Picture courtesy of CBC Radio-Canada
People love to think that they are observant and that they can tell the difference between what is real and what is fake… but people are not always as observant or clever as they like to think.
Here are a few examples to show you what I mean.
Dolly Parton once entered a Dolly Parton look-a-like contest and lost to a drag queen.
Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like competition and failed to even place in the top three.
Hugh Jackman went to a comic con as Wolverine (the character he plays in several big Hollywood films) and only two people noticed him, only to be told by one of them that he was ‘too tall’.
During filming of Superman, Christopher Reeve used to go to a restaurant in costume and would be mobbed by people when in the Superman outfit, yet when he went dressed up as Clark Kent, no one recognised him.
Robert Downey JR who plays Tony Stark in the Iron Man films entered a Tony Stark look-a-like competition and came second.
What you should realise with the above is that they were mostly contests held by fans at places attended by fans and yet these fans who idolise the characters and the people who play those characters couldn’t tell them apart from other people… even though they watch them closely on television all of the time.
Christopher Reeve dressed as Superman would have stood out like a sore thumb, but as Clark Kent, he would have looked no different to other restaurant customers so it is possible that is the reason no one gave ‘Clarke’ a second look.
The other reason for people not being able to tell the ‘real’ actor from the ‘look-a-likes’ is ‘placement’, people are not expecting a big Hollywood actor to be at that event.
Hugh Jackman at comic con would have been mobbed if his name was down on the list of special guests and he was ‘introduced’ to the crowd.
Even if his fans knew that he was attending, they probably wouldn’t have expected him to dress up in character and sneak in and walk around the crowds unannounced.
Those people were not ‘expecting’ to see the real stars there at that time and so they weren’t actively looking for them.
To believe that you could spot a celebrity in a crowd is not as easy as you may think. The mind plays all kinds of tricks and will often ignore obvious signs.
Very often when a celebrity is spotted, doubts can arise due to the actually location.
Celebrities are real people and if you spot any at an event without an entourage of security you are left doubting what you have seen.
Our techy guy once saw popular actor Martin Freeman at a music festival. Martin had just put something into the bin Andi was walking towards, they nodded at each other and smiled as Andi stepped back to let Martin go past.
Andi was face-to-face with him, and knowing that Martin was a fan of music he is certain that it was him, but every now and then he wonders ‘was that really him or just someone who looked like him?’
Because Martin was on his own in a park full of non-celebrities, Andi’s mind tries to doubt what he saw with his own eyes.
Why wouldn’t an actor want to go to a festival?
Not all celebrities want to be sipping champagne in the VIP areas, some want to be in the thick of it with the crowds enjoying the show as they are meant to be.
So, yes, it is highly likely that Andi did share a bin with Martin Freeman that day. It’s just interesting that his mind tries to doubt it.
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Another interesting example of how the mind actual works is the time Andi and his good lady spotted a guy stealing from a garden centre.
He was throwing items over the fence into bushes so that he could slip them into the back of his car later.
Andi spotted one of the staff and alerted them to what was going on. The police were call and the guy was arrested.
A few weeks later, both Andi and his good lady were asked to go to the police station and do an official identification where they were shown a video of several people and asked to pick out the guy they had seen.
After a few weeks, their memories were a bit patchy and neither of them could positively identify the guy. They thought they could, but when the time came, they couldn’t remember his face good enough to be 100% sure.
When it comes to memory and observation skills people generally believe they are better than what they really are.
It doesn’t take long for the mind to forget details. So much so that ‘super fans’ pick a drag queen instead of Dolly Parton, a complete stranger over Robert Downey JR, and fail to recognise one of the most popular actors of his time, Charlie Chaplin.
The reason I am sharing this today is that in our industry, we have always known that people who read something but do not take action right away will soon forget what they have learned.
People who attend seminars forget most of what they have learned within a few days.
If they do not take notes and don’t make a start as soon as they get home, not only are they more likely to ‘never get started’ they are likely to forget most of what they learned.
If you forget what you have learned and don’t get started, then you have wasted your money.
I’m a big believer in reading books, courses and manuals more than once. You’ll be surprised at how much you do actually forget.
To remember something you need to saturate your memory with the information and do what needs doing so that it becomes ‘second nature’.
Second nature is the ultimate aim because you are able to do something without having to keep checking that you are doing it correctly.
For something to become second nature to you, you need to work with the repetition rule which is: repetition, repetition, repetition.
Basically, the more you do, the better you will become and the better your results will be.
There is one skill which you can master easily through the repetition rule and that is making money using email.
That is because the art of making money using email is to send an email daily – or at least every other day – and that means writing a new email each day.
It’s not hard to write a new email, it is in fact an incredibly simple thing to do; today’s email was motivated thanks to something I saw on Facebook.
But the best thing about it is that the more emails you write, the better and faster you become.
Repetition, repetition, repetition.
I send at least one email every day… and the reason for that is that those emails make me money… and there is no reason as to why you cannot do it too.
If you would like to learn more, click the link below:
The Email Secret
Kind Regards
John Harrison
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