Crap happens to me, it happens to you… and it happens to Bill Gates.
Back in the days when I was struggling, I used to think that wealthy and successful people led some kind of utopian existence. They made their way in the world by having fortune shine down upon them and then used their money to ward off all the tedious and nasty things that happen to ordinary folk. Well now I know it’s not like that. Success doesn’t depend on not having crap things happen to you. It depends on dealing with crap when it happens.
Let me put that a bit more politely. To be successful you have to deal effectively with the adversity that impacts everyone. Once you become successful, you’ll still have to deal with adversity. If you think success will make you immune to adversity – you’re wrong. It won’t.
We all get pretty much the same amount of luck in our lives. Oh sure, you go through times where nothing seems to go right. Everybody does. But over the long haul… whether it’s in your career, business or personal life… everyone gets broadly the same amount of luck. It’s what you do with it that matters.
But here’s an interesting thing. When something does go wrong – when it seems like Lady Luck is just having a laugh – that event will almost certainly contain within it, the seeds of something positive. You just need to look for it. If you take just one thing from this book, make it a commitment to seek out the positive seeds in each piece of adversity you encounter. They’re there. I can promise you that.
In my business, every single time I’ve had a setback, when something hasn’t worked as well as it should, or a deal or project has fallen through, it has caused me to seek out a solution or replacement project that has led to even better things. Here’s just one example…

When we first started out in the direct response business, we needed to rent mailing lists. I approached the biggest supplier of the type of lists we wanted at the time, but they refused to deal with us. I don’t know whether they were afraid of the competition or thought we were small fry wasting their time (probably the latter). Anyway, I needed a solution.
So I found a broker who sourced for us some fantastic lists that really formed the bedrock of the business we have today. About a year later, the original company I’d approached decided we were now worth dealing with, and let us use their lists.
Guess what? Their lists were terrible! If they’d let us have them 12 months earlier, I’d have probably concluded that the direct response business wasn’t for me and given up.
The setback… the piece of bad luck… was a blessing in disguise.
What I’m trying to get over to you is this – success of any type has nothing to do with luck. Over the long haul, and aside from some very extreme cases for which you do NOT qualify, there’s no such thing as bad luck. There is just stuff that happens to you… the same stuff that happens to everyone else at some point in their lives. It’s what you do that matters.
Some people learn, look for the positive angle and move on. Others give up. Those who give up are the ones who believe they’re ‘just unlucky’ and it’s their fate to fail. “Why beat yourself up,” they might say, “if the stars/gods/fates are against you?”
Those who move forward are the people who know that luck has absolutely nothing to do with it – that their success or failure is completely, utterly and exclusively, down to them. How can you give in when there’s nobody or nothing else to blame?
Kind Regards

John Harrison

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Very Best Wishes,

John Harrison
Streetwise Publications