You probably won’t believe what I am about to tell you, but I believe it to be true. I’ve seen the pictures to prove it!
Chang Hsu, a 34 year old mathematics teacher from Taiwan, has made over a seven million New Taiwanese Dollars posting his calculus lessons on… wait for it…
Pornhub is a Canadian based website dedicated to hosting porn videos.
Not the kind of place you would expect to find maths lessons.
It is the place you expect to find maths students… which is what gave Chang the idea to publish videos to the channel.
Chang is fully dressed in all videos and does not doing anything else other than teach calculus.
It is completely the opposite to sexy!
Chang who has 15 years experience teaching maths needed to find a way to earn money after the pandemic badly affected his offline teaching career.
He decided that he needed to teach online and that he had to specialise in one specific form of mathematics.
He chose calculus and set about branding himself as ‘Chang Hsu Math Teacher’.
Knowing that there were stacks of free calculus tutorials online, he needed to approach things differently if he wanted to find the right audience and find paying customers.
He figured that he needed to ‘do special things in special places’.
This is when he decided to upload videos to Pornhub.
He knew that a lot of students being hormonal teenagers, would spend a lot of ‘study time’ on the website.
He knew that students are basically ‘young, dumb and full of c**’.
So instead of waiting for his ideal students to find him, he went to find them… on the world’s most popular porn video website…
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His Pornhub profile ‘Play Hard Study Hard!’ has over 8,700 subscribers, and his 271 videos have racked up over 2 million views.
It is reported that Chang has made NT$7.5 million (£203,128) within one year thanks to students watching his videos on Pornhub then clicking through to his website where they have paid to download his more advanced tutorials.
It’s Chang’s videos on Pornhub which have had the most impact. Most of his paying students can be traced back to that website but Chang states that the NT$7.5 million figure includes the revenue from YouTube and Twitch also.
This is a brilliant story of thinking outside of the box and looking for the perfect customer at the places where they ‘hang out’ – quite literally!
I have to admit, I’m surprised that Pornhub allows non-porn videos to be uploaded to their platform but with the amount of views the videos receive, Pornhub are making money from the adverts which are shown on and around them.
Again, this is another win-win scenario for both Chang and Pornhub… plus it’s a huge win for the young students who get maths lessons and porn all on one website!
Okay, so I am not going to suggest that you start an online business like teaching maths and posting videos to Pornhub, that’s a lot of work.
There are far easier ways to make money from the comfort of your own home.
Investing in new crypto currencies is one such way.
Our good friend Carl Wilkins has made himself a nice little fortune investing in new crypto currencies.
Carl is the Crypto Sniper who buys newly created crypto currencies – currencies which very few people know about – and sits on them while they grow in popularity.
Some currencies have exploded to the point that thousands of pounds have been made overnight.
As more and more people jump on the new growing currencies, £50 can quickly grow into several thousand pounds in a matter of days… sometimes in just hours.
New crypto currencies, known as Altcoins – they are newer alternatives to the older well known coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and XRP – are being created and introduced to the world on a near daily basis.
When these new coins go live, a small £5 investment can be all that is required to generate a profit of several thousands.
Not all new coins do well, but those that do… do incredibly well.
If you would like to know more about Carl and how he makes thousands of pounds investing in new crypto currencies, click the link below:
The Crypto Sniper
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… With the Crypto Sniper you get a complete beginners guide to crypto currencies and altcoins (if this has all been a mystery to you up to now, Carl will lift the fog!) where you’ll learn:
- How and where to open an account to buy and sell ‘hot’ coins. (You only need to do this once to open the gateway to life-changing profits.)
- The key criteria to look out for in coins poised to skyrocket in value by 1,000%or even more. (It’s easy to spot when you know what to look for.)
- How to buy at precisely the right time. (It’s rarely when the coin is at its absolute cheapest.)
- How to use simple charts to track and monitor your trades (Everything is ‘ready-made’via the websites Carl will direct you to.)
- How to set up automaticprice alerts so that you’re alerted by text or email when it’s time to cash in and take your profits.
- How to sell your coins for maximum profits with minimum risk.
- How to smoothly roll over your profits into the next ‘hot coin’ (or withdraw them and have some fun, if that’s what you’d prefer.)
Here is that link again: