I’m not sure why, but yesterday I suddenly remembered about a couple who moved to Europe and decided to open a motorhome rental business because they themselves enjoyed travelling around in their motorhome.
I assume they wanted other people to experience the one thing they loved and so they set up a business which would offer that.
Their story was on one of those lifestyle television shows which follow people abroad as they start a new life.
What I found interesting is that they put themselves in huge debt of hundreds of thousands of pounds to buy four or five motorhomes and rent a large lock-up where they could run the business from.
If I remember correctly, they started their new business just before the Covid pandemic which meant they were forced to pay rent and loan repayments while the motorhomes were locked away for several weeks not earning a penny during the summer lockdowns.
Their debts were huge. I recall one motorhome costing nearly £90,000 alone.
They were debt free when they moved abroad.
It wasn’t until they started the business and buying several expensive top of the range motorhomes that they built up the huge debt.
What is worse is that because of their new business and the need to earn money to pay their debts and bills, they were unable to go off in their motorhome and explore the new country they now called home.
They were simply too busy and in too much debt to get away and enjoy the one thing they loved above all else.
I am all for people following their passion and chasing their dreams, but their dream business actually prevented them from following their passion which was travelling around in their motorhome.
It was an illogical move on their part.
I don’t know how they are doing or what shape their business is in today.
They may have turned it into a huge success with enough money coming in that allows them to employ staff which allows them to take more time off so they can go travelling.
Or it might have all crashed around their ears…
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I don’t know what the profit margins are for a business like this but if they are paying staff to run it while they are away, that will eat into their profits and could easily mean that their daily income is pretty basic.
The running costs with a business such as motorhome rental are high.
You have repairs and maintenance to take care of, stolen or lost items to replace, taxes and insurances to pay, accountancy costs and the running costs of the office to factor in too.
All of that has to be factored into the price and if you are not careful, you can price yourself too high where no one wants to hire from you, keeping your prices low means less profit.
It could take quite some time before they are earning a decent amount of money from this.
The question they should have asked themselves was…
‘Is there a way to make a decent amount of money each week that will allow us to explore the country in our motorhome with very little hassle or work?’
That was their passion.
Their dream was to explore Europe in their motorhome, so why not find a way that would fund that lifestyle without putting yourself in a lot of stressful debt and tying your time up with a business?
Motorhomes today are very often far better than most people’s homes.
They come with all the modern appliances including mobile wifi integrated so you can connect to the internet with no problem.
The couple could have been enjoying a stress free nomadic life travelling around Europe and earning more per day than what their business might be paying them… without the hassle of maintain and repairing motorhomes and dealing with people.
Unless you really want to deal with the paying public and offer a service which is money and time intensive, there is no need to these days… not if all you want is to just earn a decent weekly income.
You can easily make all that you need and want to earn for the day using nothing more than a laptop, tablet, or smartphone and a trading platform.
And it can take as little as ten minutes per day.
David Houghton does just that.
He spends no more than ten minutes checking one financial market to see if there is a trade. If there is, he sets up his system and then goes about his day.
This system makes him between £110 and £350 most weekdays… which is the equivalent to a day’s wage for most people.
If you would like to know more about David and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:
The A Minus B System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.
You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.
Here’s that link again: