I returned from a holiday in a large hotel and I was struck by how much waste there must be from the breakfast and dinner buffets. Dan Blake noted this too back in 2010 and decided to do something about it.
The result was an eco-friendly business with has been named one of the ‘Top 25 Most Promising Social Ventures in America’. EcoScraps takes the waste from ‘All-You-Can-Eat’ Buffets and turns it into a sustainable compost mix.
The business has proved highly profitable and diverts 20 tons of food waste a day from local landfills.
Obviously this is a locally based business – it involved physically picking up the waste – so here’s the question… Who will be first to take this up and run with it in the UK? You’ll have to be quick, I like the idea of this one myself!
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”
Jim Rohn
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“You know you must be doing something right if old people like you.”
Dave Chappelle

Climbing Profits
I’m sure you’re well aware of the fact that health and fitness products are big business. Getting fitter and losing weight are high on the priority list of a lot of people at the moment, and as a result there are hundreds of fitness related machine’s, gadget’s and gizmo’s on the market.
A lot of them are poorly designed, executed and a made, but we recently came across something new which could have a longer life and more appeal than average.
MtEverClimb is a continuous rope climbing machine that (as the name suggests) simulates rope climbing – an activity with long term proven benefits with regard to strength, endurance and cardio vascular training.
The device appears to be very robustly built – it would need to be as it’s endorsed by the Pittsburgh Steelers American football team – and as far as I know, isn’t yet available in the UK.
Could it be the next big thing in UK gym’s? If so, who will introduce it to them. Perhaps something for an ambitious entrepreneur to investigate.
Today’s National Day


Dear Streetwise Customer,
If you were to design a money-making strategy from scratch to take advantage of the circumstances we’re currently experiencing, here is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…
. You can work exclusively from home and never have to leave
the house
. As long as you have a computer with internet access, you’re in
. The method behind it doesn’t just cope with turmoil and
uncertainty…it positively thrives on it.
. You can get started and be making money in days rather than
weeks or months.
. Start-up costs are virtually zero.
How do I know this is perfect for now?
Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse. He started ‘self-isolating’ years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland…
He didn’t have to self-isolate…he just chose to!
If you find yourself having to live and work a little more remotely in the coming weeks and months…or even if you just like the idea of doing that…then this is perfect for you.
Take a look now and respond today. In every crisis, there are opportunities. Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.
Click HERE for more information
Kind Regards

John Harrison

P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best.
What other opportunity can you say that about?