I don’t know how, but somehow I ended up watching a video online of an overexcited guy buying a pizza from a giant unmanned pizza vending machine fitted inside what appeared to be a small shipping container.
The order was placed via a large touchscreen, payment was paid via a card and four minutes later, the pizza was delivered piping hot and in a box through a flap under the touchscreen.
The vending machine only serves pizza and the pizzas are pre-prepared, stored in a fridge and then cooked by a robot using a patented jet pulsed oven.
Although, after looking at their website, it looks like the pizza base is precooked.
The company is called Pizza Rebellion – apparently they are rebelling against the normal takeaway drivel, whatever that means – and they have at least six of these giant pizza vending machines with two situated at Brighton train station, one in Bognor Regis, one in Worthing and two in Chichester.
It seems the rebellion is growing in numbers.
Pizza Rebellion was born during lockdown out of the award winning restaurant The Richmond Arms in Chichester.
With lockdown closing many restaurants temporary – and in some cases permanently – and affecting business, the people at The Richmond Arms decided to use their experience to provide the convenience of freshly made and cooked pizzas using great healthy ingredients… without the need to interact with people.
This is brilliant idea as it means that while the vending machines are stocked, people can buy a pizza at any time of the day or night.
There is a downside because it effectively means there are six pizza shops which are not staffed and so it’s not good for the unemployment figures and it could also be detrimental to other pizza shops in the area.
However… as with most technological and sociological changes, job positions are not always lost, they very often change.
There may not be staff inside these vending machines serving customers directly, but there are staff preparing the pizzas and taking them in a van to restock each vending machine.
The more vending machines they create, the more pizzas they need to make and deliver which means taking on more staff.
Even though it may reduce staffing, it doesn’t do away with it completely.
Reduced staffing may not be good for people but the low staff costs is good for the business and by supplying a set number of varieties of pizza allows Pizza Rebellion to pre-prepare in bulk making the whole process streamlined and more cost effective.
There is no ‘can you please swap the sweet corn for olives, add fresh garlic, and go heavy with the cheddar please’ when ordering a pizza, you simply choose from one of the nine styles they currently offer.
It is simple and streamlined.
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I don’t know much about The Richmond Arms restaurant in Chichester but it seems that they have hit upon a real money spinner here, but looking at the quality and professionalism of the product, it wasn’t cheap to set up.
There is a lot of bespoke and expensive equipment gone into creating these pizza vending machines.
From the refrigerator, the jet pulse oven, the robot which removes the pizza from the rack and puts it in the oven, the conveyor which delivers the pizza, the smart touchscreen and ordering system and the shipping container itself… this has required quite a bit of upfront investment.
I believe they knew that they were onto a winner before they started because pizza is a very popular takeaway food and it is incredibly simple to make.
The whole concept of a pizza vending machine is exciting to a lot of people which is why I happened to find a video online of an overexcited manchild buying a pizza from one.
I can see the pizza vending machine concept growing and won’t be surprised if we see one in all of the bigger towns and cities across the UK very soon.
I can most certainly see it becoming a franchise business, an expensive one, but with a lot of people loving pizza, it could be a profitable franchise.
Having these vending machines situated at train stations and close to night clubs and arenas that host late night events means you have rich pickings at night time when other places have closed for the night.
It makes you wonder as to what else you can serve via a giant unmanned vending machine.
Could this be a business model for you to consider?
As I say, this business required a lot of upfront investment and though it will make Pizza Rebellion a lot of money over the coming years, there is a lot of expense which most people would rather avoid.
Unless you really wanted to run a business with multiple working parts and love the idea of being on top of an empire for the entire world to see, a business like this should be avoided if all you want is to make money.
There are many easier and cheaper ways to make money.
Selling digital and information products is an incredible way to make money which requires very little upfront investment and can have money dropping into your bank account at any time of the day.
Similar to these unmanned pizza vending machines, digital products can make money without you having to be there. You could be fast asleep and make money.
There is one big difference between digital products and these unmanned pizza vending machines though, and that is… you don’t need to constantly buy materials or restock any shelves.
Digital means that a new copy is created whenever a product is bought.
When an eBook is bought from your website, a copy is made from the original and then sent to the person who bought it. That new digital copy costs you NOTHING to make and send.
Selling digital products is a fantastic way to make hands-free money at any time of the day… and another great thing about digital products is that they take very little time to make.
It can take as little as 30 days, often less, to create the type of products we sell which make us at least £30,000.
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Kind Regards
John Harrison
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