Many years ago I remember talking to an old friend who was building a new house in his garden.
He had been living in a house which had a large garden and after his wife moved out and filed for divorce, he decided to section off part of the garden, applied for planning permission to build a new house – which was approved – and then he sold his old house to pay off his wife’s divorce settlement.
While working on the new build he moved into a caravan in the garden for a year.
I hadn’t seen him for a few years and after bumping into him and asking how he was doing, the subject turned to his marriage break-up and his new house build.
I was surprised to hear that the house with the large garden that had been split into two was actually left to him by the old man who used to live there before he did.
It turned out that my friend used to regularly help the old man.
I can’t remember exactly how he came to help him, he might have been an old neighbour or an old friend of his dad’s, but my friend worked as a manager in a supermarket and so he would do his shopping for him and deliver it on his way home.
He would also pop round and help do small jobs when asked and drive him to appointments whenever he was available.
Either the old man had no family or they were estranged because when he died, he left his house to my friend in his will.
Let’s be clear, my friend wasn’t expecting it!
He was just being kind and helping out an old man who he knew well.
My friend was a first-aider and used to work as a first-responder in his evenings, he was one to help people whenever he could.
He was that kind of guy.
His kindness and his actions were rewarded by being left a large house with an even larger garden.
The point of this article is about ‘helping’ others.
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Now, before you go off at the deep end, I am not saying that you should go looking for old people who have no family and start helping them with the idea of being left a house worth hundreds of thousands of pounds…
I am simply talking about how helping other people can have its rewards.
There are many ways you can help people.
- Chatting to people online for a few minutes can help people.
- Writing a book can help people.
- Recording videos and podcasts can help people.
- Giving people email access to you where they can ask you questions can help people.
- Creating an online course can help people.
- Sending daily emails giving advice can help people.
The above can all be offered to people for free, or they can be offered for a fee.
Either or, when people consume one or more of the above and receive the help they need, a lot of them will come back and they will reward you with either buying your products, passing your name on to people who need you or simply ‘give’ you something back to say thank you.
Chances are you yourself have suggested ‘good’ people when asked if you knew someone who would be interested in XYZ.
It’s human nature to reward those people who have helped you and who you like.
It’s rare that people reward those who they dislike and have harmed them in anyway.
There is a saying…
“Kindness is its own reward.”
The idea behind that saying is that being kind increases joy and well-being to the giver which is true, but the act of kindness can have other incredible rewards, just as my friend found out when he helped his old friend regularly.
The late great Jim Rohn said…
“If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want.”
Helping people means that you are rewarded back tenfold.
The best way to help people is to publish information which they can use to make positive changes in their lives.
Not only will they come back for more, you will soon be in the position of an ‘expert’ and that also brings its own rewards.
A daily email is a great way to publish information which can help a lot of people at the same time.
Helping a handful of people at once is manageable if you are giving them your physical time, but by publishing information and advice, you can help thousands of people at the same time… and that is where a lot of money can be found.
Imagine helping 5,000 people each month and each month you earned an average of £2 per person… that is £10,000 per month!
You cannot do that in person.
It would take up too much of your time and would leave you mentally and physically exhausted.
But you can help 5,000 per month if you publish information through an email.
- Create a short eBook report, or video to give away for free.
- Build an email list.
- Send an email daily (or several times a week)…
- And watch how helping people rewards you through the sales of products you promote in those emails.
To learn more, go to:
The Email Secret
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Remember, because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money. That’s what I call freedom!
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