I’m going to start this article with a kind of disclaimer.
You are free to spend your money on the things you want. It’s your money. I understand that and do not wish to tell you how to spend your money…
The other day while enjoying a coffee in the city centre I watched as a young woman stepped off a tram. I think she was in her late teens and early twenties.
Because it was a beautiful summer’s day, people were wearing next to nothing. People were wearing shorts, T-Shirts and short summery dresses etc.
This young woman was wearing a short summery dress which showed off a lot of her legs… and this is what caught my attention.
Not her legs exactly… but what they were covered in.
She had numerous tattoos that looked… well, rubbish really.
I know that tattoos are a personal choice and that for most people, they mean something, they tell a story apparently, but these were childish and meaningless looking pictures.
It looked like she had allowed a classroom of seven year olds to doodle on her legs with Sharpie pens.
Seriously, they made no sense. I really cannot understand why she would want to pay someone to tattoo them onto her legs.
These things were terrible… and they are permanent.
That was it… I now had tattoos in my head and after leaving the coffee shop all I could see were tattoos everywhere.
There were some really impressive pieces of art on a few people, but on the whole, a lot of the youngsters had a lot of what can really be described as crappy scribbles and doodles.
I don’t know how much they paid for those tattoos, I know that prices vary based on how much work and colour is involved, but I do know that they cannot get back the money they spent on them.
This may not be a big issue to them, but looking at a lot of the people with multiple tattoos, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if they regularly complained that they couldn’t afford to do things or that they were always ‘short on funds’.
As I looked at people’s tattoos, I figured that they were walking around with thousands of pounds in value on their bodies… even if they only paid out a few hundred pounds actually having the tattoos done.
Every one of those scribbles and doodles cost money… money which could have be used to make more money.
Whenever money is spent on a tattoo, it is lost forever.
It cannot be sold later on for a profit or to get some of the money back.
It has gone forever.
As I have often said…
People don’t know what they don’t know.
This means that a lot of those people with tattoos probably do not know that they could use the money they spend having those crappy tattoos done to make more money.
They could have used that money to make the amounts of money which would change their future for the better… and ultimately give them more money to spend on better tattoos later if they really need to get ‘inked’.
I know people are different.
Some people love tattoos and will spend an absolute fortune on them which is fine if they can afford them and are not bothered that they lose that money.
But I see a lot of people who complain that they cannot afford to do stuff, spending money on things such as tattoos which gives them nothing back at all.
Had some of those people put £500 into a trading account and learned how to trade specific markets instead of having a load of dodgy tattoos, their lives would be so much different by now.
They would struggle less and have more available funds to play with.
As I say, I don’t mind if people want to have tattoos, it’s their money and they are free to choose how they spend it, but I do want to help people to see what they could do with their money instead which would benefit them better.
This is why I write these articles and share information about people like Dave Houghton…
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David makes between £110 and £350 each weekday doing no more than 10 minutes work in the morning.
He is a trader who trades one market and one market only using a simple set and forget system.
He compares a couple of numbers, works out the difference and then fires up his system which allows him to pull money out of ‘thin air’ on autopilot.
The system allows him to earn money throughout the day while he is out and about doing other things.
Setting up the system in the morning is all done from the comfort of his home using a computer.
It can be done on a tablet or smartphone if that’s what you prefer. You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment for this.
As long as you have a good connection to the internet, you are good to go.
Dave no longer needs to work a traditional job; he has a system which will feed him and his family no matter where in the world he is or what life throws at him.
He spends a lot of his time in Thailand and yet he still makes money doing no more than ten minutes each day.
I don’t know if Dave has any tattoos… but he can certainly afford to have them now without it causing any financial problems to his future because he has already laid the foundations.
He took a relatively small amount of money like £500 and turned it into a system which now generates between £110 and £350 each weekday.
If you would like to know more about Dave and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:
The A Minus B System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.
You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.
Here’s that link again: