I remember once watching an episode of a period detective drama – I believe it focused on an eccentric amateur sleuth who solved crimes to the annoyance of the local constabulary – where in the opening scene a man was seen having a heart attack after reading about the closure of the small village train station that he managed.
The man was later found murdered, but that is a different story entirely.
That opening scene made me think about the fact that people who have worked in the same job for years and who have relied on the same wage can suffer severely when it is all taken away from them.
When the security of their job and their only income is suddenly taken away, their whole life comes crashing down around them.
The initial shock of losing their job and income can lead to sudden panic and major stress which can bring on things such as a heart attack.
The problem actually stems from not losing the job or money, but from comfortably relying on the one job and income.
That comfort and security is removed in an instant.
Having one income is incredibly risky.
Anything can happen.
In the case of the man who managed the small village train station in the drama, British Rail decided to close the station because it had been losing money for many years and because there were alternative ways available for the villagers to travel.
Keeping the station open was not practical and so the decision to close it was made by others elsewhere with no thought or concern for the people who worked there.
The financial situation of their staff was not their concern; their concerns lay with the company and its finances.
The decision to close came as a crushing blow for the station manager… oh that and the fact that his young bit on the side turned up pregnant while he was with his wife… the plot thickens!
Relying on one income stream is dangerous.
Losing your job and your only income is bad enough, but if you cannot find a replacement job or a way to make adequate amounts of money fast, it will impact on your confidence, self-esteem and can lead to long term mental health issues such as depression… which can – and has – lead to suicide.
Sadly, many people have taken their own lives after losing their jobs and being unable to support their families.
Prolonged periods without a job or earning money can be incredibly harmful to a person.
It is in my opinion that people should have at least two incomes.
One of the most important reasons for having a second income – or at least a second set of income creating skills – is that it will give you a lot more security, more peace of mind, and it will protect you from overwhelm and major stress when one of your income streams comes to a sudden stop thanks to external forces.
The extra money is great when everything is going good, but when life takes a turn for the worse and one income stops; the second income saves your bacon.
If you are earning £2,000 a month from a job (income A), then I suggest that you build a second income (income B) which also gives you at least £2,000 a month.
Currently you are managing comfortably on £2,000 (income A).
Build a second income (income B) which also gives you £2,000 a month.
Now you have £4,000 (incomes A & B) coming in, which would be great as you could invest £2,000 each month or put it away into a safety fund.
Here’s the important part…
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Should income A suddenly and without warning come to a stop, you now have £2,000 coming in from income B plus the money you have amassed over the months leading up to the moment you lose income A.
Now you are back to managing as you were before you built income B… comfortably.
Money still coming in… and all bills are getting paid.
No major stress, no panic or fear, and no possibility of a heart attack striking.
It’s for this reason that I believe everyone should have at least two income streams.
And as you should know by now, there are so many ways to make money today.
The opportunities and tools available to us today are simply mind blowing when you stop and think about it.
Going back to that period detective drama, everything was done either by ringing people on a fixed phone, being in a specific place, or having to send physical items through the post.
The station manager had no access to trading platforms or betting exchanges via a touchscreen mobile phone to build his second income… but you do.
He didn’t have access to millions of people globally through the use of email, social media and blogging platforms… but you do.
He wasn’t able to publish his thoughts, ideas or knowledge for free and earn money when people paid to read them… but you do.
He wasn’t able to create his own radio or television shows or broadcast live to potentially millions of people from the comfort of his own home… but you do.
We live in the greatest time in human history for people to make money from the comfort of their own homes… for free!
You can start today for free, there may be some running costs in the future, but they are pennies in comparison to years ago.
Recently I told you that I had read about a guy making £2,000 a month extra building simple websites in his spare time… that was on top of his day job.
I also told you about the woman who wrote and sold articles on a website… that was not her main income.
Both of those business models cost very little to run, in fact the article writing one cost nothing to run at all.
There are others which require you to invest money so that you can leverage the money such as trading.
Others require you to buy something to sell on for a profit later.
There are so many different ways to make money today; the hardest part is deciding which one is right for you.
One way to make money which is pretty simple to manage and is perfect for a second income stream is the buying and selling of new crypto currencies.
Our good friend Carl Wilkins has made himself a nice little fortune investing in new crypto currencies.
Carl is the Crypto Sniper who buys newly created crypto currencies – currencies which very few people know about – and sits on them while they grow in popularity.
Some currencies have exploded to the point that thousands of pounds have been made overnight.
As more and more people jump on the new growing currencies, £50 can quickly grow into several thousand pounds in a matter of days… sometimes in just hours.
New crypto currencies, known as Altcoins – they are newer alternatives to the older well known coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and XRP – are being created and introduced to the world on a near daily basis.
When these new coins go live, a small £5 investment can be all that is required to generate a profit of several thousands.
Not all new coins do well, but those that do… do incredibly well.
If you would like to know more about Carl and how he makes thousands of pounds investing in new crypto currencies, click the link below:
The Crypto Sniper
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… With the Crypto Sniper you get a complete beginners guide to crypto currencies and altcoins (if this has all been a mystery to you up to now, Carl will lift the fog!) where you’ll learn:
- How and where to open an account to buy and sell ‘hot’ coins. (You only need to do this once to open the gateway to life-changing profits.)
- The key criteria to look out for in coins poised to skyrocket in value by 1,000%or even more. (It’s easy to spot when you know what to look for.)
- How to buy at precisely the right time.(It’s rarely when the coin is at its absolute cheapest.)
- How to use simple charts to track and monitor your trades (Everything is ‘ready-made’via the websites Carl will direct you to.)
- How to set up automaticprice alerts so that you’re alerted by text or email when it’s time to cash in and take your profits.
- How to sell your coins for maximum profits with minimum risk.
- How to smoothly roll over your profits into the next ‘hot coin’ (or withdraw them and have some fun, if that’s what you’d prefer.)
Here is that link again: