Do People Really Waste This Amount Of Money Each Day On This?

This weekend I caught a few minutes of an old drama set in a clinic, in Dublin.

The few minutes that I caught were of a physiotherapist asking a guy if he smoked to which he answered something along the lines with ‘thirty a day… on a good day’.

I quickly checked the date of this drama and found it to be 16 years old.

I don’t know what the price of a packet of cigarettes was back in 2007 in Ireland, but I do know that the average price of a pack of 20 here in the UK is £14.39 today.

£14.39 for a pack of 20 cigarettes!


A quick look on the Morrisons website tells me that a pack of 20 Benson & Hedges Gold costs £15.95.

The chap in the drama confessed to smoking around 30 a day!

Are there people who still smoke that amount today?

If so, are they really spending around £21 a day on cigarettes?

No wonder there’s a big market for smuggled cigarettes being sold under the counters in corner shops.

30 cigarettes a day for a whole year at £21.58 (average price) would be an astronomical spend of £7,876.70!

Even at 20 cigarettes a day, that would still be a ridiculous yearly cost of £5,252.35.

Do you know how life changing those amounts of money could be?

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Imagine for one minute that you had £5,000 in Betfair, and you used it to cream profits from horse races.

Using the right system, you could be making several thousand pounds each monthif not more!

That would be a far better use of your money than spending it on cigarettes which does nothing more than destroys your health and gives the government more TAX.

At least with horse racing, your winnings are completely TAX FREE and there is no harm to your health… other than maybe becoming a little dizzy with excitement when you see your winnings grow.

The government do not get any of the money you make with horse racing.

I don’t know if you are a smoker or not… hopefully not… but surely this would be a better use of that money, wouldn’t you agree?

The whole concept of spending large amounts of money on something that only makes you sick and poor makes no sense to me.

What does make sense to me is using that money to make more money so that you can do more of the things you truly love, and have a better and stress-free life.

You don’t have to put £5,000 into Betfair to make a decent amount of TAX FREE money either.

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Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S… You can started right away with just £100 and after 6 months, you could be sitting on a decent tax free £12,800!

It’s safe to say, you won’t get a return like that from buying cigarettes!

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3