Banish Inheritance Tax…For Good!
“Which Of These Loopholes Will You Use To Shield Your Cash And Property From State Confiscation When You Die?
Here’s The Insider Information The Authorities Are Praying You’ll Never Discover!”

  Dear Reader,

  It’s a scandal that affects thousands of ordinary families every year…

  State confiscation of property and other assets that have already been taxed many times over when a loved one passes away.

    It’s true. You work hard through your life and pay tax on your income, your savings and on everything you buy You pay tax to live in your house and tax to drive your car.

   You pay tax on everything!

   And then – if there’s anything significant left when you reach the end of your life – the state come along and grab another huge slice of it. It’s cash you’ve worked hard to save and could benefits future generations.

   But that’s not what happens. They take it!

  Look, I know I might have lost you already. You might think that it’s perfectly fair that the state grab hold of 40% of pretty much everything you leave behind rather than it passing to the people you love and care about.

  But if not, I think you’re going to be very interested in what I have to say.

   You see, we’ve decided to do something about it and so we commissioned experts in the field to put together a ground breaking manual which blows the lid off the techniques and strategies you can use to ensure that when you’re no longer here, your assets pass on to your loved ones – not to the state to blow on stupid projects.

  These are exactly the same techniques and strategies which the rich have always used to shield their assets and pass them on down the line. We think they should be available for everyone – not just the folk who can afford expensive advisors.

  How many people’s life savings have gone towards funding HS2 or ‘inclusiveness projects’, more bus lanes or dozens of other hair-brained ideas and schemes that cost a fortune and benefit nobody?

  I don’t know about you, but that’s not where I want my money to go when I’m gone.

  The Inheritance Tax  Eliminator has been written to help the ordinary UK citizen, who can very easily find themselves falling into the IHT trap, to sidestep this legacy-destroying tax. The super-rich have always had their expensive advisors to ensure that their wealth passed down through the family. Well now it’s your turn.

This Is New…

   It’s information that has never been revealed to the general public before, and it’s not available from any other source. You won’t find this book in any bookshop or library.   

A Word Of Reassurance…

   There’s nothing either illegal or unethical about any of this. It’s like other taxes. Evasion is illegal, but avoidance isn’t. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with arranging your affairs so as to banish your inheritance tax liability.

  If there are loopholes in the law, then there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of them.

   I don’t want to mislead you though. Some of the techniques and strategies I’m going to tell you about are unorthodox. It’s the sort of thing the authorities are aware of, but try very hard to keep under wraps.  They really don’t want you to know about this because it makes their job so much more difficult. And it costs them money. If that bothers you, it’s probably best that you don’t order.

Still with me? Good…

Here are just some of the things you’ll learn in this exclusive book:

  • How much your heirs stand to pay out in inheritance tax when you die. The answer may shock you!

  • How to use small gifts to start reducing your bill today.

  • How to develop a lifetime gifting strategy which protects you in your lifetime, and your heirs when you’re gone.

  • The secrets of taper relief and why you need to start planning today.

  • How to use trusts to slash your IHT liability…the different types of trust and which will work best for you.

  • How to set up a trust and still retain ‘real world’ control of your cash during your lifetime.

  • How to use your Nil Band Rate in the most tax efficient manner. A lot of people get this wrong.

  • The IHT destroying power of your house…and how you can downsize and still benefit.

  • How to use business property relief or agricultural property relief to shield your assets from the taxman and protect your heirs.

  • How to purchase qualifying assets that fall outside your estate – the role of EIS, SEIS and other tax efficient vehicles.

  • Moving overseas – everything you need to know about moving abroad to protect your assets (including where to go and where to avoid!)

  • How to use professional advisors for minimum cost and maximum benefit.

  Plus loads of case studies you can learn from and match to your personal circumstances.

  Anyone and everyone with any significant assets and over 50 years old needs to read this book today.

   If you or a member of your family is at risk of paying inheritance tax then you need to get hold of a copy today.  The information it contains could be worth many thousands of pounds to you – maybe even millions!

  And if you’re at all concerned about the possibility of having to pay inheritance tax in the future, then you also need to own a copy. The manual could save you and your family a small fortune…maybe even everything you’ve worked so hard to build up.

  It contains a wealth of experience and knowledge, and now you can have open access to it for what you’d normally pay for around 15 minutes of a solicitors time.

Now Available By Digital Download…

  And now you can get hold of your copy by digital download. To keep the cost to you down (this is a 170 page book after all) and make sure you get the information you need as soon as possible, we’re making The Inheritance Tax Eliminator available for immediate digital delivery.

  Just as soon as we receive your order, we’ll email you a digital copy of the book you can download and either read online, or print out at home and read on paper.

  Either way, you’re going to get it FAST and at a great price.

Here’s How To Order Your Copy Of The Inheritance Tax Eliminator Today!

   To receive your copy click here or call our credit card hotlines on 01709 361819 You may be surprised to learn that because this is a digital download, I’ve been able to set the price of the information that could save everything you’ve taken a lifetime to build up at just £50. What’s more the book comes with a cast iron 90 day money back guarantee.

Cast Iron 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

 You can order The Inheritance Tax Eliminator in complete confidence. If you’re unhappy with it for any reason whatsoever, or can’t see how you can put the insider information it contains to use to shield your assets from any future claims, then you can simply let us know within 90 days and receive a prompt and courteous refund of every penny you’ve paid. Is that fair?

To Order Your Copy On Approval CLICK HERE Or Call 01709 361819

  The current approach to inheritance tax  in the UK is unfair and unjust. It’s a scandal.  Don’t just sit back and take it. Get a copy of the manual, take on the authorities, and hold on to what is rightfully yours. I look forward to helping you do it.

Very Best Wishes,



John Harrison


P.S  If you order within the next 24 hours, I’ll also send you a copy of The Care Charge Eliminator completely free of charge. Care charges are another way you can have your hard- earned assets taken away. Here’s how to stop it happening. This free guide tells you everything you need to know to avoid ruinous care charge fees, and is yours to keep, even if you take advantage of the money back guarantee.

To Order Your Copy On Approval CLICK HERE Or Call 01709 361819

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