Could Coffee Waste Replace Plastic For Good?

Money is found in solutions to problems.

When you offer up a new ‘workable’ solution to a problem that people and society have been struggling with for a while, you will be rewarded.

You may be aware that there is a problem with plastic waste and plastic pollution.

Far too much stuff today is made from plastic which will not break down as fast as organic products when discarded.

Plastic waste not only litters our oceans, forests, rivers, fields, beaches, and streets, it is being found inside animals and fish. Most humans now will have traces of plastic fibres and pellets.

It’s everywhere, and it’s a big problem.

A lot of glasses – those of the reading variety – are made with plastic frames.

You can pick up a pair of cheap reading glasses from many shops such as Poundland.

The problem with cheap glasses is that they break easily and are now classed as a throw away’ item.

No one would consider repairing a pair of glasses that cost as little as £1.25 from Poundland. It’s far cheaper to buy a new pair – possibly cheaper to buy several pairs – than it is to have the glasses frame repaired.

Those glasses then get thrown away, which means that there is even more plastic being put into the bins… or worse, thrown into hedgerows, waterways, and ditches.

To reduce the amount of plastic waste from glasses, Ukrainian glasses maker, Maksym Havrylenko, has developed glasses that are made from coffee grounds.

Maksym’s family have been making glasses for years and seeing the amount of plastic that was being used, he set about creating a sustainable alternative.

Coffee grounds are the waste that is left over from making coffee. Coffee shops throw tonnes of it away each year.

To get an idea of how much coffee grounds are produced, a quick Google search informed me that the UK consumes nearly 36 billion cups of coffee each year, generating over 250,000 tonnes of spent coffee ground waste in the process.

Maksym collects the coffee waste from local coffee shops in Kyiv, dries it out, and mixes it with natural oils to bind it together before pressing it into plates.

A milling machine cuts the plates into shapes which are polished then assembled by hand into pairs of glasses.

Those people who love the smell of coffee are in luck because the glasses have a distinct coffee odour.

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I don’t know whether this will fully replace using plastic in glasses, it would require more companies to adopt it, and there is a bit more work involved than simply moulding the plastic into shape…but I think it is a brilliant alternative.

What I really like about this is that this is using a waste product that is produced daily all around the world, and will continue to be produced for the foreseeable future.

Making glasses from coffee grounds is reducing the amount of coffee waste that is being put into landfill and is cutting down on plastic pollution because any broken or binned glasses that are made from coffee grounds should ‘break down’ naturally and not cause any harm to the environment… or at least reduce the amount of damage.

It’s a big win-win for all involved… except for the plastics companies, but they could step up and start to focus on replacing plastic with plates made from coffee.

It reminds me of the car body that Henry Ford built from a mixture of hemp, flax, wheat, and spruce pulp, which made the car ‘lighter than fiberglass and ten times tougher than steel’, according to the New York Times on February 2, 1941.

The car also ran on fuel made from hemp apparently.

Henry Ford was a visionary, he said: “Why use up the forests, which were centuries in the making, and the mines, which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?”

Depending where you are in the world, the hemp plant can be harvested around 12 weeks meaning that you can usually get three to four harvests per year.

Yes, you will need to follow proper field and soil management and crop rotation, but hemp is great because you can get multiple harvests per year.

It’s no secret that many natural products can be used to replace those man-made ones that cause harm to the environment.

Plus… with hemp being a plant, it should use up CO2 from the air as it grows and replace it with oxygen.

That’s another win-win for all… well, apart from the plastic manufacturers again.

Henry Ford’s visionary car shows that the technology, ability, and specialised know-how has been around for many years… it’s been 83 years since he built the car from hemp.

Sometimes, the problem with mankind is that it is so slow to adopt and adapt to solutions that make this world better for all… but that’s a discussion for another day.

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