that everyone expects to lose, does actually lose, Stephen still walks away with a profit.

Very few people know about or use this button. I didn’t know about it until I was told.

When he clicks the button and sets up his profit lock, he is free to completely forget about the game.

Thanks to that button, his trading becomes a SET and FORGET system.

Here is that link again:

The Kamikaze System

You Only Need 1 Idea To Make Six Figures

Everyone has at least one great idea. I’d say that people in general have a lot of great ideas over their lifetime.

And more importantly, many of those ideas could be life changing and worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, possibly millions of pounds to them.

Ron Hickman, the guy who invented the Black & Decker workbench, earned a lot of money licensing the design to Black & Decker.

I believe the idea came about after he tried sawing wood using a set of chairs from his dining room as work benches.

It wasn’t ideal and his wife wasn’t happy that he was using her best chairs and so he came up with idea for the collapsible workbench with a vice-like top which would trap the wood he was working with.

The idea was born out of necessity.

The biggest problem with ideas which can change people’s lives is that most people forget them.

How many ideas do you have a week?

And how many of those ideas do you write down into a book so that you can spend more time thinking them through?

Very often ideas pop into your head when you least expect them.

You can be busy working, driving the car, in the shower, taking the dog for a walk, talking to someone in the street, or enjoying a drink or meal out with friends.

Ideas come to you without warning.

Ideas are often inspired by what you are seeing, doing, talking about and listing to at that time.

Very few of those ideas are written down so that they can be fully processed and investigated later.

When ideas strike, people fool themselves thinking that they will ‘remember’ that for later and come back to it.

They rarely do.

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For every idea a person remembers, they must forget ten more. Possibly a lot more!

It is for this reason that you should get into the habit of writing down any ideas you have, even if it is just a brief note outlining the idea so that it can be explored later.

You should carry a notepad and a pen with you or have an app on your phone which allows you to make notes.

Some apps allow you to make voice recordings similar to the old dictaphone so that you can make quick notes which you can listen back to later.

A friend of mine uses the free app Google Keep Notes when he has ideas when he is out and about.

It also allows him to add links to articles he has read which he found interesting and useful so that he can go back to them later.

He can also make check lists with Keep Notes so if he gets an idea for a business plan, he can plan it out.

He also has several notebooks dotted about his office which are used for collecting and working through ideas.

He looks at the notes he has made in Keep Notes then adds them to his notebooks where he evolves them with mind maps and lists.

Not only does he have the opportunity to spend time thinking through his recent ideas, he has hundreds of previous ideas that he can revisit.

A previous idea might have been a great idea but the time wasn’t right for it, but today it could be completely different.

Some old ideas could have been predictions made from observing new trends emerging and those trends could now be established markets ready and waiting to be plundered.

Some previous ideas could make great bonus products to go with new ideas or could be amalgamated with other ideas to make a better and more profitable idea.

A lot of profitable products are made from simple ideas which took a second or two to write down in a book.

Going back to what most people do which is forgetting the ideas they have, they are missing out on hundreds of thousands of pounds, possibly millions.

When you forget an idea, you have nothing whatsoever to work with. Once the idea has gone…it has usually gone for good.

Occasionally you may remember an idea if you can mentally put yourself back into the place and mindset when you first had the idea, but for most people, it is rare that they remember ideas once they have gone.

You only need one great idea to change your life.

Obviously, an idea won’t make you any money if you don’t do anything with it, but with the example of Ron Hickman who invented the Black & Decker workmate, he didn’t actually build a business or produce millions of benches, he simply licensed the idea to Black & Decker and was paid well for it.

Sometimes just being the person with the ideas is enough to make you a lot of money.

With that in mind, is not worth becoming an ideas person and taking note of all the ideas you have?

Kind regards

John Harrison

Would you like to make a six-figure-a-year income? If so, this article will show you how. Click the link below:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Once you have this up and running correctly, it can reward you with an automated passive income for many years.

When It Comes To Wealth There Are Two Types Of People In This World, Which One Are You?

When it comes to wealth there are two types of people.

Those who consume…

And those who create.

I’ve talked about this before, wealthy people create whereas those who are not wealthy generally consume.

That’s not to say that wealthy people don’t consume, they absolutely do. It’s just that they consume different stuff and they spend less time consuming.

A wealthy person will consume information about business, money and successful people.

Less wealthy people spend their time consuming entertaining media such as television shows, films, computer games, social media, music, sports and read fiction.

A wealthy person will consume so much then go and create.

Less wealthy people get home from work – a place they generally don’t want to spend their days – start consuming entertaining media and don’t stop until they go to sleep.

For most people, they consume entertaining media as a way to numb the pain of having to spend the day doing a job they don’t enjoy. Entertainment is used as an anaesthetic numbing the pain of a boring life.

Wealthy people on the other hand realise that to have an enjoyable life, they need to remove the boring from it and that means creating the life they want and so when they do consume, they learn stuff which allows them to create a better life and more money.

I have often talked about building up a bank of money allowing you to buy your way out of problems, that bank of money can also prevent you from having to work jobs that you don’t enjoy or want to do.

The only way you can build a bank like that is to consume information and to then use that information to create products or services which move you forward towards your goal.

Consumers do not do that.

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They spend hours scrolling through social media, watching videos, watching television and movies, listening to music, watching sports and reading fiction.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with any of the above, as long as it is metered.

Wealthy people also love to watch television and films, they love to listen to music, they love to read fiction, and they also love to watch and participate in sports. They are human after all.

It’s just that they choose to not do it all the time and opt to also consume information which helps them to build the life they want.

Ironically, by consuming less and creating more, they eventually put themselves into a place where they can consume far more entertainment than most people due to the fact they enjoy more spare time than the average person.

I enjoy working, but if I wanted to, I could easily take the day off and go and do something else as I have built up a business that can function without me being in the office.

Sales come in and are processed whether I am here or not.

I could lock myself away in my office and put my feet up on my desk and bury my head into a book if I so wished, and I would still make money.

This all came about because I decided to consume less (I consume differently) and created more.

I have created a number of products which have swelled my bank account; I could have simply stayed in a job I didn’t like and carry on consuming entertainment like the masses.

If I had carried on doing what most people do, I wouldn’t have what I have today… which is more freedom and more money.

You get more of what you mostly do.

If you were to consume information about successful people, business, and money… it is highly likely that you will become more successful in your own life and you will have more money… once you start taking action and creating that is.

Taking action and creating is important. You cannot just consume good information and become successful and wealthy, but by consuming the right kind of information it will motivate and inspire you to take action and create.

The more you consume, the more it will push you to take action and create… you just need to allow it.

When you feel that push, allow it to happen and start creating something to sell.

I suggest that you start by creating a simple eBook or manual to sell.

It can take less than 30 days to have your own fully automated passive income system up and running.

Once it is online and people can buy it… create another.

To learn how, click the link below:

The 30 Day To 30K Challenge

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… There are no limits to how many information products you can create and sell.

A portfolio of products means you have a greater opportunity to earn more. Sell premium priced products and you can make more money selling less.

Here’s that link again:

The 30 Day To 30K Challenge

Make £3K Per Month Using Just A Screwdriver, A spanner, And An Allen Key!

To say that it is hard to make money today is simply not true.

This morning I read about how a 28-year-old delivery driver from London decided to leave his job and work for himself putting together flat-pack furniture for customers.

He didn’t want to work for someone else building up their empire, he wanted his own business and so he bought a van and started doing small jobs for people such as removing furniture and doing small building works.

He spotted a gap in the market which was assembling flat-pack furniture for DIY-shy people who either hated DIY or cannot do it.

Let’s face it; building flat-pack furniture is not the most enjoyable job in the world… and the instruction sheets are confusing!

A lot of people hate assembling flat-pack furniture and would rather have someone else do it for them… and in steps Mohammed Amin, from Whitechapel, in east London.

He is doing so well out of his new venture that it is paying him around £35,000 per year, which is fantastic considering what he is doing.

Looking for a way to make money, Mohammed joined Airtasker, a local services marketplace, in 2022.

After only four months he had earned £12,000 allowing him to leave his delivery job and focus more on his business.

He doesn’t need any qualifications or certificates to put flat-pack furniture together. All he needs is a van, a set of tools, and a decent amount of people who need his services.

He has all three…

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Mohammed makes around £3,000 per month putting together sofas, beds, wardrobes and desks. Jobs can take him anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

He believes that he has done over 330 jobs for people since starting just over a year ago.

Working no more than 30 hours a week, Mohammed takes many ‘day jobs’ that can be completed quickly in order to maximise his daily work rate and get paid quickly.

In an interview with the Metro Mohammed said:

‘Most jobs that require a man in a van I will take on and the odd other jobs I have been doing involve assembling and dissembling furniture.

‘If people need help changing a room around I do a bit of that too, I thought, “I can do this. I can make a lot of money.”

‘It came to the point where I didn’t want to work for anyone and I wanted to get out there and get the job done.’

‘I quit my old job as I started to see that I can do more jobs and earn more doing what I do now compared to my old job.’

I share this story as it goes to show that there are ways to make money which do not require a lot of knowledge or qualifications.

When putting together flat-pack furniture or moving furniture about it does help if you are young fit and strong but that doesn’t mean that older people cannot do a few jobs to earn some extra money.

If you are handy with a screwdriver, a spanner, an Allen key and can read instructions, then this could be a good way for you to make some extra money.

Mohammed was fortunate to be in London where there are a lot of people who need his services.

More remote and rural areas may not have as many customers, but that isn’t to say that there won’t be any and if you have transport, you can always travel further afield to do jobs.

If manual work is not for you and you would rather make money from the comfort of your own home, you may prefer to follow the lead of our good friend Ian Williams.

Ian has 30 years experience trading the financial markets and he recently turned his hand to the cryptocurrency markets.

The reason for that is that because of the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency markets, you can steal a lot of money out of them quite quickly.

Using a new software which identifies when a potentially profitable trade is about to start, Ian helps himself to a stack of money as and when he wants.

As soon as the software gives him the signal, Ian places the trade.

The software throws up numerous profitable signals both day and night.

This new software has turned Ian’s laptop into his own personal crypto-cash machine.

A cash machine he has sat on his desk at home.

To discover for yourself what this software is and how it can potentially make you tens of thousands of pounds, click the link below:

Ian William’s CryptoWizard Trading System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS…You can get started… and making serious money… with this – for just £97.

You’ll not pay another penny until you’re up and running and making many times what it costs.

Here’s that link again:

Ian William’s CryptoWizard Trading System

The Best Way To Make Money Is To Detach Yourself From Money Itself!

It sounds a little contradictory, but it is true… the best way to make money is to detach yourself from money itself.

When you are emotionally attached to money, making it is going to be hard.

When you are short of money and need some real fast, it will be hard to use the money you have because you will be protecting it.

When people need money, they hold tight to what they have with a vice like grip which suffocates the chance of making more money.

People who have oodles of money, are happy to spend and risk large amounts of money because they have plenty. Any losses will not impact on their lives too much.

When you have bills to pay and food to buy for your family and you only have a spare £100 in the bank and payday is not for another three weeks, are you going to risk losing it?

Now imagine that you have £100,000 in your bank and all of your living costs are covered, would you risk £1,000 having an eBook written which could generate tens of thousands more pounds for you?

The answer is likely to be yes.

I read a quote today that said:

‘Poor people ask “how much will this cost me?”

Rich people ask “how much will this make me?”’

There is a truth to that quote.

It is a combination of mindset and situation.

A person can remain poor all of their life if they have a ‘how much is this going to cost me’ attitude… but unfortunately, for some, circumstances and situations can reduce people to have to regularly ask that question.

To make money, people need to move from one mindset to the other.

They need to stop asking how much things cost, to how much they can make when they spend their money.

That comes from detaching yourself from money.

The hardest part of detaching yourself from money is that you need to do it before you have any.

When you have a bank account rammed with spare cash, spending money on anything and everything is easy.

When you have very little money and what you have is basically already allocated to bills and living costs, spending it on other stuff is extremely hard.

Somehow, you need to break the cycle of clinging on to and protecting your money.

Now, don’t go sending me emails saying that I’m suggesting people spend what they don’t have and advocating unnecessary risk taking, because I am not… far from it!

I never recommend that people spend money they can’t afford on things that they have not properly researched and spent time evaluating the risks.

You should always weigh up the risks and pros and cons of anything that you spend money on as a way to make more money.

I’m also not saying that it is easy.

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When you have little money spare but you want and need more, you are going to have to make some difficult decisions and you are going to have to let go of habits which are preventing you from moving forward.

And one such habit to break is being too emotionally attached to money itself.

You should always protect the money you have… but there is the illusion of protection that comes from not using it.

If spending £500 having an eBook written and a website built to sell it from could result in you earning £500 per month in passive income, then not spending the money and having the work done is not protection… it is suffocation.

Protecting what you have is perfectly fine if that is what you are doing… but using ‘protection’ as a misguided excuse to not spend money could be costing you more in the long run and keeping you poor… like the early quote suggests.

Deciding to spend money that you can ill-afford to lose is a hard decision to make which is why you need to become detached form the money itself and attached to the potential outcome.

Again, I am not saying that it easy, nothing worth doing is ever easy.

That reminds me of another quote I read this week which was:

‘Being poor is hard. Becoming wealthy is hard. You chose which hard you wish to live.’

Being strapped for cash and constantly struggling is hard. It is no fun at all and it robs the fun out of life. Being poor can be incredibly miserable in a western economy.

Becoming wealthy – or at least better off – is also hard, but it is a better hard which can alleviate a lot of problems and give people peace of mind and security, which as you know, peace of mind and security are two main factors that determine a person’s happiness.

Money may not bring you happiness, but the security and the peace of mind it gives people does.

I’ve mentioned eBooks that you can sell from your own website as a way to generate a passive income, if you would like to learn how to do that for yourself, click the link below:

The 30 Day To 30K Challenge

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… There are no limits to how many information products you can create and sell.

A portfolio of products means you have a greater opportunity to earn more. Sell premium priced products and you can make more money selling less.

Here’s that link again:

The 30 Day To 30K Challenge

How A Bagel Slicer Could Earn You Hundreds Of Thousands Of Pounds!

This week I was shown a video on TikTok of a guy talking about another video that was circulating on the same video sharing social media platform.

The video I watched was using the video of a woman using a newly designed bagel slicer which she bought from Amazon, as an example for affiliate marketing.

The video of the woman using the bagel slicer had been watched 40 million times, possibly more by now.

This guy was talking about how the woman was missing out on a potential £680,000 in Amazon affiliate commissions because she was not an Amazon affiliate and had not shared a link to Amazon.

He speculated that had she been an Amazon affiliate, she could have generated £680,000 in commissions from that one video alone!

I can’t remember the details but he said out of that huge 40 million views, if just a small percentage of people (possibly 0.5%) bought the £16.99 bagel slicer and Amazon paid her a commission for each sale, she would be making a lot of money.

He worked it out to be somewhere around £680,000. I don’t know how accurate that is, but it is a decent figure for a video which was no more than ten seconds long!

This had me thinking.

TikTok videos get a lot of views. Those videos can send a lot of people to specific websites and pages.

TikTok videos are mostly short in length, as are ‘Reels’ and ‘Stories’ on Facebook & Instagram, and YouTube ‘Shorts’.

You can get a lot of eyes on a lot of easy-to-create short content… that doesn’t actually involve any selling.

This could be a fantastic way for people to make money as an affiliate by signing up  to Amazon, purchasing cool new products and recording a short video of them in action then sharing those videos to all of the platforms mentioned above along with affiliate links to those products.

The worst thing that could happen is that you earn enough over the year to pay for all of the purchases leaving you with a load of free tools and toys to enjoy… which you could sell on eBay to make more money.

The best thing that could happen is that several videos capture people’s attention and go viral and are seen by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people resulting in you earning thousands of pounds in affiliate commissions.

The videos do not need to be long and you don’t need to stand there and talk about the product like a shopping channel presenter.

You can if you want, but a lot of videos simply show the product being used by a person with text which appears over the video saying something like:

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‘Found this awesome bagel slicer on Amazon. It is incredible! I don’t know how I managed before without it. It makes slicing the bagel so easy. Click the link to learn more.’

You could do videos for so many new fantastic inventions such as the battery operated motion sensor LED lights that you can place around your house which allow you to walk around at night without having to turn lights on.

These lights come on automatically as soon as you approach them. Not only are these good for night time visits to the bathroom when you don’t want ‘big’ lights on, they could be good for saving money during the current cost-of-living crisis.

I don’t know how much it costs to charge the lights up but they come on when they detect movement, they go off after a short period of time and are made of energy efficient LED bulbs.

I’m sure these lights would save money in the long run and people who want to cut down on bills would love to have them.

Videos showing products which can help people save money or do something easier than how they were previously doing it, is going to attract a lot of attention and potentially a lot of buyers which can mean a lot of commissions.

It appears to be a relatively simple and easy to do business model. One which I believe has a lot of potential.

For this you need a decent smartphone, a tripod, possibly a light to prevent videos being too dark, and a free (or cheap) video editor to add text to the videos.

Platforms such as Instagram allow you to add text so you may not need an editor.

Videos that look as if they were created by amateurs can often have better results than those that are professionally created as they appear to be made by ‘ordinary’ people who are genuinely happy with the tool/product and so video viewers feel an affinity to them.

With that in mind, you don’t want to make videos too professional looking which is great news for people like us who can only manage to point, shoot and add a few lines of text… nothing else is required.

Does this sound like something you could do?

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Affiliate marketers have been creating short videos and publishing them to TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube to make tens of thousands of pounds, you can learn more here:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Once you have this up and running correctly, it can reward you with an automated passive income for many years.

Don’t Make It Any Harder For Yourself Than It Needs To Be!

I’m not sure why, but yesterday I suddenly remembered about a couple who moved to Europe and decided to open a motorhome rental business because they themselves enjoyed travelling around in their motorhome.

I assume they wanted other people to experience the one thing they loved and so they set up a business which would offer that.

Their story was on one of those lifestyle television shows which follow people abroad as they start a new life.

What I found interesting is that they put themselves in huge debt of hundreds of thousands of pounds to buy four or five motorhomes and rent a large lock-up where they could run the business from.

If I remember correctly, they started their new business just before the Covid pandemic which meant they were forced to pay rent and loan repayments while the motorhomes were locked away for several weeks not earning a penny during the summer lockdowns.

Their debts were huge. I recall one motorhome costing nearly £90,000 alone.

They were debt free when they moved abroad.

It wasn’t until they started the business and buying several expensive top of the range motorhomes that they built up the huge debt.

What is worse is that because of their new business and the need to earn money to pay their debts and bills, they were unable to go off in their motorhome and explore the new country they now called home.

They were simply too busy and in too much debt to get away and enjoy the one thing they loved above all else.

I am all for people following their passion and chasing their dreams, but their dream business actually prevented them from following their passion which was travelling around in their motorhome.

It was an illogical move on their part.

I don’t know how they are doing or what shape their business is in today.

They may have turned it into a huge success with enough money coming in that allows them to employ staff which allows them to take more time off so they can go travelling.

Or it might have all crashed around their ears…

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I don’t know what the profit margins are for a business like this but if they are paying staff to run it while they are away, that will eat into their profits and could easily mean that their daily income is pretty basic.

The running costs with a business such as motorhome rental are high.

You have repairs and maintenance to take care of, stolen or lost items to replace, taxes and insurances to pay, accountancy costs and the running costs of the office to factor in too.

All of that has to be factored into the price and if you are not careful, you can price yourself too high where no one wants to hire from you, keeping your prices low means less profit.

It could take quite some time before they are earning a decent amount of money from this.

The question they should have asked themselves was…

‘Is there a way to make a decent amount of money each week that will allow us to explore the country in our motorhome with very little hassle or work?’

That was their passion.

Their dream was to explore Europe in their motorhome, so why not find a way that would fund that lifestyle without putting yourself in a lot of stressful debt and tying your time up with a business?

Motorhomes today are very often far better than most people’s homes.

They come with all the modern appliances including mobile wifi integrated so you can connect to the internet with no problem.

The couple could have been enjoying a stress free nomadic life travelling around Europe and earning more per day than what their business might be paying them… without the hassle of maintain and repairing motorhomes and dealing with people.

Unless you really want to deal with the paying public and offer a service which is money and time intensive, there is no need to these days… not if all you want is to just earn a decent weekly income.

You can easily make all that you need and want to earn for the day using nothing more than a laptop, tablet, or smartphone and a trading platform.

And it can take as little as ten minutes per day.

David Houghton does just that.

He spends no more than ten minutes checking one financial market to see if there is a trade. If there is, he sets up his system and then goes about his day.

This system makes him between £110 and £350 most weekdays… which is the equivalent to a day’s wage for most people.

If you would like to know more about David and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:                               

The A Minus B System