For The First Time Ever...
Completely New System For 2022
Turn £50 into £5,000 In a Single Day!
“Once In A Lifetime Window Of Opportunity Opens Up For ‘Ordinary Joe’s’ To Turn Tiny Investments Into Life-Changing Cash…
    No Experience Needed…
    Minimal Risk…
    Start With As Little As A Fiver…
    Zero Work To Do

  Dear Streetwise Customer,

  Imagine buying something for £50 at 4.00pm on a Monday afternoon and then waking up the following morning to find that your investment has skyrocketed in value by one hundred times overnight….

Your £50 Has Turned into £5,000!

  And you didn’t have to do a stroke of work for that to happen.

    You’d then have a choice…cash in your profit (you can do that in seconds!) and spend the cash on whatever you like, or hold on and wait to see if the value goes even higher.

  Life doesn’t get much better than this, but you’re probably thinking something like this is just impossible…it never happens…

    Well, nothing could be further from the truth!

  It’s happening every day in the new ‘Wild West’ of investment. Tiny speculative sums (often as low as just £5) are being turned in huge profits, and it’s all being done from an ordinary laptop, PC or tablet in just a few minutes a day.

  My name is Carl Wilkins, and I’ve been looking for a simple way to make serious money from home for over a decade now. After more than a dozen ‘false starts’ in MLM, affiliate marketing, financial trading, eBay marketing and publishing (I’m sure I’ve missed something!) I finally found what I was looking for.

  Welcome to the secretive (and rarely discussed) world of the ‘Crypto Sniper’.  I’ve been raking in serious cash from Crypto Sniping for nearly two years now. And I’m in absolutely no doubt that anyone can copy me…and everyone should!

    Now hold on for a moment…

     As soon as I mention Crypto, you’re probably thinking of some of the well-established Crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and XRP. There’s no doubt that fortunes have been made in these currencies, and more money will be made by astute investors in the future…

  But to a certain extent, these ships have already sailed…certainly in terms of the type of returns I’m talking about here.

  While Bitcoin could double…or even triple in…in value from where it is today, it isn’t going to happen overnight (or even within the next 6 months) and there is no way it’s going to EVER be worth 20, 30, 40 or 50 times its current value.

Don’t get me wrong though…

  There are still some fantastic profits to be made from investing in (and trading in) the well-established crypto currencies…but to make a lot, you’ll need to invest a lot! And that was never for me.

   So, to make the kind of outrageous profits I’m talking about here, I needed to look elsewhere.

And that’s where Altcoins come in…

  They’re called Altcoins because they’re alternatives to the major crypto market currencies, and because they’re in their embryonic phase, they’re often overlooked by the mainstream financial media…and ‘stick-in-the-mud’ investors.

And yet some Altcoins have rocketed in value by 10,000% in a day!

   That means if you’d invested £100 in the morning, you would have made £10,000 by the end of the day…and without doing a single thing to get it.

  Now look, I know you’re not daft. You’re probably thinking that for every Altcoin that takes off like a rocket, there are plenty of others which just bobble along or even dwindle away to nothing.

  And you’d be right!

  So, this is the challenge…how do we separate the winners from the losers? How do we ensure that all our money is invested in the winners?

   Well, I hope it won’t disappoint you too much to learn that we can’t!

   But wait!  

   What we can do is shift the odds dramatically in our favour, so that by spreading our investment funds in small amounts across a number of carefully selected Altcoins, (I’ll explain how in a moment) we maximise the winners, minimise the losers, and hit on the Superstar Coins when they come along.

   And that’s what this letter is all about.

  Interested? Okay, let me tell you the first big secret of investing in Altcoins…

   The people who make the biggest profits in a Crypto currency get in early…before they take off. It’s a lot easier (and quicker) for the price of a coin to go from 5p to 10p than it is to go from £50 to £100.

    Getting in early is easy! Getting in early into the right coins is a bit more tricky. In a moment, I’ll tell you how we go about sorting the wheat from the chaff. It’s very simple and doesn’t take much work at all.

  But don’t be under any illusions…short of having an infallible crystal ball there is no fool-proof way of separating out every winner from every loser, in advance. And that’s where the second big secret of investing in Altcoins comes in…

   The people who make the really big profits spread their risk. They don’t put all their eggs in one basket (in fact they have LOTS of baskets!) Some of their investments will stagnate, some will fall away, but if they’ve chosen well (and I’ll show you how to do that) some will multiply up at a rate that literally takes their breath away.

  Okay, there we have it. The first two big secrets of making serious money from Altcoins:

  1. Get in early
  2. Spread your risk across multiple coins

    And the third big secret?

   Work out the criteria and characteristics that all the Superstar Coins have in common, and make sure all your investments fit with that!

  As I said, it’s impossible to pick just the winners, but by paying close attention to the key criteria, we can make sure that these coins that grow by ten, twenty, forty or fifty times their value in a single day are amongst the ones we pick for our portfolio.

  We can’t hit a winner every time and what’s more we don’t need to. We’re not looking to do anything complicated here – just select the coins we think will take off, ride the bull run, and then get out fast and move on to the next big winner.


  Reinvest the profits in the next group of coins which match the criteria – there are new ones coming along all the time.

   There are none of the crazy dips and swings normally associated with Crypto Trading here.  It’s as close to risk free trading as you can get because you only ever invest small amounts in each opportunity. If they come to nothing, you might break even or lose a little. But that will pale into insignificance when you hit on a coin which goes through the roof.

    Just one ‘hit’ can make some serious cash…multiplying your cash by ten, twenty, thirty, even fifty times. And often overnight.

  So how do you get going and start reaping the rewards?

  Well, I’ve put everything you need to know in a brand-new manual which lifts the lid on this previously secretive world. To join me as a Crypto Sniper, it’s all you’re going to need. It will take you from raw novice to seasoned pro’, able to quickly spot and cash in on, the coins that are set to hit the roof…

Coins that could make you rich…or comfortable at worst!

  If you’ve ever dreamed of having your own home-based money-making system, which doesn’t take up much time, but which can be started with next to nothing and built into a fortune maker, then this really is your lucky day.

  Opportunities like this come around very rarely.  Will this same opportunity be here in two- or three-years’ time? I don’t know, but the time to cash in to the max…is now! Once markets stabilise, the gains will become far more pedestrian.  The window of opportunity to make life-changing gains is wide-open right now.

  Take advantage of it, and you really won’t care what’s happening in two- or three-years’ time. Make no mistake, lives and fortunes are being transformed as I write this. Mine certainly was, and yours could be too. I don’t want you to miss out.

  There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t be next.

    Still with me? Great, let me tell you what I’ll teach you in the ground breaking manual I’ve created for you:

  • A complete beginners guide to crypto currencies and altcoins. (If this has all been a mystery to you up to now, I’ll lift the fog!)


  • How and where to open an account to buy and sell ‘hot’ coins. (You only need to do this once to open the gateway to life-changing profits.)


  • The key criteria to look out for in coins poised to skyrocket in value by 1,000% or even more. (It’s easy to spot when you know what to look for.)


  • How to buy at precisely the right time (It’s rarely when the coin is at its absolute cheapest.)


  • How to use simple charts to track and monitor your trades (Everything is ‘ready-made’ via the websites I’ll direct you to.)


  • How to set up automatic price alerts so that you’re alerted by text or email when it’s time to cash in and take your profits.


  • How to sell your coins for maximum profits with minimum risk.


  • How to smoothly roll over your profits into the next ‘hot coin’ (or withdraw them and have some fun, if that’s what you’d prefer.)

…and a great deal more.

  I’ve left no stone unturned in my quest to get you up and running quickly, and with the maximum chance of success coupled with minimal risk. I just want to re-emphasise this, it’s important…

You don’t need any prior knowledge…

    I’ll teach you absolutely everything you need to know starting from the absolute basics in a clear and concise way. You’ll be left in absolutely no doubts what to do and when to do it.

You don’t need much in the way of capital to do this!

  Got £100-£200 kicking around? You can easily get started with that. It’s very easy to take a small sum like this, spread it across lots of different opportunities, and multiply it up over and over again. Before you know it, you can be sitting on a small fortune.

And it’s great if you’re REALLY busy…

  Crypto-Sniping isn’t a full-time job…or even a part time one. It’s something you can easily fit in around whatever else you’ve got going on in your life. It’s a low risk, low effort ‘side-hustle’ that anyone can get involved in. With the potential to turn small insignificant sums into life-changing and life-enhancing, chunks of cash.

And it’s fun…and exciting!

  It’s fun and exciting in a good way. Not in an “Oh s**t I almost lost my house!” kind of way. Some people get a big kick out of risk. I’m not one of them. With this, you’re risking tiny sums with the possibility that they will grow into very significant ones…very quickly.

  Now that’s MY idea of fun and excitement. The ‘risk’ is always at a level that means I can sleep soundly at night, but the potential ‘reward’ is at a level that gets my pulse racing.

If the possibility of turning £50 into £5,000 in a single day doesn’t get your juices flowing…this probably isn’t for you!

   Assuming it does, here’s how you can get involved…

  After several months of writing, editing and testing the final version of The Crypto Sniper’s Handbook is ready to be unleashed for the very first time, and as a valued customer of Streetwise Publications, you are one of the very first people to hear about it.

  It will take you from raw novice (it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the first idea about Crypto’s and how to buy and sell them) to someone in pole position to spot the superstar coins ahead of the crowd and multiply your investment many times over…

   All from your PC, laptop or tablet in whatever spare time you have available.

   So how much would it be worth to you to learn the secret of multiplying your investment up 5, 10, 20…even FIFTY TIMES…as often as you’d like?

   How much would it be worth to be given a very realistic chance to make £5,000 in a single day and a nailed-on guarantee of making lots of smaller sums along your Crypto Sniping journey?

  I’m sure you’ll agree, it would be worth a great deal of money…many hundreds of pounds, if not thousands. And it would be a bargain at that.

  But don’t worry. I’m not going to ask you for anywhere near what this information is worth…

  Why not?

   Because I don’t need to!

  You see, the Crypto markets are so vast that anything you are doing will have zero impact on what I’m doing. And what that means is I don’t need to restrict the number of copies of the manual I sell.  The more I sell, the less costly each one needs to be for me to make a worthwhile profit.

  Does that make sense?

   So, a low-price works for me, and of course it works for you as well. You might be able to pay £500-£1,000 for this (and it’s worth a great deal more) but even if you can, I’m sure you’d prefer to pay less!

   Here’s the deal…I’m not going to string this out or beat around the bush.

   I’ve set the price of ‘The Crypto Sniper’s Handbook’ at £297, but you’re one of the very first people to hear about it and I need to get this out to people and get some testimonials rolling in. That can only happen when real people start using my blueprint and making thousands of pounds profit by following it.

  So, this is what I’m going to do….The first 177 people to line up to profit from this can get hold of a copy for – you guessed it – just £177. That’s a huge £120 saving on the regular price.

   It’s a sum you can easily recoup on your very first lucrative Altcoin deal. Everything you make from then on will be pure profit. Over the next couple of years there are going to be literally hundreds of red-hot opportunities for you to cash in on…and plenty that will multiply your investment many times over…overnight.

  And your ticket to get involved is a mere £177….and you’ll only pay that if you’re happy and satisfied with what you receive, thanks to my cast iron money back guarantee. I only want you to pay for this if you’re totally happy with it.

  So, here’s my…

90 Day Cast-Iron Money-Back Guarantee

 Order a copy of The Crypto Sniper’s Handbook on approval at the specially discounted price of £177.  Read it, and even try out some Crypto Sniping trades if you like. If you’re not happy with what you receive, don’t make serious money, or are unhappy for any other reason, simply return the manual within 90 days of receipt and your money will be returned in full. No questions asked.

  That means you can’t possibly lose out by giving this a try. I don’t want there to be a single obstacle in the way of you finding out first-hand about this exciting and lucrative, new wild frontier.

  You don’t even have to risk any of your own money unless (and until) you’re totally uncomfortable. Read the step-by-step instructions and then paper trade some new coins and see how you get on. If you’re not happy with how it’s going, you can simply ask for your money back.

   But if it’s going well (And I know that it will!) you’ll have a brand-new money-making system you can run from home and run alongside everything else you’re doing.

   All I ask is that when that happens, you send me a short email letting me know how you’re getting on and how much money you’ve made, that I can use to promote the manual to new people.  

  Don’t worry, I won’t use your name, unless you want me to.

Okay, To Get Hold Of Your Personal Copy Of The Crypto Sniper’s Handbook, On Approval, CLICK HERE, Or Call My Publisher’s Payment Order Line On 01709 361819

  I’ll make sure your manual is rushed out to you by the first available post.

  That’s all for now. If you want to learn the secret of turning £50 into £5,000 in a single day, you know what to do next.

   I really can’t wait to get my manual into your hands and hearing of the money you’re making with it.

All the Best



Carl Wilkins

The Crypto Sniper.

P.S Don’t forget, you’re covered by my totally transparent money back guarantee so there’s absolutely nothing to lose (and thousands of pounds to gain) by giving this a try.

PPS With new coins being issued every day, there’s absolutely no shortage of exciting opportunities to cash in on.

PPS To get in on my 177-For £177 offer, you really need to respond today.  Interest in Cryptos is through the roof at the moment.

To Order Your Copy Of The Crypto Sniper’s Handbook On Approval Click Here Or Call 01709 361819

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