Being The Best And Worst At What You Do Means More Money!

In 2010, Sandra Bullock accepted her Golden Raspberry Award in person for Worst Actress for her performance in All About Steve.

The following night, she won the Academy Award (better known as an ‘Oscar’) for Best Actress for her performance in The Blind Side.

In that same week in 2010, Sandra Bullock was the worst actress… and the very best actress.

She was both of two extreme opposites.

How can you be the best at something, and at the same time be the worst at it?

Well, firstly, what you do is relative.

People see you and what you do differently.

Plus, what you do is often different… even though it is the same.

Sandra Bullock was ‘acting’ in both films, but both films were ‘different’.

Also, the people who voted for the Raspberry Award and those who voted for the Academy Award are completely different.

They have a different agenda and a different perception of what they see.

With them being two different films, it could be possible that those who voted Bullock as Best Actress for her performance in The Blind Side, might agree with those who voted her as Worst Actress for her performance in All About Steve… and vice versa.

So, why am I telling you this?

If fear of what people think of you is stopping you from trying something new, something that could completely change your life for the better, then please know that what other people think is irrelevant and differs from person to person.

Sandra Bullock could have decided to give up acting after being awarded the Raspberry Award for the Worst Actress.

Being awarded something like that has to be a bit of a blow to your ego.

Fortunately for her, she would have known that she had been nominated for a potential Oscar, and so she was able to take the Raspberry Award in fun.

The negative impact of the Raspberry award was cancelled out by the positive impact of being nominated for the Oscar.

Going to collect the award in person the day before the Oscars played into her hands nicely as it resulted in something that she can laugh about and be remembered for.

It is a talking-point, just like now.

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I am using it as a prime example as to why you shouldn’t listen to what people say, or at least take to heart what they say.

The truth is… from person to person, from day to day, from situation to situation, other people’s opinions of you will differ.

What people say and think about you should never stop you from being or doing what you want.

The fact that different people can have the complete opposite views of you and your abilities means that you are always going to be good and bad at the same time and that those who think bad of you are wrong, and those who think good of you are right… and vice versa.

It really doesn’t matter what other people think, as long as you do what you think is right and best for you.

The other important point I want to share… and this is a truth that cannot be denied… people’s thoughts and opinions of you do not pay your bills!

In the past I have talked about how being thick skinned has made a lot of money for certain media personalities such as Piers Morgan.

They say and do whatever they want without a care in the world what other people think.

It doesn’t matter that they contradict themselves on a near-daily basis and that people point out their hypocrisy, they simply brush it off and carry on regardless…and bank the money that comes from them doing what they do.

And what is interesting is that people like Piers Morgan can be hated and liked by equal amounts of people.

They are both the best and worst at what they do.

Just like Sandra Bullock who was both the Best and Worst Actress on the planet at the same time.

You cannot please all of the people all of the time… so don’t try!

Please yourself, and only those you CHOOSE to please.

Do what is right and best for you, and ignore all of the nay-sayers and critics, because there are others who will love what you do just as much.

One thing that gets an equal share of fans and critics, is gambling.

Thousands of people love to have a punt on a game or major sporting event, and there are thousands of people who will cry the evils of gambling and tell you that you shouldn’t do it because ‘only the bookies win’.

As hard as it is to believe, there are people who still say that… ‘only the bookies win’.

Anyone who says stuff like that, clearly do not know what they are talking about.

And why would they?

They spend no time doing it so they are never going to understand it or learn about new developments and changes.

For example, you no longer have to use a bookmaker to place a bet today.

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Kind regards.

John Harrison.

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