If I said to you, “give me £200 and I’ll give you £5,000 in cash!”, would you do it?
I imagine you would.
You’d probably be rushing to the nearest cash machine before I could ask if you wanted the money in five, ten or twenty pound notes.
You would be foolish to say no.
You could do so much with that £5,000.
Currently with rising energy costs, tax and NI hikes, £5,000 would be a massive help to most people.
Yes, someone offering you £5,000 for £200 sounds too good to be true and at first, you may be a little cautious, I mean… who would give away £5,000 for £200?
Once I had proven to you that I was a genuine person who is offering you £5,000 in exchange for £200, you’d be snapping my hand off.
It would be an incredibly fast and easy transaction.
But more importantly, it is a huge return on your investment.
Spending £200 and getting £5,000 in return would be fantastic. Don’t you agree?
Okay, well I’m sorry to say but I’m not actually giving away £5,000 in cash in exchange for £200… I wanted to use that as an example.
More Bang For Your Buck
When it comes to making money, giving more in return for what you charge is a sure fire way of making a lot or money.
In a previous article I shared with you the story of the guy who gave away thousands of pounds worth of products for a few hundred pounds resulting in him winning an affiliate marketing competition.
I compared it to selling a Lamborghini for the price of a Fiat Doblo.
Anyone who wanted to own a Lamborghini but couldn’t afford the hefty £200K + price tag would be happy to buy one for around £25,000.
It’s called over delivering on value.
By giving more than the competition, you can eliminate the competition.
Obviously, you don’t want to price yourself so low or give away so much that you are not making any profits, but over delivering will always generate more sales because people love to ‘get more for their money’.
The Potential Outcome Also Equals Value
Value isn’t just found in the ‘amount’ of what you deliver, it is also found in the potential of what you deliver.
A product which turns a four week job into a two day job would be worth a lot of money to the right person.
The thought of having to spend four weeks doing a specific job is off putting when you know that it could be done in two days.
Turning that four week job into a two day job is going to come at a price.
But the price is acceptable because it does one of several things:
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- Saves you a lot of time (give you back freedom)
- Speeds up a process
- Saves you a lot of money
- Makes you a lot of money
- Makes a process a lot easier
You wouldn’t dream of paying £2,000 to learn how to make only £5 extra per week giving you just £260 a year…
Nor would you expect to pay just £5 to be shown how to make £2,000 extra per week using a proven system taught by a person who does what he teaches.
If a person can show you exactly to make an extra £5,000, I would say that was worth £200 of anyone’s money, wouldn’t you?
Going back to the original example where I asked if you would hand over £200 for £5,000 cash.. most people would jump at that because what it delivered was instant.
The idea that they can hand over £200 and get £5,000 cash back right away is incredibly appealing because it delivers an instant life changing result.
And whether we like to admit it or not, most people are lazy and they love access to fast easy money.
In truth, we all like fast easy money, myself included, but we have to be realistic about it.
There is always going to be an element of time and work involved before any money is returned…
But that doesn’t have to mean years, nor does it have to mean months, and in some cases, it doesn’t have to mean weeks either.
Money can be made relatively quickly depending on what you do.
Your Efforts Are Amplified
When you focus all of your attention on learning what you need to learn and then implementing that knowledge as soon as possible, you will see results a lot faster than if you just ‘take a look’ when you have a spare five minutes here and there.
The good news is that not everything requires a lot of hard study or learning.
Our friend and trading expert Ian Williams, has put together a short but powerful manual which shows you how to make between £225 and £650 a week trading just one forex market.
Within one hour you could be up and running.
One hour is all it takes to learn and get set up ready to make £225 and £650 a week.
Ian has devised a system which strips away a lot of the confusing information which most people teach and has streamlined a system where you focus on only one profitable market.
This is for those who like me, are lazy and like easy money.
At just £225 a week, you’ll have £11,700 at the end of the year… at £650 per week, you’ll have £33,800.
You’ll make a nice amount somewhere in between… definitely more than £5,000.
And you will be happy to know that I am not expecting you to hand over £200 for it either.
If you would like to learn more about what Ian does which can generate between £225 and £650 a week go to:
The Forex Fraud Kit
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… I almost forgot – every penny you make from this is yours to keep. It’s completely Tax Free! With almost half the profits from other ventures being snatched away by the tax man this is a huge benefit for you.
Here’s that link again: