All posts by Streetwise

Property Photographer

As you probably know, I have a property business and so spend a fair amount of time looking at property ad’s. Here’s something I’ve found. On the whole, the photography is appalling. It’s really quite amazing that an agent can be selling a property valued at hundreds of thousands of pounds, and yet they think it acceptable to present it via a few blurry iphone photographs, with no attempt to tidy up or find the best angles.

I’m not the world’s best photographer but always seem to be able to take attractive photographs of the properties we have for rent. It really isn’t hard, but you wouldn’t know it judged by the ‘it’ll do’ approach of many agents. There has to be an opening for someone to offer a photographic service to agents. You wouldn’t need expensive equipment – just a decent camera with a wide angle lens and some basic software to clean up your images.

If I was starting this business I’d contact a few agents and offer to re-photograph some of the properties they already had on their books, for free. From there, it should be fairly easy to sell them on the benefits of having better quality photo’s of what is the biggest purchase which most people will ever make.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Our biggest regrets are not for the things we have done but the things we haven’t done.”                                                 


Chad Michael Murray

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I want my time to be taken up by chores, errands, appointments, and arguments. In other words, I want to get married.”   

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Jarod Kintz 

Sale Or Return Business

Difficult economic times don’t just create problems, they generate opportunities too. One of those opportunities arises from the fact that suppliers are likely to be far more flexible in their approach – and far more open to ‘sale or return’ deals when times are tough.

If you can negotiate ‘sale or return’ deal with a wholesaler or other supplier, you start out with a huge advantage. You have no capital tied up in stock and no dead stock that you need to discount to dispose of. Anything you don’t sell simply goes back to the supplier.

One idea I saw recently was The Sale Or Return Mobile Unit. This is a mobile retail unit (or van to you and me!) which is stocked up with goods provided on a sale or return basis. There are two huge additional advantages to this approach – firstly there is no rent or rates to pay, and secondly the unit can be moved from location to location and stocked with merchandise to fit.

So one day it might be parked outside a football ground selling scarves, hats and football related items. The next day it could be parked near a busy retail area selling discounted clothes. The day after that, it could be packed motoring related products for a car show.

Get the idea? The key points are that everything is flexible, everything is sale or return and you can try out lots of different things without a great deal of cost or commitment.

Today’s National Day   

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This Will Make You Money, Guaranteed 


I know, I know – It’s very big claim in that subject line.

But this really is one of the few extra income ideas where I genuinely believe you can use the word ‘Guaranteed’!

Look, I don’t want to beat about the bush with this.

I’ve had many years experience with these types of systems and this is one I can strongly recommend. 

Take a look today: 

Best Wishes  

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John Harrison 

Selling The Unsavoury

Not every product is attractive in either appearance or function. Many fall into the yucky-but-necessary category. So how do you go about selling them? The makers of Naposure, a saline product designed to wash out a mucus laden nose, (apologies if you’re eating!) faced just this problem.

Their solution was to soften the whole thing by using attractive children in the advertisements, demonstrating the product. The cute and funny videos they made seemed to do the trick of making an unglamorous product visually attractive to the target market.

It’s a trick that toilet paper manufacturers have used for decades of course. What Labrador puppies have to do with the quality and effectiveness of Andrex is anyone’s guess, but they serve the function of making the product attractive, while very subtly conveying the benefits.

Perhaps if your product lacks a little glamour, you could think about making it more attractive and appealing by associating it in customer’s minds with something more acceptable. Something o give some thought to.

As an aside, I just discovered that toilet paper was first marketed in the United States just 150 years ago, and up until that point in time, everyone made ‘alternative arrangements’. Just give some thought to that the next time you’re bemoaning the fact that some modern day luxury you’ve become accustomed to isn’t working quite the way it should!

Motivational Quote Of The Day

 “Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.”                                               

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John Lennon

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.”  

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W.C Fields 

What’s New?

Almost every would-be entrepreneur I speak to is looking for something ‘new’…a product or service nobody has thought of before. But what exactly is ‘new’, and is this a realistic ambition? 

In the early part of the twentieth century, long before the internet, The Boston Globe had an instant real time news feed product, backed by advertising. Breaking news was chalked up on huge boards and placed in the newsroom window which backed onto the street.

The news was usually conveyed by a headline (140 characters or less!) and behind it were paid advertisements. In addition telegraphed communications of boxing matches or football matches was shouted out by employees using loud hailers, round by round or play to an eager audience. Early multimedia in action!

Okay, it’s not quite Twitter, but the point I’m making is that the demand for news of events as they happened was always there, and there was a product to fill the demand. What’s available on the internet today is just a modern day manifestation of a product meeting the same demand.

Rather than looking for something completely new and unique, a more fruitful route to a lucrative business opportunity might be to look at what was popular in the past, and then how it can be given a modern twist. Technology changes, but underlying inbuilt human needs wants and desires do not.

Today’s National Day   

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This Will Make You Money, Guaranteed 


I know, I know – It’s very big claim in that subject line.

But this really is one of the few extra income ideas where I genuinely believe you can use the word ‘Guaranteed’!

Look, I don’t want to beat about the bush with this.

I’ve had many years experience with these types of systems and this is one I can strongly recommend. 

Take a look today: 

Best Wishes  

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John Harrison

Premium Price For Profit

I spent an hour yesterday afternoon with an audiologist who sells hearing aids… 

And before you ask ~ no the hearing aid wasn’t for me. As my wife will confirm, I hear exactly what I want to hear. 

Anyway, I asked him about the difference between the mid-priced units he sold, and the top of the range, which were about 40% more expensive. He said that the differences weren’t huge ~ a few bells and whistles (actually that’s a terrible analogy…the last thing you want on a hearing aid is a whistle!) which most people wouldn’t need or use… 

So a lot more money for not much more benefit. 

And yet these units sold very well. 

Most products are affected by the phenomenon of diminishing returns as the price goes up beyond a certain point. Cars are an excellent example of this. The manufacturers create a standard car, and then offer more expensive variations on the theme, which offer some additional benefits, but the increase in price is far in excess of the increase in benefits. 

I own such a car. It’s a Porsche 996 GT2, and when it was new, it cost about 70% more than the standard 996. It goes faster, and looks better, but to the untrained eye, it’s not that different from the standard product. In fact, in some respects it’s worse, because it has no back seats and many creature comforts have been removed, to save weight. Oh and they appear to have done away with the suspension. And yet, the original buyers happily paid over £40,000 extra for the car. 

Now, before you think I’ve taken leave of my senses, I bought the car second-hand when it had depreciated to a point much closer to the current price of the standard car, and it’s actually now depreciating far less because of its exclusivity. But that wasn’t what influenced the original buyer. Like all buyers of premium-priced, top of the range products they purchased for one of a number of reasons:

1.  They have plenty of money and always have to have ‘the best’.

2.  They were prepared to ‘overpay’ for the unique benefit of the product.

3.  They crave exclusivity ~ to own something that very few people have ~ and are prepared to pay for the privilege.

When you think about most of the things you spend money on, there’s usually the opportunity to buy a premium-priced product ~ one which is better than the original, but probably not better value for money.

Consumer durables, furniture, clothes, food, holidays…just about everything. 

And here’s what’s interesting for you and me… 

No matter what product or service you sell, there is probably a hardcore of your customers who would pay considerably more for a ‘better’ version of the same product or service…and they’ll be prepared to pay far more than the enhancements cost to create. 

If you’re not currently doing anything to serve that latent demand, you’re missing a big profit opportunity. What’s more, you’re leaving yourself wide open to competitors jumping in and taking the cream off the top of your market. 


 John Harrison


This Will Make You Money, Guaranteed 


I know, I know – It’s very big claim in that subject line.

But this really is one of the few extra income ideas where I genuinely believe you can use the word ‘Guaranteed’!

Look, I don’t want to beat about the bush with this.

I’ve had many years experience with these types of systems and this is one I can strongly recommend.

Take a look today:  

Best Wishes

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John Harrison 

The Power Of A Good Review

Every restaurant owner knows that reviews on the likes of Trip Advisor are very important these days, but until recently, it was impossible to assess exactly how important.

Work by two economists at the University of California Professors Michael Anderson and Jeremy Magruder, is the first attempt to measure the relationship between online star ratings and customer’s purchasing decisions.

The pair focused on the effects of positive online ratings on 300 San Francisco restaurants.They found that a restaurant with a rating improved by just half a star – on a scale of 1 to 5 – was much more likely to be full at peak dining times. Indeed, an extra half-star rating caused a restaurant’s 7pm bookings to sell out up from 30% to 49% of the evenings it was open for business.

Many products and services are subject to online review scrutiny these days, and what’s important for restaurants is likely to be important elsewhere too.

Something to think about.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

 “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”                                                 

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Dr Seus

Quote Of The Day

“These are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others.”   

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Grouch Marx 

Backyard Farmers

I like the idea of having a nice garden, and I like the idea of growing my own vegetables, but when it comes down to it I never get around to doing anything about it. It’s people like me….and perhaps the cash rich/time-and-space-poor population often found in major cities that Backyard Farmers is aimed at.

The company provide customers with a turnkey organic vegetable garden without the need to pick up a spade or get their hands dirty. Gardens cost around $2,000 (this is a US idea) and comprise raised soil beds, enhanced with micro nutrients and locally grown plants. The garden comes housed in a nice cedar frame and is watered via an in-built irrigation system.

I doubt that this makes sound economic sense for the customer, but for the kind of people who would buy into this, that’s not really the point.

Would this work here in the UK? Not everywhere obviously, but I can see a market for it in the more affluent towns and suburbs. Yes, economic times are tough, but there are still plenty of people with money to spend on things that take their fancy.

Today’s National Day   

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This Will Make You Money, Guaranteed 


I know, I know – It’s very big claim in that subject line.

But this really is one of the few extra income ideas where I genuinely believe you can use the word ‘Guaranteed’!

Look, I don’t want to beat about the bush with this.

I’ve had many years experience with these types of systems and this is one I can strongly recommend. 

Take a look today: 

Best Wishes  

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John Harrison

Become A Conviction Marketer…And Get Poor

I’ve been trying to figure out why I’ve lost all respect for politicians, and I think I’ve found the answer. Paradoxically, it’s because they’ve become more like me.  

Let me explain… 

I’ve always admired conviction politicians – people like Margaret Thatcher, Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner. I may not agree with what they have to say, but I know when they say it, that it comes from the heart. They truly believe what they’re saying – they truly believe that what they’re proposing is right for the country. 

But politicians like these are of a dying breed. In fact they may have died out already. You’ll note I haven’t given you any examples from the modern era. That’s because I can’t think of any. There’s not really a place in modern politics, for people like this. 

The new approach is characterised by people like Tony Blair and David Cameron – chameleon-like characters who, if truthful, would respond to the question “What do you stand for?” with: 

“What do you want me to stand for. I’m flexible.” 

To my mind, this is morally indefensible, and I don’t understand why anyone would want to forge a political career on that footing. The idea that you form policies on the basis of what people say they want, rather than what you believe to be right, just seems ridiculous. Surely the whole point of going into politics is to bring about changes and improvements in the precise direction you believe to be right – not to deliver some half-arsed compromise, ordered up by an electorate primarily motivated by self-interest, greed and envy… 

If I’m going to find out what people want, and then deliver it to them, I’ll do it in a business thank you very much. The money is better and you get to sleep at night. And that’s what I choose to do. 

In a business, it’s called marketing ~ and it’s ethical and deserving of respect. In politics, it’s called opportunism ~ and it’s unethical, and deserving of contempt. In business, you have to give people what they want, but as a politician you should be giving them what they need. There’s a massive difference. 

If you go into politics, please become a conviction politician. I’ll vote for you at least. But if you go into business, please don’t become a conviction marketer. There’s no surer way to the poor house. 

Let me explain what I mean… 

So many people launch a business or money-making enterprise on the back of a conviction. They have an idea for a product or service, and believe that it’s something people need and will pay for. They have no evidence for this, other than their own firmly-held belief. I speak to people like this all the time. 

They approach me with a product or service they’d like me to sell for them. They’ve often spent months (sometimes years) perfecting their offering, without ever going to the trouble of finding out whether people actually want what they’ve perfected. When I ask them about their market research, their test promotions, or their target market, there’s no response other than: “Well, we haven’t done that yet.” 

And what they’ve ended up with, is something perfectly crafted ~ but something there’s a strong possibility that nobody wants to buy. Such is their belief, their conviction, in the product, that they’re blinded to the realities of the market. That’s fine for a politician on a crusade to bring about change he believes in, and being paid to do it, but out-and-out disaster for any entrepreneur who stands or falls on sales and profit. 

Take a leaf out of the modern politicians book… 

Find out what people want and then set about delivering it to them. Don’t waste time and energy trying to sell what you think they need. Sell them what they want instead. And don’t fall in love with your product. Be prepared to adapt and change it into a form that will attract the maximum number of buyers. 

As a politician it’s what makes you a contemptible opportunist ~ but as a marketer it’s what makes you rich.   


 John Harrison

False Forecasts

Just read a list of expensive mistakes that businesses make in Forbes magazine, and one error in particular struck a chord – making wildly optimistic sales forecasts.

One of the recurrent head-in-hands moments for me, is when someone hoping to do business with us says something along the lines of…”If just one person in a thousand who reads our ad places an order, we’ll make…”It sounds logical, it sounds viable but it rarely is. It’s usually based on nothing more than guess work…surely one in a thousand will be easy. Most of the time it won’t.

The bottom line is to always make sure your sales forecasts are based on hard facts rather than what ‘common sense’ tells you what should be a viable response from a big target market. It rarely works the way you expect.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

 “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody
           isn’t thinking.”               

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George S Patton

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“The biggest thing in my life right now is my girlfriend. I love this girl. I know I love her because she told me.”                                                                    

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Adam Ferrara

Are You Doing Too Much?

Sometimes, what seems like a retrograde step turns out to be quite the opposite. When Terri Urbash left her job as a court reporter to start a family, she expected her income to go into reverse, but in fact the opposite happened. 

You see, the assignments continued to come in, and because she couldn’t now deal with them personally, she started farming them out to other court reporters. Then a large insurance company was looking to hire a deposition service. Urbash assumed it would go to a national competitor, but she applied for the contract anyway, and she got it. Network Deposition Services has soared since landing the client, expanding throughout Pennsylvania and now moving across the country.

What Urbash discovered perhaps by accident, is that you only start to make some real money when you stop DOING the work and start ORGANISING the work. There are only so many hours you can personally work each day or week, but when you start organising the work of others, you can profit from an almost infinite number of hours worked.

Are you guilty of spending too much time doing it, and not enough time organising it? 

Today’s National Day   





This Will Make You Money, Guaranteed


I know, I know – It’s very big claim in that subject line. 

But this really is one of the few extra income ideas where I genuinely believe you can use the word ‘Guaranteed’!

Look, I don’t want to beat about the bush with this.

I’ve had many years experience with these types of systems and this is one I can strongly recommend. 

Take a look today: 

Where Do Old Footballers Go?

In the days before footballers got paid £100,000+ a week, you always knew where you’d find an ex-player after retiring – behind the bar of his own pub. It was the career of choice for any player who hadn’t gambled away his wages. Did you ever wonder why?

I think it’s because people naturally gravitate towards businesses they enjoy patronising themselves. If you enjoy spending your leisure time in a pub, why not get paid for it instead? It’s the same thought process that has led people to open coffee shops, gyms, and myriad retail establishments. But does this make sense?

Well, yes and no. If you’re an enthusiastic consumer of something, you should have a good feel for what the market wants. That’s bound to be an advantage. But at the same time, it would be an extra-ordinary coincidence if the optimum business for you turned out to be the type of business you personally enjoy frequenting most as a consumer. And there’s always the chance that you will metaphorically ‘drink the profits.’

The lesson to take away from this is to thoroughly question your motives for following the business path you’ve chosen. If it’s nothing more than an extension of your consumption preferences, it could be worth a rethink.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

 “Most of the important things in the world have been achieved by people who have kept on trying   
 when there seemed to be  no hope at all.”                           

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Dale Carnegie

Quote Of The Day

“I’m in no condition to drive…..wait! I shouldn’t listen to myself, I’m drunk!”  

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Homer J Simpson 

Pin-Picking Advice

Let me ask you to choose a number between 1 and 50. Pick it at random. Okay? Now, if, like me, your choice was thirty seven, you are in potential trouble. You have what’s known as a ‘group mind’. Apparently, we all follow the herd.

That’s a problem when it comes to picking a PIN number or a password most of us are very predictable! For a PIN, we pick our date or year of birth. Common passwords are 123456, abc123, qwerty, computer, password and the name of the website we’ve accessed.

Other favourite passwords relate to the names of our partners, children and favourite football team. Bottom line? Stick with the random four-digit number sent to you by your bank or, if you prefer, choose a random one of your own. Likewise, passwords – one for each site etc – should be a random mix of letters and numbers, upper and lower case etc.

Today’s National Day   

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Forty-year Betting Veteran Makes Shocking Confession…

“I Still Don’t Have A Clue
  Which Horse Will Win!”

But By Analysing The Result Of Over
100,000Races, I’ve Discovered A Back Door
Route To a £20,000+ Guaranteed Year
Round Profit From Carefully Selected UK

Anyone Can Copy Me, It Takes Just
Ten Minutes A Day. And You Get To
Choose How Much You’ll Win…£10…
£20…Or Even £50 A Race!

For the full story visit;

The Power Of Curiosity

Bulletin reader Bob Gregory received this envelope from a restaurant he’d visited before. Rather than a straightforward discount voucher, this is a bit different. It demonstrates the power of one of the most important influencers on human behaviour – curiosity.  


As you can see, the envelope offers money off  a meal at the restaurant, but here’s the  difference, you only find out how much of a discount after eating the meal and opening the envelope on receipt of the bill. It could be 25% or it could be 50%. It’s a surprise and you’re not allowed to find out beforehand.

Will it work? Well it certainly worked on Bob because he booked a meal, and I can see why. It’s something different to the ubiquitous discount voucher, and there’s an element of intrigue and excitement. Bob won’t know how much he’s saved until afterwards. 

Now he may suspect, as would many others, that the discount will be 25%,  but he doesn’t know for sure. Maybe it will be more. There’s only one way to find out.

Is this something you could use in your business? It seems to me there are many different ways this idea could be used. I’ll certainly be thinking about it.  

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it.”                 

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Charles Buxton

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.”

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Steven Wright

You’re Never The Wrong Age

I never like to miss the chance to nail the “I’m too young/old excuse, and Nathan Clark has given me another chance. Eleven year old Nathan was doing his maths homework and needed to find a ruler. He looked down at his pencil and that’s when the inspiration hit – why not combine a ruler with a pencil? 

He went out and found a manufacturer, but their minimum order was 1,000 pencils. Not having the funds to proceed, Nathan made a video appeal and approached a fund raising company called Kickstart to raise the $350 he needed. Three days later over $2,500 had been pledged. 

 Will this make Nathan a millionaire? Probably not, but with the ambition and drive that he clearly has, Nathan will have a big success on his hands at some stage in the future.

Now consider this, if he can do all this at eleven, do you have any reason for not taking action with your own pals? 

Today’s National Day   

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Forty-year Betting Veteran Makes Shocking Confession…

“I Still Don’t Have A Clue
  Which Horse Will Win!”

But By Analysing The Result Of Over
100,000Races, I’ve Discovered A Back Door
Route To a £20,000+ Guaranteed Year
Round Profit From Carefully Selected UK

Anyone Can Copy Me, It Takes Just
Ten Minutes A Day. And You Get To
Choose How Much You’ll Win…£10…
£20…Or Even £50 A Race!

For the full story visit;

The World’s Most Successful Author Shock!

If I asked you to name the most successful author of the millennium so far, I think you might come up with writers like J K Rowling, Tom Clancy, Dan Brown and John Grisham, but I doubt you’d come up with the right answer. And yet he’s a man whose had more bestsellers over the past five years, than all those four – combined! 

His name is James Patterson, and it’s ‘own up to ignorance time’ for me, because I’d never even heard of him until yesterday. Which is a bit worrying because he sells over £60 million worth of books a year. I must pay more attention. 

Anyway, what’s interesting is how he does it, because it carries with it, some invaluable insight for anyone who wants to make a great deal of money – no matter what the field. 

Unlike most other authors, Patterson doesn’t stick to one genre. He creates books that he thinks people will buy, irrespective of the genre. So he starts with the market, and then creates products to fit. Very few authors do this, and not enough business people do it either. They fall in love with a product rather than a market. This is a big mistake. A so-so product put into the right market will always make more money than a fantastic one put into the wrong one. 

Patterson doesn’t write books he likes, or even ones he would want to read himself. He creates books that the maximum number of people will want to buy. 

Once he’s identified a ‘hot’ market, he knows that output is going to be critical to capitalising on the opportunity. So rather than operate like most authors who agonise over every word for years, he employs a team of co-writers who work to his brief and produce the first drafts. This enables him to work fast ~ getting up to six books a year out on the market. So he never has all his eggs in one basket at any one time – and he has plenty of baskets. 

That’s another valuable lesson no matter what business you’re in. If you insist on doing everything yourself, it’s very difficult to fully capitalise on an opportunity, or indeed to create multiple revenue streams. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day. 

James Patterson is an author, but he’s clearly very much an entrepreneur too. I’m not in a position to comment on his ability as a writer, but my guess is that there are many others out there of equal talent who are struggling to make a living – let alone raking in sales of over £60 million a year. The difference is that he finds out what the market wants, gives it to them in volume, milks it for all it’s worth ~ and then is adaptable enough to move on to the next ‘big thing’ when a new opportunity presents itself. 

When you take that approach, almost any idiot can make money… 

And I should know! 


 John Harrison

Real Life Catches Up With Batman!

When I was a kid, my favourite TV show was Batman – not that modern serious nonsense, but the tongue-in-cheek 1960’s series starring Adam West.

One of my favourite scenes (which actually appeared in the feature film) is when Batman is lowered into the sea from a rope ladder attached to a helicopter. His legs disappear below the waves, and when he’s hauled back up, we see that the most unconvincing rubber shark has attached itself to his leg.

Batman is unfazed. He reaches into his utility belt (how I wanted one of those!) and pulls out an aerosol can. On the side are printed the words ‘Shark Repellent Spray.’ One squirt and the unfortunate fish is forced to loosen its grip and crashes back down in to the sea.

It was a bit of frivolous fun maybe, but there’s nothing funny about shark attacks. Recently there have been two high profile cases in which tourists have been killed by sharks while out swimming. I don’t think anyone has developed a repellent spray yet, but Joel Centeio may have come up with something even better.

It’s an electronic repelling device which a swimmer can attach to his arm or wrist by Velcro. In tests carried out by divers, the compact and watertight device drove sharks away. Apparently it works by emitting an electrical pulse which affects the gel in the sharks nose.

There’s no doubt that the perceived danger of shark attack is a lot higher than the actual danger, but that will only serve to boost that market for this device.

Even paranoid British surfers and swimmers could be a viable market!

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“It’s important to have a plan, a big picture. You can deviate from it or change it completely, but it gives you something to work for.”                    

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Shannon Miller

Quote Of The Day

“Ah, yes, divorce…from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man’s genitals.”

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Robin Williams

Talk O Clock

I checked the calendar and it’s not April 1st. This is a genuine business, but it has to be one of the strangest we’ve seen this year.

So you need to get up at 6.00am tomorrow morning…. What do you do? Set your alarm clock? No that’s too simple. What you do instead is contact Talk O Clock, who for a fee will get a complete stranger to ring you up and wake you in whatever way they see fit. The company have a panel of ‘wakers’ who (for reasons I can’t imagine) feel that waking a complete stranger at the crack of dawn is an enjoyable use of their time. If the customer doesn’t answer, he is called again by a robot. Amazing.

The more I think about it though, maybe it’s not such a bad idea. You have someone who wants to be woken by a stranger, and someone else who wants to wake strangers. Maybe a pair of weirdo’s who are made for each other!

Today’s National Day   

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Forty-year Betting Veteran Makes Shocking Confession…

“I Still Don’t Have A Clue
  Which Horse Will Win!”

But By Analysing The Result Of Over
100,000Races, I’ve Discovered A Back Door
Route To a £20,000+ Guaranteed Year
Round Profit From Carefully Selected UK

Anyone Can Copy Me, It Takes Just
Ten Minutes A Day. And You Get To
Choose How Much You’ll Win…£10…
£20…Or Even £50 A Race!

For the full story visit;