All posts by Streetwise

The One Money Rule You Should Never Ignore

In the previous article I shared the story about the 80-year-old guy in America who was forced out of retirement to work as a school caretaker as a way to pay for a £331 per month rent increase, but was helped by the generosity of the students and people online.

Today I want to tell you about the story of Chris Robarge of Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, who received a cheque in the mail from an old landlord for $2,500 (£2,077 at time of writing).

Chris’ old landlord had sold the house that he once rented and decided that it was only right that he should pay a share of the profits to the people who helped pay his mortgage.

Without the tenants paying the mortgage he wouldn’t have been able to keep the property and eventually make a profit when he sold it.

This is another ‘feel good’ story which shows that not all humans are bad and selfish.

Yes, there are good people in this world doing good for other people. There are a lot of them…but you shouldn’t allow yourself to become ‘blindsided’ and risk putting yourself in a position where you can fall foul of bad people.

It only takes the action of one person or one situation to send you spiralling into a financial hole.

I once heard someone say…

‘Homelessness is just a couple of lost paydays away’.

That hit me.

It is such a powerful saying and for many people, it can be true.

Everything is working well when you have an income coming in and that income is slightly higher than the outgoings… but when, without warning, that income suddenly stops, you’ll find yourself up shit creak without a paddle and a lifejacket.

Once an income that is delicately relied on disappears… but the bills and costs still keep coming in, you can soon find yourself going under and drowning in debt.

Using Mr James, the 80-year-old who was forced to work as a school caretaker to pay for his monthly rent increase, as an example, had he not gone back to work, that £331 per month increase would soon escalate into a debt worth several thousand pounds.

After just four months, that £331 would be a debt of £1,234.

After one full year, the rent arrears debt would be £3,972

That’s just looking at the rent increase, imagine how bad it would be if Mr James had lost his source of income and was unable to pay the full rent (however much that is), energy bills and buy food.

He would be in a real mess.

Unfortunately, that can happen to a lot of people.

It takes the actions of just one person or one moment in time to send you spiralling into debt.

I’m sure it won’t happen to you… at least I hope it won’t, but it’s important that you are aware that things can suddenly happen that are out of your control which can really hit you and your finances hard.

Relying on one source of income is dangerous, whether that source is a wage from a job or a pension.

Should it ever be taken from you… you are going to struggle.

I am a big believer that people should have at least two income streams and earn at least ‘double’ that they need each month.

Having a second income stream and earning double what you need per month protects against problems that may arise which could catastrophically affect you financially.

As the sayings go…

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‘Prevention is better than the cure’


‘It’s better to be safer than sorry’.

The fact that people like Mr James, both in the US and here in the UK, are not getting the help or protection they deserve from the government, says one thing… you need to take control of your finances.

The one money rule that you should never ignore is… your future financial situation depends solely on you.

Yes, there can be some help out there and yes, as we have seen with the two earlier stories with the students and the old landlord, there are good people who are willing to help and share their money with others… but you cannot rely on it and you most certainly shouldn’t bank on it.

One of the most powerful ways to be able to make money is to be known by a lot of people.

When you have a large network of people, you have a greater chance of being able to ‘find’ money.

When you know a lot of people and they know you well, there is a greater possibility of one or several of them ‘handing’ money over to you.

The more people you know, the more money can be handed over to you.

That ‘handing over of money’ could be for a service, a product you have created, or someone else’s product that you think they may be interested in.

Obviously, you cannot amass a friend network of 1,000 people and invite them all round to your place for coffee and cake and then start telling them about your offers… but you can build an email list and send emails to them.

It is a lot easier to write and send emails to a lot of people than try and talk to them.

Some emails can take as little as 5 minutes to write…although I do like to spend longer as I like to say more than the average email.

Building an email list in specific markets is a powerful way to make money… and you can get started today.

If you would like to discover more…I am still giving away a FREE eBook about email marketing.

Be warned, I am thinking of taking it down shortly… so if you haven’t yet got your copy, get it now before it is no longer available.

You can get it here:

Free Email Marketing EBook

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… There’s a reason that I talk about email marketing a fair bit, and that is because it works!

It is how we, and a lot of other people, make a lot of money. It’s the one business model that most people overlook, yet it is one of the most effective and profitable.

Get your copy here before it’s too late:

Free Email Marketing EBook

Being Forced To Mop School Corridors At 80 Years Old!

This morning I watched a short video telling the extraordinary story of Mr James, 80, who was forced out of his retirement to work as a caretaker at Callisburg High, USA, so that he could afford to pay his rent which had been increased by $400 (£331 at time of writing) per month.

The story is a heart-warming one because the students of the school didn’t think that it was right that a retired man in his 80s should be forced back to work just so that he could afford to pay for his rent, and so they set up a fundraising page online to collect donations to help him.

The story spread online and apparently the students had raised $60,000 (£49,644 atow) within 45 minutes.

The total has surpassed $90,000 (£74,466).

This is a great story about compassion and empathy, but it also highlights how bad people, life and the world can be.

I don’t know the reasons that forced a £331 per month rent increase, I know times are hard currently on both sides of the pond, but a rent increase that high is a bit severe… many have called it criminal.

Many of the comments below the video were not happy that in America, an 80-year-old should be forced back to work just so that they could afford to pay their rent.

One commenter called it a ‘Dystopian nightmare rebranded as a heartwarming story’.

Another said: ‘This isn’t happy. America is sick. Resorting to crowd funding so an 80year old doesn’t have to do janitorial work???’.

One commenter said: ‘Everything what’s wrong with America. I hope people realize that this is the job of the government not students.’

It’s fair to say that even though it was a happy ending and a great example of social conscience, the majority of people were not happy with what had initially happened.

This echoes what I have been saying for a while now.

And that is…

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  1. You have no idea what is around the corner waiting for you.
  2. You should never rely on other people, you can only trust yourself.
  3. NEVER rely on the government to look after you!

I would love to say that you should be able to rely on other people and your government, but the truth is… other people and governments are… how do I put this? … they are ‘people’ and people can be selfish, greedy and nasty.

We have a history that is littered with the stories of harm and destruction that ‘other people’ have inflicted onto innocent people.

Sadly, you can only truly rely on yourself… and that means making sure that you cannot have the rug firmly pulled from under your feet like Mr James did when his rent was suddenly increased by £331.

It is sad that we have to think like that, but when it comes to money, people will even throw close friends and family under a bus if they have no other option… some will sadly do it out of pure greed.

To protect yourself from the actions of other people… or as in the case of the US government with Mr James, the lack of action… you need to ensure that you either have enough money in the pot to cover all eventualities or have a decent amount coming in which can help to smoothly ride any future storms.

Mr James might well have had enough in his pot to cover his living costs up to the point his rent was increased.

He might have been relatively happy and content with life… but the £331 per month rent increase could have pushed him right over the edge.

That is an extra £3,972 a year in rent he needs to find.

To the average 80-year-old, £3,972 isn’t pocket money.

Everyone has different needs and wants, but I believe that people should find a way to ‘double’ the amount of money they need to live comfortably.

So for example, if you could live comfortably each month on £1,500, you should find a way to earn an extra £1,500 so that you have at least £3,000 per month to play with.

If you needed £2,500 per month to live comfortably, then you should try and earn £5,000 per month.

That extra money becomes a protection fund that grows until the day you need it.

I can’t comment on Mr James’ finances before the rent increase, but the fact that he had to go back to work tells me that he had insufficient in his pot or pensions to cover the increase.

£331 is a lot of money… but at the same time, it’s not a lot of money.

Over a four-week period, £331 works out at £11.82 per day.

£11.82 is not a lot to earn each day no matter what age you are.

There are many different ways to make money, many of them can be done from home using nothing more than a smartphone or laptop… and they all have the potential to make more than £11.82 a day.

Take The Bullseye System for instance; you can earn £50+ a day by simply leaving specific apps running in the background.

You put your phone on a shelf or table somewhere in your home, switch the apps on and leave it to make money for you while you go and enjoy a brew in front of the television.

The app owners pay you to run the apps.

Had Mr James known about this specific way of making money, he wouldn’t have needed to go pushing mops around school corridors. He could have sat at home enjoying his retirement and earn money.

To learn more, go to:

The Bullseye System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… With the potential to make £50 or more per day, anyone should be able to earn more than enough money to cover any rent or mortgage increases… if not the whole monthly rent and mortgage costs.

Here’s that link again:

The Bullseye System

Happiness Is A Working A Day Less Each Week

A recent experiment here in the UK involving 61 companies had the working week reduced from five to four days without a cut in pay for the staff.

The trial lasted for six months and had workers being paid a full week’s wage while having an extra day off in the middle of the week.

The findings were interesting.

The four-day working week was very beneficial for the employee’s health and happiness.

The extra day off allowed the staff to recover and recuperate alleviating stress.

What is interesting is that productivity levels didn’t drop with staff being able to get the same amount of work done in the four days that they would normally do in five.

Some staff reported being able to get more work done.

This is possibly due to the fact the staff knows that they have a specific amount of work that needs doing and that they only have four days to do it in… with a bonus day off as a reward.

That extra day off is a great motivator. It means more freedom in their lives.

Andi, our techy guy, once told me that when he previously worked in an engineering factory, the amount of standing around and talking that happened meant the boss was paying for five days work and only getting four at the most.

For many people, going to work is something they have to do and when their time is spent in a place where they’d rather not be, they tend to ‘spread’ their efforts over that full week, resulting in a lot of standing around and chatting with other workers.

Give them an extra day off with full pay and it seems that they still do the same amount of work as before.

What was also interesting is that nearly all 61 companies are considering carrying on with the four-day working week.

If the productivity levels are not dropping and workers are happy, then it could be a great idea.

It seems that the four-day working week was beneficial to the companies too.


Not all types of work can offer a four-day working week without either having to take on more workers to plug the gap or close down services, which is not ideal for essential services such as ambulances, police and hospitals.

If a person earns £400 for a 40 hour week but then drops down to a 32 hour week on the same pay, the hourly rate has jumped from £10 an hour to £11.42 which means that any extra staff needed to replace those now enjoying an extra day off also need to be paid the new higher wage.

It’s only fair that they are paid the same hourly rate, but as we have seen with the recent cost-of-living-crisis, many small businesses have had to close, so any that are surviving by the skin of their teeth are unlikely to be able to afford the increase wage and staffing costs.

The main take away from this is that people need a better work-life balance and it seems working five days a week leaving just two days for people to enjoy for most of their adult lives is not good.

It isn’t good for their mental and physical health.

Basically, what this means is that people need more free time and more money.

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A four-day working week on the same pay means that a person has either been given an extra paid holiday each week or they are now only working four days at a higher hourly rate.

Either or… it is better for them.

Again, this reinforces the idea that people need to have either a second income or their own business which brings in a larger passive income.

People need a way to make more money that will allow them to have more time off and live comfortably.

It takes away stress and makes them a happier person.

Again, the truth is… if you want more time and money, you need to make it happen. You cannot and should not rely on an employer to deliver as they probably cannot.

That is not necessarily through any fault of their own, it doesn’t mean that employers are awful people bleeding their staff dry… there are many other factors to consider such as the cost of gas and electricity holding many businesses to ransom.

The amount of time and money you are able to enjoy is ultimately down to you.

It is for that reason that I find and share with you ways and methods to make money from home which are relatively easy to do and do not require you to spend a lot of time or money setting them up.

One such method of making money is the new Bullseye System by Jeff Richards which is one of the most ingenious and simplest ways to make money I have ever seen.

Jeff turned his family’s smartphones into mini cash dispensers earning him £50+ a day per phone.

By simply downloading a couple of specific apps and then allowing them to run in the background, Jeff was able to make £50+ per day per phone.

He was able to generate £18,000 per year per phone… or £73,000 in total!

Jeff opens up the apps, and leaves them to run in the background while he goes and does other things.

The app owners pay him for every minute he uses the apps… which he doesn’t really use them as he is away doing something else.

It is probably the most ‘hands off’ and simplest money making method I have seen in many years.

If you would like to discover for yourself how you can make £50+ per day with your smartphone while it sits on a table doing nothing else, click the link below:

The Bullseye System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you’re looking for a way for you and your family to make some extra cash from home (and the way the economy is going, that’s probably just about everyone!) I think you should definitely take a look at this.

Here’s why:

  • No investment needed. That’s right, with most things you need to spend money to make money. Not so with this. If you already have a smartphone, you don’t need to invest in anything else to start making money.
  • No selling to do. Most people hate selling, I know I do. With this, there’s no selling to do at all.
  • No hard work to do – in fact no work at all! And because of that, this doesn’t eat into the time you’re spending on other things.
  • Run in the background and forget. That’s right, once this is set up, there’s nothing to do other than monitor how much money you’re making.
  • No experience or skills needed. If you can switch on a smartphone and download an app from the app store, you’re in business.
  • You can set this up in seconds. Nothing complicated to learn, nothing long-winded to do. It’s laughably simple.
  • Run this from anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can be making money with this.

Here’s that link again:

The Bullseye System

Dropshipping Your Way To A Multi-Million Income

Picture Source: Cam Moar/The US Sun 

Cam Moar is a 22-year-old self-made millionaire from South Australia who swapped his four-year carpentry apprenticeship to start an e-commerce dropshipping business.

He started the apprenticeship when he was a teenager working 12-hour shifts five days a week for a measly AUD$600 a week, which is £344 at time of writing.

In 2020, within six months from completing the program, Cam decided to quit realising that there was “more to life than making his boss rich”.

Despite his parents’ reservations and advice, he quit his steady job and dipped his toes in e-commerce dropshipping.

Just two years later, Cam claims to be earning up to AUD$250,000 (£143,460) per month.

Within two years Cam is living in a AUD$1.2million (£688,611 approx) three-bed beachfront house in Adelaide, he is financially free with more time on his hands due to the fact that his dropshipping business basically runs itself.

He is a big car lover and now drives a £100,000+ BMW M5 which he owns outright.

Originally Cam planned to qualify as a carpenter and within ten years become a site-manger aiming for an annual AUD$100,000 (£57,000) salary… but after netting just shy of £40,000 in his first two months of selling products online via his e-commerce store, he abandoned that idea.

I can understand why.

In an interview with The US Sun Cam said:

“When the money first started coming in, I was blown away.”

“In just a couple of days of selling online, I was making my weekly salary as an apprentice and I wasn’t killing my body.

“Of course, there is risk involved because I was on my own and I think that’s what scares a lot of people.

“They are mindlessly wasting their lives in my opinion.

“They are taught that all you do in life is go to school, then get a degree or a trade, buy a house and spend the rest of your life paying it off.

“I conformed to that mindset for a while but once I realised how much money I could earn working for myself, I was never going back.

“Now I enjoy the life I’ve always wanted. I’m 22 and work two to three hours a day.

“I still work hard but I’m not getting up at 5am to drive an hour to work to build someone else’s house.”

E-commerce dropshipping is where you run and manage an online shop without actually owning or handling any of the products yourself.

Apart from managing listings… It’s all done for you.

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As an addition to his dropshipping business, Cam has been teaching others how to run an e-commerce dropshipping business and claims to have taught more than 2,500 people.

Cam admitted that he doesn’t actually enjoy the e-commerce business itself.

“I would be lying if I said I love e-commerce because I don’t.

“But I love being rich and what it enables me to do with my life.

“I work around two to three hours a day wherever and whenever I want. It’s all my risk but it’s all my reward too.

“I enjoyed woodworking, which is why I did carpentry. It was great to start with but quickly became dull and monotonous – like most jobs.

“Now every day is truly different and I am a master of my own destiny.

“It could crumble at any point and that is always at the back of my mind.

“But at the same time, I am living a dream life.

“I am always travelling, my car is great, where I live is great, the things I have as a 22-year-old I never thought I’d have.

“And I’ve earned all of that for myself rather than sweat to make someone else rich.”

Dropshipping is a business that allows you to make a lot of money without doing a lot of work as most of it is done for you by the product supplier.

Our good friend Oliver Goehler has generated over £2 million in sales with e-commerce.

Not only does he make money selling products himself, he offers a dropshipping service where he fulfils the orders for the people he teaches.

Like Cam, Oliver shows people exactly how to make money selling physical products through e-commerce…

But unlike Cam, Oliver supplies over 60 popular and in-demand products that he and his team process and despatch for those who are in his Partner Dropship program.

To discover how Oliver and his team can dropship products on your behalf leaving you to simply bank the profits, click the link below:

Partner Dropship Program

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Once your e-commerce store is set up – with Oliver’s help – all you need do is download the orders for any given day, email them over to Oliver and his team who will process and despatch the products.

His team does the work, you enjoy the money.

Go check it out here:

Partner Dropship Program

Make £500 A Week Passive Income With This ‘In-Demand’ Product

I started the day quickly reading an article about a guy who says that he has the perfect side hustle which he says could earn people an extra £500 per week.

The guy, the website didn’t named him but shared his TikTok username @9to5uccess, urged people in a video on the popular video sharing platform, TikTok, to sell wedding stationary bundles on Etsy.

The wedding stationary bundles consist of name tags, signs, menus and invites.

These are not physical items that are printed and posted to the customer; they are templates which are downloaded after purchase.

Those who purchase the bundles can customise the templates to their liking once they have been downloaded. Once they are happy with their customised template, the buyer then prints off the finished item.

He says that it takes very little to set up and as they are downloadable templates, there is little work required to run the actual store.

The article quoted the guy’s video in which he looked at an Etsy seller who was selling a specific wedding bundle for £50 that had over 66,000 sales, which equates to around a staggering £3.3 million alone… just for that one bundle!

This is a great idea because a lot of people want to get married and they want their special day to be perfect and so they will spend a lot of money getting things just right.

Many will also try and make it perfect and save money too. Having stationary designed and printed by professional studios can be incredibly costly.

With a template bundle from Etsy, brides and grooms to be can download a template, modify it to their liking, buy a pack of thick paper or thin card and print them all off themselves at home for a fraction of the price it would cost to have them done professionally.

Folding invites and stuffing envelopes is something they can do from home so this is perfect for those who want to save a few pennies allowing them to spend on other areas of the wedding but still have beautiful invites and menus etc.

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I cannot say how much competition there is with this, I imagine there is quite a bit, but the idea is a simple concept that I think most people can make money with.

You can offer a variety of bundles and you don’t have to design the templates yourself, you can go to freelance websites like Fiverr, 99Designs, or UpWork to find a designer who could do the designs for you.

If you go down that route, then there is going to be an initial upfront investment as you have templates made.

You could start with five bundles and then as you begin to earn money, have more templates created and add more bundles to your store giving customers more options.

I can see a lot of income potential with this opportunity.

More importantly it can become a relatively passive income.

Sales can happen at any time of the day and night and you do not need to be on hand to process the orders.


If you are not one for running an Etsy store and prefer something less ‘hands on’, then you might like the idea of making money by utilising your smartphone while it sits on a shelf or table.

Jeff Richards turned his family’s smartphones into mini cash dispensers earning him £50+ a day… per phone I may add.

By simply downloading a couple of specific apps and then allowing them to run in the background, Jeff was able to make £50+  per day per phone.

He was able to generate £18,000 per year per phone… or £73,000 in total!

Jeff opens up the apps, and leaves them to run in the background while he goes and does other things. The app owners pay him for every minute he uses the apps… which he doesn’t really use them as he is away doing something else.

It is probably the most ‘hands off’ and simplest money making methods I have seen recently.

If you would like to discover for yourself how you can make £50+ per day with your smartphone while it sits on a table doing nothing else, click the link below:

The Bullseye System

Kind regards

John Harrison.

PS… If you’re looking for a way for you and your family to make some extra cash from home (and the way the economy is going, that’s probably just about everyone!) I think you should definitely take a look at this.

Here’s why:

  • No investment needed. That’s right, with most things you need to spend money to make money. Not so with this. If you already have a smartphone, you don’t need to invest in anything else to start making money.
  • No selling to do. Most people hate selling, I know I do. With this, there’s no selling to do at all.
  • No hard work to do – in fact no work at all! And because of that, this doesn’t eat into the time you’re spending on other things.
  • Run in the background and forget. That’s right, once this is set up, there’s nothing to do other than monitor how much money you’re making.
  • No experience or skills needed. If you can switch on a smartphone and download an app from the app store, you’re in business.
  • You can set this up in seconds. Nothing complicated to learn, nothing long-winded to do. It’s laughably simple.
  • Run this from anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, you can be making money with this.

Here’s that link again:

The Bullseye System

This Simple Digital Asset Can Make You Thousands Of Pounds.

Today, our techy guy Andi received an email from a customer requesting a little help with something that he was working on.

He had written an eBook and his sales letter and needed a little guidance to getting his sales copy online.

It’s great to receive emails from customers who are successfully implementing what they are learning from our products.

It makes a change from the doom and gloom mongers who do nothing more than moan about one thing or another.

The problem is that those who do moan a lot rarely moan from experience, they moan mostly from opinion.

‘Your product costs too much’ or ‘that’s just not possible’ etc.

They moan and groan about stuff without actually trying it out.

Moaners fail to realise that it is far easier to moan than to actually implement action… which is why they moan… it’s the easier option.

But the truth is…

Moaning changes very little… only action can change your life.

The guy who sent the email telling us that he had written an eBook and a sales letter now has an asset.

That asset can make money for many years.

Instead of sitting around and moaning, he took action and wrote an eBook.

That one eBook can be sold from his own website, and it can be added to other platforms like Amazon, Etsy and Gumroad.

I don’t know what the eBook is about so I cannot personally say how successful it will be, but what I do know is that he now has something that he can sell and make money with.

Even if only 1,000 people bought the eBook over the next five years, at £9.99, that’s still an extra £9,990 generated from an eBook that took less than 30 days to create… generally these types of products earn far more.

It’s important to remember that you cannot make money with an eBook if it hasn’t been written.

Once it has been written, it can be sold for many years from multiple platforms.

Recently I have shared several stories of people who have made tens of thousands of pounds – sometimes per month – selling eBooks and digital products which they created themselves.

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This article is not specifically about writing eBooks and creating products to sell, it’s about getting started and implementing something that will make you money.

You can either moan about how little money you have spare or how costly things are these days… or you can start something to make more money.

I suggest the latter due to the fact that moaning changes very little, but ‘doing something’ can only lead to positive changes.

If you would like to follow the lead set by the chap who emailed us today, and learn how to create your own eBook to sell and the sales letter from which to sell it, go to:

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember… one eBook has the potential to change your life; it has for so many people.

One eBook could potentially pay all of your bills for the year.

One eBook could potentially pay off your mortgage.

Here’s that link again:

£16,579 Per Month From Just One 20 Page Book

I’ve just read about a guy named Michael who sold a business that was earning him approximately $20,000 (£16,579 at time of writing) per month.

This was a monthly membership business where people paid him a subscription to receive one new book each month.

Within 60 days of launching the business he had over 100 subscribers paying him $97 (£80) giving him a monthly income around $10,000 (£8,289) which he grew to $20,000 (£16,579) per month before selling the business on for a decent profit.

The books that he published each month were printed books that were sent out in the mail… but here’s the thing… the books were usually only 20 pages long.

Sometimes they were less!

Initially, a new subscriber was sent a larger book which outlined how to get started with making an income online and set up their business.

After that, they received one new short book each month that taught them complimentary subjects which helped them to grow their online business and make money online.

Basically, each new book was a chapter of a larger book.

I want you to stop and think about that for a minute.

Michael was earning between $10,000 and $20,000 (£8,289 and £16,579) per month for publishing just one book that was only 20 pages or less.

How long would it take you to create 20 pages of content?

Not long at all I’d imagine.

Could you create 20 pages of content each month if it was earning you between $10,000 and $20,000 (£8,289 and £16,579)?

Would you create 20 pages of content if it was paying between $10,000 and $20,000 (£8,289 and £16,579)?

Hopefully the answer is yes, yes you would.

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Unless you really enjoyed creating the content yourself, you could pay someone else to do it for you, especially if you were earning the same amounts of money as Michael.

The point is this… there were people paying $97 (£80) per month to receive a small book on a topic which they could get from multiple places online.

There’s probably thousands of websites offering the same information for free.

Michael created a ‘series’ of books as part of a product, and people were happy to pay for it.

$97 is a good price but so much of that would cover the cost to print the books and post them. There were also commissions to be paid from that because Michael used affiliates to help grow the subscription figures.

Even so, here were people who were happily paying $97 to receive one short book each month… if that doesn’t tell you that it’s possible to make money publishing information and/or thin books from home, nothing will.

Previously I have talked about the bestselling author Seanan McGuire who makes around ten thousand pounds each month writing and publishing short fiction stories for her fans.

Unlike Michael who was selling just a few hundred copies of his books for a larger fee, Seanan sells to several thousand people for less.

She uses the Patreon platform which allows her to set different price tiers meaning that subscribers can pay more and receive more.

Seanan doesn’t send out  physical copies of her book, she publishes them as eBooks that fans can access via the Patreon platform meaning that she doesn’t need to charge as much as Michael, nor does she have to focus on getting books printed.

Subscription businesses like these can be incredibly profitable… and they can be incredibly simple to run.

The biggest hurdle to these kinds of businesses is getting people to your sales page where they can join.

Michael used affiliates to drive traffic to his sales page whereas Seanan informed her fan base, which was already established thanks to her being a bestselling author, of her Patreon profile.

Putting aside the fact that Seanan had an established following, the fact remains that it is possible for anyone and everyone to make money publishing information and fiction stories.

Very few people are born with an established following, network of affiliates, or an email list, these are built and grown. Michael and Seanan started at square one and are now reaping the benefits.

The styles may be different; Michael published information in real books, Seanan self-published fiction as eBooks (she also has real books being published through publishing houses), but they both made a lot of money publishing and selling books to people through the internet.

The internet is global and it means that you can put yourself in front of hundreds and thousands of people on a daily basis.

You have the tools in your pocket and on your desk that you can use to build a profitable subscription business.

To learn more about how powerful home-based subscription businesses can be; go to:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

Kind regards

John Harrison.

PS…With a subscription based business you are not exchanging your time for money working for just one person at a time, you are supplying a product or service each month to a large number of people… or a relatively small number of people as in the case of Michael.

Charging just £5 a month to access content isn’t a lot. One person paying you £5 won’t make you rich. But what if you had 1000 people paying you just £5 a month?

You would earn £5,000 a month… which isn’t bad, is it?

Here’s that link again:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

Delivering Parcels Nearly Destroyed Her…

I watched as he banged on the door then ran.

The door opened and a confused pensioner came out looking up and down the road to see if anyone was about only to find a parcel on her doorstep.

The delivery driver was probably on the other side of town by now, speeding to get to his next drop off.

That was the scene I witnessed the other day.

I watched as a guy rushed around throwing parcels onto doorsteps, banging hard on doors then scooting off at speed.

The reason he was rushing around is that the job is crap!

Let’s be honest… they are not the best jobs.

I can’t comment on the pay today, but a few years ago they were terrible.

Many years ago, Andi our techy guy, was forced to step in and help his good lady, Viki, who had decided to try delivering parcels for Yodel.

Having ME and fibromyalgia she was forced to give up working in schools with children with autism and other conditions, a job she loved.

Not wanting to sit around and do nothing, she thought delivering parcels could be something that she could probably manage.

It was running up to Christmas and so the parcel numbers were building up, but still not too much according to the guy who dropped them off at Andi’s house – late!

A delivery company that fails to deliver parcels to its workers on time on their first day surely has to be a warning sign!

Viki was to use her own car and deliver a stack of parcels around the town.

Not only were the parcels delivered to her a couple of hours late, the machine that logged the parcels and plot the routes to make the journey easier wasn’t working, and… she had to have them all delivered by no later than 9pm (I believe).

No one was to work later than 9pm.

All the parcels were supposed to be processed before being delivered using the machine which was broken, so it was done by hand using a laptop connected to a specific website.

This was her first day on the job!

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She had a huge pile of parcels to deliver, she needed to log them all before taking them out, the machine to do it was broken and so she needed to manual input numbers into a system on a website she had never used before.

The only training she was given was by the delivery driver who was rushing because he was already behind on schedule.

As I say, it was her first day on the job. Not the best start.

Viki loaded all of the parcels into the car, and set out several hours behind schedule to deliver them around the area.

A couple of hours later Andi received a phone call from Viki in tears. She was struggling.

Some people were not in to receive the parcels and so they couldn’t be left because they either needed a signature or there was nowhere safe to leave them… others were not happy that their parcel was late and were rude.

She was rushing back and forth like a headless chicken, and that was taking its toll.

Viki was struggling.

Andi stepped in to drive so that she could jump out and quickly take the parcel to the door. He would sit in the car with the engine running ready to shoot off to the next address.

By six o’clock, Viki was completely wiped out. She was in a lot of pain and heavily fatigued.

Andi took her home and then carried on until the end of the day.

Andi is healthy and fairly strong and so he was able to dash around and work relatively fast… but that still wasn’t enough.

At the end of the day there was still a boot full of parcels yet to be delivered which would be added to the following day’s deliveries.

When Andi arrived home just after nine he told Viki to call Yodel and tell them not to bother dropping off another load the following day.

For the money, it just wasn’t worth it. Pay may be better today, but back then it wasn’t.

The following day Andi went out and delivered the remaining parcels, which still took up half of the day, and swore that he would never do a deliver job like that unless he had no other option.

He found out a week later that his cousin, Steve, also had a similar experience.

Steve managed to complete a couple of weeks before quitting. He was forced to have his father drive the car for him so that he could quickly deliver the parcels.

Without someone driving the car, there was no way the parcels could all be delivered in a day. It was impossible.

Running back and forth across town, going back to places where no one was in earlier trying to ensure that all parcels were delivered that day, was more stressful than working in the building trade that he was trying to escape from.

Steve didn’t stay in the job longer than a couple of weeks.

When you rely on a second person to drive you around, it becomes a two person job with a one person wage… and you also have the cost of fuel to take out of that.

That’s crap!

Maybe it suits some people, an Olympic athlete with ADHD and energy to burn might love it and be able to make it work… but for a lot of people I imagine they do it because they believe they have no other choice.

The problem is that for those people, they are working hard for pennies.

I have seen ‘couples’ doing the delivery, sharing the load just as Andi did with Viki that day, and his cousin did with his father.

Two people sharing a wage working late into the evening… they are working hard for next to nothing.

It’s not a job that I would recommend to anyone.

Even as a last resort I wouldn’t recommend it.


Because I know that there are a lot more opportunities available today that are a lot better in many ways.

  • They pay more.
  • They won’t cost you money in car fuel.
  • They don’t require two people to do the work for one wage.
  • They can be done from the comfort of your own home.
  • They can be done from anywhere in the world.
  • Some require little equipment.
  • Some require little to no up-front financial investment.
  • They can be done at any time of the day or night.
  • Some don’t require selling or needing customers.
  • Those that do, customers and clients don’t need to be local. They can come from all around the world.

I’m sure there is more I could add to that list, but you can see what I am getting at.

Today, there are countless different ways to make money that don’t require you to run yourself into the ground for pennies.

One brilliant example of that would be affiliate marketing.

It can cost nothing to start and you can earn large commissions… depending on which products you promote.

Thanks to social media, you can start today to promote products online for free.

Now, I am not going to say that you will just suddenly start to make money today promoting affiliate products… it all depends on what you do, how many people you get your promotions in front of and what kind of people they are.

Sticking pictures of beef burgers in front of 10,000 vegans will not make you any money.

Stick a vegan burger in front of them and you will have a few takers… stick that burger in front of them several times and you will have a lot more takers.

Like most things in life, you need to follow a plan that is proven to work.

One method of selling products for affiliate commissions that is proven to work is through the use of email.

Building an email list in specific markets is a powerful way to make money… and you can get started today.

I am currently giving away a FREE eBook about email marketing.

Be warned, I haven’t decided for how long I will give it away for free, I may delete the page next week… so if you haven’t yet got your copy, get it now before it is no longer available.

You can get it here:

Free Email Marketing EBook

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… There’s a reason that I talk about email marketing a fair bit, and that is because it works!

It is how we, and a lot of other people, make a lot of money. It’s the one business model that most people overlook, yet it is one of the most effective and profitable.

Get your copy here before it’s too late:

Free Email Marketing EBook

How I Made £4,000 One Weekend With A Product I Hadn’t Even Created!

You’ll be pleased to know that I haven’t been far this week and so I don’t have any new ‘overheard’ stories to share with you.

I’ve not seen anything interesting online or on television that I can talk about either, so because of that…I’m going to do something a little different today.

I am going to share with you a 40+ page eBook that outlines everything you need to know on how you can successfully build a profitable email marketing business.

I’ve talked many times before about how powerful it is to have your own email list.

An email list that is used regularly can make you a lot of money… as long as the people on that email list are actually interested in what it is that you are promoting.

At the start of the Covid lockdown in 2020, I made £4,000 one weekend promoting just an idea for a product. Once people showed an interest and sales started coming in, I made the product.

That product made tens of thousands of pounds over the course of a year.

That’s one of the great things about an active email list, you can test product ideas and see if people are interested in buying them before you make them.

An email list should be built around a specific niche or industry.

That is how you grow an email list of people who are interested in what you have to offer.

If you wanted to sell products that help people to earn money as a writer, you would give away a free report, eBook or video – known as a lead magnet – on the subject of writing.

The lead magnet could be something like ‘How To Land Your First £1,000 Paying Writing Client’, or ‘How To Land And Manage 10 Or More £1,000 Per Month Writing Clients’.

That way, you will get the right people on your list.

Those who sign up for the free product have shown a strong interest in becoming a writer, or is a writer who wants to improve their chances of making money with their craft.

To show you the whole process, I have left the opt-in form on the page so you will need to sign up to receive your FREE copy of the eBook.

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You will go through the process of signing up, confirming the opt-in, receiving the eBook automatically via email… and you will see how email marketers make money during a sign-up by sending new subscribers to a Segue Page (sometimes called a Bridging Page) which leads them onto a paid product offer.

Once these systems are built and live online, you need not do anything to them other than send people to them and write new emails to send to the growing list… emails which can take as little as five minutes.

In the eBook I show you several powerful methods of getting people to your website and opt-in form so that they can sign-up for your lead magnet.

With email marketing, you can promote your own products, or you can promote other people’s products and get paid a commission whenever a sale is made.

There are thousands of products that you can promote to your email list; some of them pay several thousand pounds per sale.

Imagine that you currently earn £2,000 per month doing a 40 hour a week job, and in your spare time you started to build your own email business and as it grew, you begin to make one sale a month of a product which pays you a £2,000 commission.

Firstly, you double your monthly income, and secondly, you could leave your job and replace your wage and regain your freedom with an income that you can keep growing.

One sale a month of a product that pays you a £2,000 commission could grow to two sales per month, or three sales per month… or more.

Not only could you have more free time to do more of the things you enjoy, you’ll also have more time available to grow your email business to the point that you are making more sales per month earning you far more money.

Obviously, how much you make depends on many factors such as what niche you choose to work in, what your lead magnet is like, how responsive the people on your list are, how many emails you send, and what products you offer them.

If you regularly emailed an incredibly active list and offered them products priced at £197 or more, you will make more money than if you sent one email a month to a list that wasn’t responsive and you only promoted products under £25.

Makes sense, doesn’t it?

But all of that is under your control.

You choose the industry, you choose the products to sell, and you choose how many times you email the list and what you write about in each email.

Anyway, go and get your FREE eBook about email marketing before I decide to remove the page.

You can get it here:

Free Email Marketing EBook

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… I talk a lot about making money using email, and there’s a reason for that… it works!

It is how we make a lot of our money. Please note: I could easily sell this eBook for £47… but it’s yours free if you act quickly.

Get your copy here:

Free Email Marketing EBook

If I Gave You £250 Right Now… What Would You Do?

If I gave you £250 today, what would you do with it?

The reason I ask is that one of the things I hear most when I happen to ‘overhear’ people talking is that when they get a surprise lump sum of money such as a work bonus, a tax rebate, a win on the lottery etc… it is used to buy treats.

There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever… other than the fact that most of the people I hear talking about money, are usually lamenting that they don’t have enough.

The reason they spend that little windfall on treating themselves to something nice is that they say that they never have enough spare to spend on treats…ironically they say that while tucking into an overpriced slice of cake and cappuccino.

So, if I were to give you £250 today and say that you can use it any way that you choose, what would you do with it?

Would you spend it on a night out?

Buy some new clothes?

Would you put it towards a holiday?

Would you treat yourself to a few takeaways and a few bottles of wine?

Would you go and spend a night in a hotel and have a short break somewhere you have always wanted to visit?

Maybe go and see your favourite band?

How you choose to use that free money is very telling.

When people get free money, it seems that the last thing most of them do is use it to make more money… which would be the more logical decision.

If having a spare £250 meant that you could treat yourself to a nice break away, or a nice meal out or a being able to go and see your favourite bands, what would having a spare £250 per week do for you?

£250 could easily have an eBook written that could generate thousands of pounds in revenue.

Only this morning I read about a woman named Tabitha in the US who generated £26,460 ($30,000) in thirty days writing and publishing her own eBook.

I don’t know if she spent any money on sending people to her eBook or where she hosted it, but I do know that in 30 days she made $30K selling it.

She left her 9 to 5 because of the sales of that one eBook.

Now you understand why I like to regularly promote our 30 Day To £30K Challenge product… Tabitha is yet more proof that people are creating digital products that are making life changing amounts of money.

She, like so many other people, wrote her eBook herself, but you could quite easily get a decent eBook written for £250, you’ll need to shop around to find the right writer, but it is doable.

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The £250 could also be used as a ‘starting bank’ in Betfair.

A ‘starting bank’ is money that is used as leverage to make more money.

Philip Blake makes between £250 – £375 TAX FREE money per week with Betfair using a system he developed during the lockdowns of 2020.

He named his system the Second Half Sniper System because he places his bets in the second half of football games that fit his criteria.

Philip checks one specific table on a free website and with a little calculation he comes up with a list of football matches to bet on.

Because of how he selects his games, he wins more than he loses which means that he can make a decent £250 – £375 TAX FREE money per week.

The system is super simple, it can be learned in an hour or less meaning that you don’t need to spend hours trying to learn something complicated.

In today’s fast paced world, that’s a godsend!

To discover how you too can earn between £250 – £375 TAX FREE money per week, click the link below:

Second Half Sniper System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This is brand new, never been published before and there are only 50 ‘pioneer copies’ available.

Here’s that link again:

Second Half Sniper System