All posts by Streetwise

Make How To Videos

When I got stuck recently, trying to remove the bracelet on a watch, I went on to YouTube and quickly found several videos demonstrating how to do it. Some were awful, but the best was pretty good and had attracted several thousand views. Now this was a fairly obscure thing to be looking for, and yet several thousand people had done the same thing – and all those people would have something in common – they owned the same watch.

That’s the nature of online instructional videos – they attract audiences who share a problem, possessions or an enthusiasm. In other words, they’re a ready made audience for what you or someone else has to sell.

If you have a skill or expertise (and as I’ve just shown that can be as mundane as knowing how to remove a bracelet from a watch) you could build an audience and make money providing online instruction. You don’t need any expensive equipment – the most basic of video cameras is more than capable of doing the job.

This is one of those opportunities you can have a go at in your spare time, and it will cost you nothing to do. Why not film your own ‘how to’ video, and see how many people go to see it? If nothing else, it will provide valuable market research.

Quote Of The Day

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

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Mark Twain

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“British scientists have demonstrated that cigarettes can harm your children. Fair enough. Use an ashtray.”

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Jimmy Carr

Make-A-Movie Parties

If you have young children, you’ll know that they’re always on the look-out for the next cool party venue or theme. This one that we found in the United States, seems to fit the bill perfectly, and we haven’t seen anything like it here in the UK.

Make-A-Movie Birthday Parties is a self-explanatory concept. The company arrive at the party with a pre-written script, costumes and camera equipment. Roles are allocated, the film is shot and then edited over the next week or so when it is delivered to the person holding the party. Revenue comes from both the booking fee and sales of the movie to party guests.

This seems like something you could copy anywhere. I’d imagine it would be incredibly popular. Equipment is cheap these days and the editing technology is at the hands of anyone with a PC. If you fancy yourself as the next Speilberg, but the lack the budget, this could be something for you.

Today’s National Day

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from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

  As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

  Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

 Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison

The Commuting Butchers

If you ever find yourself bemoaning the fact that you can’t find the expertise or help locally consider the case of the Icelandic meat trade. So desperate are they for skilled staff that every September Icelandic meat processors pay the flights and accommodation of 12 butchers to make the 13,850 mile trip from rural New Zealand to a remote corner of Iceland so that they can cover for the peak lamb processing season.

Looking at it from the other side of the coin, if you ever find yourself complaining that there’s ‘no work’ consider the lengths to which these New Zealanders are going, so they can continue to put food on the table in a slack period for their trade at home.

It’s a mutually beneficial relationship, and inspiring to see both employer and employed going the extra mile (well over 13,000 of them!) to keep the wheels turning.

Have you even gone a fraction of this effort to give or find work? I know I haven’t.

Quote Of The Day

“The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.”

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Mary Pickford

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places…He told me to quit going to those places.”

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Henny Youngman

Where Should Home Be

If you can work from home, one question you should be asking yourself is- “Where should home be?” Why is it important? Because your decision will have a huge impact on your lifestyle and wealth.

Most people who work from home are able to do it by virtue of the internet. An organisation called NomadList has combined data on internet speed, the cost of rental housing and food, local weather conditions including air quality and other factors to come up with a useful list of the best cities in which to live and work remotely. With living costs in some cities being ten times those on other cities with identical internet speed, it makes thought-provoking reading for anyone working from home.

Today’s National Day

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from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

  As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

  Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

 Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison

Making Furniture From Graffiti

I’ve always thought that graffiti is such a waste of effort. Much of the artwork is excellent, and yet there’s nothing you can do with it and it gets covered up or removed at the first opportunity. An Israeli-based design studio has decided to do something about it, and created Street Capture which turns wood painted on by anonymous graffiti artists into contemporary furniture.

The project fixed wooden boards in areas frequented by graffiti artists, waited until they’d done their work, and then picked them up, cut them up and re-fashioned them into pieces of furniture. One slightly questionable part of this is that they didn’t tell the graffiti artists what they were doing. I suppose how you feel about that depends on how you feel about people daubing paint where they shouldn’t!

Anyway, might this work in the UK, or is there some other way of capturing and harnessing the work of what are sometimes very talented artists?

Quote Of The Day

“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.”



Alternative Quote Of The Day

“If woman ran the world we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.”

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Robin Williams

Wine In A Pouch

Sometimes, you need to do no more than re-package a product to change the appeal and target market. For example, two American companies, Nuvino and Spotwine, are now re-packaging premium wine in convenient juice-style pouches in single servings. The idea is that it makes the product more accessible for busy unattached consumers.

This is thinking which can be applied to a lot of different products. What would happen if it was made available in smaller quantity, or in more user friendly or easily disposable packaging? Give some thought to how this might apply to your product, or indeed someone else’s product. It may be possible to steal a slice of the market by varying the appeal and offering in this way.

Today’s National Day




from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

  As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

  Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

 Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison

Washing Up For Food

I think everyone has heard of the old adage about ending up washing the dishes when you can’t pay for food, but a restaurant in France has turned it into reality. Primarily as a publicity stunt, a French washing liquid brand has created the Mir Restaurant, which is charging customers in the form of dishwashing tasks, instead of money.

Customers can order items from a set menu, including starters, mains and desserts. Rather than listing the prices, however, each dish had an icon next to it indicating what each customer would have to wash up in order to pay for the meal.

Now although this is a marketing stunt, designed to promote washing up liquid, it does prompt a few question:

Could you really get some customers to pay for their food in return for work like this?

Moving away from restaurants, are there other businesses where it would be mutually advantageous to get customers to pay in some way other than by cash?

The ‘paying by washing the dishes’ idea comes from an old adage. Are there other old adages that could be brought to life for publicity purposes in this way?

Quote Of The Day

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

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Gerard Way

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I come home from work early one day, and I see a guy jogging down the street in his underwear. I ask him, “Why are you jogging in your underwear?” He says, “You came home from work early.”  

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Rodney Dangerfield

Delousing For Profit

The craze for selfies, which every self-respecting child and teenager is currently participating in, has created an unusual and unexpected side-effect – head lice are spreading at an alarming rate. The lice spread by contact-contact which is more prevalent than ever as kids squeeze together to get in the latest at-arms-length shot.

Now here’s the thing-treatments and remedies are unregulated and desperate parents will happily hand over large quantities of their hard earned money in exchange for a solution. The Lice Centre, based in Connecticut in the US charge $200-$500 for a house call. They now have 10 employees in 14 states. Turnover is in the millions.

Is this something you could do here in the UK? It’s not the most glamorous business in the world, but those yielding the biggest profits rarely are.

Today’s National Day

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from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison

They Come Nature

There’s nothing new about mobile hairdressing, but a New York firm has brought it into the 21st Century. Shortcut is an on-demand service that goes to where the customers is.

Service users provide their name, number and e-mail address and select the service they need – whether it’s a trim, a full haircut or a shave. After booking a time slot, the service then sends a professionally trained barber or stylist to their home, office or hotel room.

Users can book an appointment for up to four people at a time, and the more in their group, the cheaper each haircut becomes. Shortcut is currently available in New York, as an iOS app.

The difference between this service and the traditional mobile services is the use of modern technology and the immediacy – I need a haircut and I need it now!

With people becoming increasingly time stressed, this approach is likely to find a market.

So could you bring it to the UK?

Or thinking more widely, what other time consuming services would people appreciate being given a ‘we-come-to-you-now’ twist?

Quote Of The Day

“Example is not the main thing in influencing other people; it’s the only thing .”

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Abraham Lincoln

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“You know what a work cubicle basically says? It basically says, like, ‘You know what? We don’t think you’re smart enough for an office, but we don’t want you to look at anybody’.”    

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Bill Burr

Information Publishing

Information publishing is one of the most heavily promoted ways to make some extra money, and yet many people aren’t really clear on what it is.

Put simply, an information product is any piece of knowledge that has been recorded in some way – whether that be in a printed format, an audio format, or a video format – so that it can now be passed on to others.

There are dozens of ways to package and sell information. Some of the most common products are, printed books and e-books, booklets and special reports, manuals and workbooks, CDs, downloadable audio files, DVDs, newsletters, subscription-based web sites, workshops and seminars.

All of us have information or knowledge that would be useful to others, and packaging and marketing it in the right way can be highly lucrative. If you have an idea for an information product, and want a second opinion on it, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Today’s National Day

buy nothing




Dear Streewise Customer,

Take a look at this betting slip from 27th October 2020

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As you’ll see, it’s a £10 bet which brought in £309.45. With what I’m writing
to you about today, days like this are commonplace.

Want to find out how to cash in on this for yourself? Take a look HERE.

Heck, there’s absolutely nothing for you to do. All the bets are sent straight
to you..

Kind Regards

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John Harrison 
Streetwise Publications Ltd

The Cleaning Fairy

Police in the US said that a woman they dubbed a real-life “cleaning fairy”, broke into a house and a left a bill for the housework she did. According to police, the woman entered the residence while homeowner Mallory Bush slept, did some light cleaning and then left a bill for $75 on a napkin before leaving. Unfortunately for the “cleaning fairy,” crime didn’t pay and she was arrested. 

Now obviously you can’t go breaking into houses. Nor can you force work or products on people and then charge them. But if you can find a way to ethically give your potential customers a ‘free sample’ of what you sell or what you do, it could be a great source of new business. I’ve experimented with this by giving away free books, and people really seem to appreciate it and respond well.

Quote Of The Day

“If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.”


Morris West

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“A conferance is a gathering of people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.”

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Fred Allen

Groove Book

Brian and Julie Whiteman founded photo sharing and printing app GrooveBook in 2012. A year later they appeared on Shark Tank, the American version of Dragons Den and in November 2014, announced a deal to sell to Shutterfly for $14.5 Million after attracting over a million subscribers. I mention it for three reasons. 

Anyone who tells you there’s no such thing as ‘Get-Rich-Quick’ hasn’t heard the story of GrooveBook.

It’s a demonstration of the power of something we’re always going on about here – monthly subscription marketing.

It’s a great concept and a great product, delivery of which isn’t available here in the UK yet.

So something to learn from, take inspiration from and maybe even copy perhaps?

Today’s National Day

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Dear Streewise Customer,

Take a look at this betting slip from 27th October 2020

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As you’ll see, it’s a £10 bet which brought in £309.45. With what I’m writing
to you about today, days like this are commonplace.

Want to find out how to cash in on this for yourself? Take a look HERE.

Heck, there’s absolutely nothing for you to do. All the bets are sent straight
to you..

Kind Regards

john sig.png

John Harrison 
Streetwise Publications Ltd

90% Of Success Is Turning Up And Persisting.

I once watched a superb wildlife programme about the African honey badger. As the name suggests, this animal is particularly fond of honey, and with the African bush being notably short of branches of Sainsbury’s, the only source of food available to the honey badger is beehives – with lots of bees in them.

Watching the honey badger go about its work was fascinating. Having located a hive in a hollowed out tree it cleared out debris to make a wider entrance. The reason would soon become clear – it was going to need an escape route, and it knew it.

The first foray into the hive was painful to watch. It was attacked systematically by the bees and got only a small mouthful of honey before withdrawing to lick its wounds. At this point you expected the honey badger to give up having learned a painful lesson. Not a bit of it! Time after time it went back into the hive, getting stung each time and only getting small amounts of honey in return. You almost found yourself screaming: “For God’s sake, don’t go back in!” as another visit resulted in more pain.

But as time went on, a funny thing happened. The stings got less and less as the stinging bees died off, and the honey badger came away with more and more booty on each visit. Eventually, the bees gave up the fight and the honey badger made off into the bush with the entire hive worth of honey. Victory, from what initially appeared to be a hopeless quest.

The honey badger knew the job wasn’t going to be easy from the start. He knew he wasn’t going to get something for nothing, and that pain would inevitably precede pleasure. But what he also knew was that if he kept at the job, if he persisted, eventually the resistance would be broken down and his goal would be reached. Of course, he had an alternative. After going into the hive for the first time and getting stung so badly for so little he could have thought: “This isn’t worth it. I’ll go and find an easier hive. ”But he didn’t, because he knew that all hives are difficult, and if you want the honey you just have to buckle down and do what’s necessary.

I’m sure the lesson of this isn’t lost on you. Many people give up when entering ‘the hive’ for the first time, after receiving the inevitable ‘stings’ and getting very little in return. They decide to go and look for another ‘hive’ where the bees aren’t so fierce. When that ‘hive’ proves equally difficult, they give up again and go to the next, and the next, and the next. Entering every ‘hive’ involves getting stung, and so they get hurt again and again, and with very little reward because each time they’re starting on a new ‘hive’ where the defences are at their most intense.

For ‘hive’ read goal, target, endeavour or venture. For ‘sting’ read problems, difficulties, or obstacles, and you’ll get the picture. No matter what you hope to achieve, there will be difficulties, and they will be at their most intense in the early stages. Giving up to look for something easier when these difficulties present themselves will prove to be a fruitless exercise. The next venture will carry with it a whole new set of difficulties for you to deal with.

A few years ago I worked with a salesman. He had an almost God-given knack of alienating, upsetting and offending everyone he met. He had any number of ways of achieving this. You would almost think it was deliberate, but I don’t think it was. This man’s sales figures were actually the best in the company, by quite some margin – not what you’d expect from someone who was guaranteed to disenchant every new prospect within seconds of meeting them.

Intrigued by the paradox, I was pleased to have the opportunity to accompany the man on some of his sales calls. At first I thought that he must deal with his customers differently to everyone else. Not so! He was equally obnoxious. So how did he succeed? Simple really. He asked everyone whether they wanted to buy, even when it was patently obvious to anyone with an ounce of sensitivity that they did not.

When they told him they weren’t interested, he ignored them. When they told him politely to leave them alone, he pretended not to notice –or maybe he didn’t notice. Then he asked them again, and kept asking until they said yes. I’m convinced that some people ordered just to get rid of him, but order they did. When it comes down to it, all that he had in his favour was a skin like a rhinoceros, and the tenacity to ask as many people as possible whether they would like to buy his product.

The bottom line is this. Unless you’re very lucky, success will not happen straight away. It takes time. Not one successful person has ever had a ‘clear run’. You’re unlikely to be the first. James Dyson, inventor of the Dyson vacuum cleaner, and now owner of a business worth several hundred million pounds put it this way: “Success is made of 99 per cent failure. You galvanise yourself and you keep going. ”Persistence is what saw him through in the end – just like the honey badger – and it will do the same for you.

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  



Dear Streewise Customer,

Take a look at this betting slip from 27th October 2020

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As you’ll see, it’s a £10 bet which brought in £309.45. With what I’m
writing to you about today, days like this are commonplace.

Want to find out how to cash in on this for yourself? Take a look HERE.

Heck, there’s absolutely nothing for you to do. All the bets are sent straight to you..

Goldfish Tea Bags

Sometimes a product becomes so commonplace in its generic form that we stop thinking about it at all, and the humble tea bag falls into that category. In recent years, tea companies have really gone out on a limb (well not really) by creating round, triangular and pyramid shaped bags, but now a Taiwan company really has done something different.

Charm Villa has created tea bags designed to look like a goldfish. When placed in hot water, the colours of the leaves in the tea bag show through and resemble the patterns of goldfish scales. It’s a novelty of course, but it does serve to differentiate the companies tea bags from everything else on the market.

If you’re in a market where nobody really thinks about the physical characteristics of the product, you could gain a big competitive advantage by creating something which is cosmetically fresh while serving essentially the same function.

Quote Of The Day

“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.”

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Mary Lou Retton

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.”


Lucille Ball

Become A Micro-Tasker

Making some extra money from home, or indeed becoming full time self-employed, need not always mean starting your own business. If you have a skill or series of skills, sites like offer you the opportunity to market yourself to individuals and companies looking to outsource some of their requirements.

So what sort of work can you get on Fivver? Well copywriting, editing, design work, computer programming, cover creation, survey filling and data entry are just a few of the categories on offer. There are literally hundreds of different opportunities and there’s no reason why you should stick to just one. Some micro taskers do this full time and can easily clear several hundred pounds a week. Bear in mind that there are no set up costs or long term commitments. You can do everything from home.

Whether you’re looking for a full time opportunity of a bit of spare cash, this has to be worth a look.

Today’s National Day




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Divorce Party Planning

Las Vegas has long been known as a place where people go to get married, but there’s a new growth sector in town – divorce party planning.

The newly divorced are no longer content to let the event slip by, marked only by bickering, recrimination and lawyers fees, and are celebrating in style instead. I just read of one divorce party planner who takes the newly divorced ‘bride’ into the desert with her friends where she gets to let loose on her wedding dress with a machine gun!

With almost half of weddings ending in divorce, the market is huge and totally untapped in the UK. Not everyone wants to celebrate a divorce, but I can see it becoming more popular and socially acceptable in the years to come.

So here’s a question for you – what kind of events and activities could you arrange for the newly divorced? It doesn’t have to be as ‘negative’ as the destruction of a wedding dress but there are certainly plenty of woman who would welcome the opportunity for a bit of creative destruction.

Quote Of The Day

“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.”

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Paul Valery

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.”

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Bob Hope

The T Shirt Millionaires

We’ve written here in the past about Teespring, an online company that takes all the hassle out of designing, producing and marketing your own T Shirts. The company is going from strength to strength and sold 6 million shirts last year, all created by site users. According to the company, hundreds of people have made in excess of $100,000 from the T shirt trade via Teespring, and at least ten have become millionaires.

The way that it works is that Teespring handles everything including online display, payment, manufacturing and shipping. You simply supply the ideas and assist with sending potential customers to the site in return for a pre-agreed slice of the revenue.

Businesses don’t get much more simple or risk-free to set up than this. There’s very little to lose by giving it a try.

Today’s National Day




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Food Photo’s

My daughter sometimes photographs her food and then uploads it to Instagram and other social media. I thought she was mad, but apparently a lot people are doing it, and one restaurant has decided to make the whole thing a lot more professional. South Africa’s El Burro restaurant has installed a device that enables customers to take professional style Instagram shots of their food. It’s a lighting set-up which allows smart phone users to get top class photo’s of the food they’re about to eat. 

The people behind the idea are the Wi-Fi network providers used by the restaurant, who want to showcase what can be achieved using their system, but this has to be a good idea for the restaurant too. If you can get customers uploading enticing photographs of the food on offer, then that has to be good for business. Many Instagram users have hundreds of followers. What a great way to get a free advertisement out to a lot of people.

Is this an idea you could use? Is there a way you could encourage your smartphone-owning customers to upload pictures of your product to their Instagram followers or other social networks? Running a competition might provide the necessary impetus.

Quote Of The Day

“When someone tells me “no” it doesn’t mean I can’t do it, it simply means I can’t do it with them.”

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Karen E. Quinones Miller

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Laughter is the best medicine – unless you’re diabetic, then insulin comes pretty high on the list.”       

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Lee Evans

The Anger Relief Centre

Ever felt like just smashing something? Then you need to go to the Smash Happy House Stress and Anger Relief Centre where you can do it in safety and with the owners blessing. The company offer a range of destructive options including beer bottles, bar glasses and coffee cups. You can even beat up a mannequin with a baseball bat.

Customers include war veterans, stroppy teenagers, angry parents and heartbroken lovers. Everyone is given safety equipment and then left to create havoc. The company offer birthday and party packages and expect an upturn in business next year.

It’s perhaps needless to say that this is in America, but couldn’t the same thing work here? If Americans enjoy, or get relief from smashing things up, I’m sure people would here too. There could be serious money to be made… and it sounds like fun!

Today’s National Day




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