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Create Your Own £500+ Online Coaching Course

Previously, I have reported about people promoting products that pay a high affiliate commission. These people only need to make one or two sales each month to be earning between £500 and £1,000 per month.

They are usually trying to get you to sign up to a platform such as System.io, Go High Level, or Captivation Hub. They then offer mentoring which is where they show you how to use the platform, and sell digital products using social media.

There are three types of mentoring that is sold, ‘packaged’, ‘group’, and ‘one-to-one’.

One-to-one mentoring is quite simple to understand as it is where you talk face-to-face with the person paying you to mentor them.

Group is where you host a live group call where you mentor several paying students at the same time.

Packaged is where you create a series of videos that are hosted behind a paid wall and can only be accessed by people who have paid you to access them.

For this, I am going to focus only on the packaged mentoring as that is where you can charge £500+ for, and not need do any more work other than send people to your sales page.

The other two would require you to host live calls with students. You can charge a lot more – up to £5,000, but you also need to do a lot more to earn that money.

As I write this, one guy I know who offers mentoring, has flown off to Cape Verdi without his family so that he can record more videos for his members area.

These videos are a combination of tutorials where he shows people how to do specific things using websites, platforms, and tools such as Facebook, Aweber, Canva, and videos where he talks about business and cultivating the right mindset for success.

The videos are simple enough to create. All you need to do is master one or a few platforms or tools, then record yourself using those platforms and tools covering everything you can do with them.

The mindset videos are nothing more than talking to the camera face on.

And any video where you are teaching a method or system is a case of talking over a series of slides.

The amount of videos required depends on what it is you are teaching. You don’t have to make too many videos. In fact, a lot of people would rather pay more to have less videos to watch.

They want to learn something simple and learn it fast so if your product has a lot of videos it can be daunting.

If there is too much to learn and study, it can put people off.

Very often, product creators like to ‘fatten’ out products with extra content to make it feel more valuable, which is fine if that content is not part of the actual training.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but if the extra ’25 videos’ is additional content that teaches ‘other stuff’ it is seen as a valuable extra that can be learned later, but it’s the opposite if there are 25+ videos to watch with the main training… then it becomes ‘a lot of time consuming hard work’.

With mentoring, you can always add one new ‘encouraging’ mindset video each week that is an extra to the actual training and is something people can watch if they ‘choose’ to. It adds value without adding more unnecessary work.

Making the video is not a lot of work as it can be a simple case of sitting in front of your camera and talking like this one below: (Click the white triangle to play)below

Your product could be sold on one of several platforms, or you can build your own – which I recommend because it is an online ‘home’ you own – using WordPress.

The reason why I suggest that you build your own online ‘home’ is that you can build it and manage it as you please, plus, there are no distractions from other people trying to compete with you for people’s attention like there is with social media platforms.

The other thing to consider is that sometimes, through no fault of your own, social media platforms can shut you down without warning. It has happened before, and it will happen again so having your own online presence means that you still have a space to host your content and information should the worst happen.

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Create Your Own £500+ Online Coaching Course

If you would like to learn how to Create Your Own £500+ Online Coaching Course then check out our ‘Packaged Coaching And Mentoring Course’.

In this course, Andi, our techy guy,  will show you how to build your own Packaged Coaching And Mentoring Course starting TODAY!

Recording the videos, adding them to your website, and creating a ‘Buy Now‘ button so that people can buy access is the easy part.

The hardest part is to decide what you want to teach.

Once your Packaged Coaching And Mentoring Course is live online it can be sold for many years and people can buy it at any hour of the day and night.

Plus… the payment and delivery of the course is processed automatically meaning that you do not need to do anything other than ‘smile‘ when the ‘you have made a sale’ notifications come through. 🙂

To discover more, click the ‘Buy Now‘ button below: