Could This Be The Most Important Tool For Building Wealth?

I’ve said it before and I will say it again… the best tool for generating wealth is…

A notebook and pen

…along with a comfy chair and a desk in a quiet room free from all distractions.

You cannot underestimate the power of sitting in a quiet room with a notebook and pen… well actually, you can, many people do.

I was reminded of this the other day when I was looking through a specific platform online and observing what successful people were doing to earn money on it.

It wasn’t until a day later that I realised that I hadn’t taken any written notes and so I had forgotten a lot of what I had observed.

The reason for that was that I was looking on my phone and was not in my office at the time, but it serves as a great reminder as to why you should do your research and thinking in a specific place that is quiet where you have a notebook and pen.

Obviously, you can take notes on a smartphone, I often do, but for some reason I didn’t that day. I think it was because I was reading something on the platform as just a reader and wasn’t actually planning on researching the platform at that time.

It just happened.I started to look at what people were doing.

Anyway, the point of all of this is that when I was back in the office and thinking about that platform, I needed to go back and do it all again as I had no notes to fall back on.

I wanted to draw up a plan which copied what the successful users were doing.

As the saying goes, don’t try and reinvent the wheel.

If something is working for other people, copy them. See what they are doing and back-engineer their process and use it for yourself.

I mean… it makes sense, right?

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If you see someone is making tens of thousands of pounds each month doing something specific… then to also earn tens of thousands of pounds yourself in the same way… you must do the same things exactly as the other person.

I’ve said it before… and I will say it again, you cannot throw a mix of eggs, flour, sugar, and chocolate powder into the oven and expect a quiche to appear.

To make a quiche you need a different set of ingredients and you need to do things differently.

If you want success in any given niche or industry, you need to do exactly what the successful people do.

Now, going back to the notebook and pen… when you take notes, you have them to hand so that you can look back on them and think through them. With a notebook you can expand on those notes.

You can write down ideas that you have and you can then also expand on those ideas. You can draw out bubble maps, using arrows to expand a business idea.

A notebook is an archive of ideas which could be worth millions.

Just one idea planned properly and acted on could change a person’s life in ways they couldn’t imagine.

One idea could quite easily make them a multimillionaire.

Every website, platform, tool, service, and product started as an idea which was expanded… and most, if not all, of those ideas would have first appeared on paper.

Taking notes and writing down ideas and then revisiting those notes and ideas will give you many more ideas, many of which could be worth a lot of money to you.

So, if you are not yet actively writing down notes and ideas… I suggest you get started now.

If taking notes, expanding on ideas, and building something that is worth hundreds of thousands of pounds or even millions of pounds sounds like too much hard work for you…

…and you’d rather do something a little more straightforward and easy which can earn you more than enough money to live a happy life…

…you might like the simplicity of flipping pre-loved items for large profits.

Discover more here:

Going Flipping Crazy!

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… This is a real world business that is simple and straightforward and requires no investment other than buying popular and in-demand items on the cheap.

Other than taking a decent photo with your phone and filling in a short listing, there is no technical ability or skills required.

Here’s that link again:

Going Flipping Crazy!