Well, yes okay, it is a bit of a stretch to believe that eating salad can make you wealthy… but hear me out; there is a valid point to today’s article.
Eating salad can make you wealthy because salad is good for your mind and body which in turn makes you more creative and productive which will give you better results in life.
So yes, in that sense, eating salad can help towards you becoming wealthy…
But it’s not the actual eating of salad that makesyou wealthy, it is the understanding of what happens when you eat it.
When you eat salad, you get quality nutrition without the excessive sugars which are found in a lot of modern processed foods and drink.
Sugar makes us fat and sluggish and is the cause of many damaging health conditions.
Putting excessive amounts of sugar into the human system is like pouring sugar into the fuel tank of a car, it will cause irreversible damage.
Fortunately – or maybe that should be unfortunately – the human body differs to a car because it can absorb the sugar putting it into storage slowing down the harm it does to the body.
A car will break down as soon as the sugar hits the engine, the human body is a little more forgiving in its mechanical system and so it can take the sugar hit… temporarily.
Unfortunately, the human body can take that sugar hit for many years but there will come a time when it can take no more and it manifests itself into one or several diseases and conditions such as diabetes and cancer.
The inspiration for this article today was after hearing about how a diabetic I know is now upping her ‘gout’ medication to counter act the increase in uric acid in her system.
She is now taking more medication on top of more medication to deal with issues caused by bad eating habits.
Gout and the increase production of uric acid are often associated with the food we eat and bad eating habits.
And from what I know of this person, the only time she comes close to a salad is when it comes as something to ignore at a restaurant.
It gets pushed further to the edge of the plate so that it doesn’t taint her chips or tomato sauce.
I’m sure you are wondering where I am going with this and asking yourself ‘how can salad make me wealthy?’
As I mentioned earlier, it is to do with understanding.
Most salad dodgers choose to actively not do what is right for them.
They ignore the experts who are armed with facts, information and experience which can help them to become better and healthier people… and this is the point I want to make today.
Many of those who want to become wealthy and make a lot of money do something similar…
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They too ignore what they need to do and opt to do what they want to do… which usually leads to losing money instead of making it.
Whereas a person who ignores the correct dietary advice becomes fat and sick, the person who ignores the correct money making advice becomes poor and frustrated.
Time and time again I see people who want to be wealthy and have more money do the exact opposite they were told by wealthy people because it’s either boring or appears too much like hard work.
Ordering a takeaway kebab and fries dripping in a spicy BBQ sauces is exciting and effortless…
Going to the supermarket and buying salad and nuts then plating them up is boring, long and tedious.
One will taste sensational for ten minutes followed by a slump with excessive farting, the other will taste okay but you’ll feel good for longer.
It’s the same when it comes to making money… people chose ease over effort even though ease very often leads down the wrong road.
When I use the word effort, I am not saying that you need to work hard for months or years with little return to start with… far from it.
There are ways to make money which are simple and easy to do, but they still need consistent effort otherwise they are useless.
I could show you how to make £100 a day doing something simple, but if you wanted £36,500, you’d need to make £100 a day every day for a year.
But if you worked no more than a week, the most you would earn would be £700.
This is where most people fail.
They want the £36,500… they are even happy with the £100 per day… but after a bit of time, laziness gets the better of them, they stop and go looking for the next solution.
They want the big win now… they want the tasty takeaway… they want the medication to solve their problem right now.
Future problems are resolved and solved in the here and now.
The past controls the future and you control the past here in the present.
When it comes to making money and becoming wealthy, decide to eat salad… do the things which will create the outcome you want.
You can’t eat a bag of sugar coated donuts washed down by several litre bottles of coke each day and expect to lose weight and have blemish free skin.
Nor can you expect to make money and become wealthy if you don’t follow the guidance of an expert and give something the time it requires to bear fruit.
I’ve spoken about our friend Roy before; he’s the guy who banked £47,000 within a year after developing a system which allowed him to pocket increasing amounts of money from horse racing.
Focusing on the safe wins instead of going after the big wins, he has built a system where he can now earn £903 a week giving him £47,000 a year in TAX FREE money.
If you would like to know more about Roy and the system which allows him to help himself to TAX FREE weekly amounts of £903, click the link below:
System 903
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Please note; Roy instructed us to only print and sell 250 copies. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.
Here’s that link again: