In a previous article I talked about Deepak Tailor who has built a website into a 7 figure a year business.
Deepak currently has two websites which earn him over £1million a year and the focus of those websites is to save people money.
Under the current cost-of-living crisis which everyone is dealing with, helping people to save money is vital.
When it comes to money, most people start by saving money or try getting as much as they can for free, which is understandable.
The problem is that most people don’t know how to save money, where to get help or advice from or where to get ‘free’ stuff that is needed to help them make the best of a hard situation.
And this is where you come in.
You could be the one to offer them the help and advice they need.
You could give them the information that they require to make their lives that little more comfortable… and get paid for doing it!
When you have a website which publishes a lot of useful advice and has a nice steady stream of visitors each month, people will pay you money to advertise their products and services.
Obviously, people who are looking for advice and help to save money and find ‘free’ products aren’t looking to buy products particularly…
But you might find that companies who offer financial help services such as loans and credit cards may want to advertise on your website.
Those kinds of companies pay a lot of money to have their adverts shown because their services and products make them a lot of money.
One new customer could be worth thousands of pounds to them… possibly tens of thousands over the years.
It’s not hard to find the information to share on your website, you simply make a list of ten or more popular websites in that topic, read and rewrite the content then publish it on your own website.
As long as you don’t ‘steal’ the content and use it as your own you should be fine.
Create content based on several other articles and publish them on different days and you will be fine.
As the saying goes… there is nothing new under the sun.
It’s not like you are actually pinching the pioneering work of a scientist who has made a recent discovery.
Publishing information and advice for free on a website can be incredibly profitable because it can attract a lot of visitors.
That means that there will be a lot of advert impressions meaning that you can charge more for the advertising shown and you can also build a decent email list.
If this sounds like the kind of website that you would like to work on then we have the perfect website name for you…
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I own both of those domains and I’m selling them simply because we have more than enough to get on with currently.
I registered the domains to build the type of website outlined above.
The whole focus was to fill it with content to help people to save money and to make money via paid advertising as well as build a big email list.
As you should know by now… the money is in the list.
These are premium domains which can easily have a brand built around them.
The price for both domains is £2,000 which is a decent price for what a website like this could potentially earn back.
Remember, Deepak Tailor’s websites earn over £1 million a year.
Yes, he now has a team of people to manage it for him and yes, there is work required to grow a website into a million pound a year website… but it would be worth it wouldn’t it?
If you are interested in purchasing both domains, reply to this email and please put in the email title: I’m interested in purchasing the Saveapacket domains.
That way I shall be able to prioritise your email when I see it come in.
Hosting for one website at Siteground would cost you £115 for two years at the popular discounted price.
So for £2,015 you can have a website with the potential to make a lot of money… and two years to make it happen.
Try and have a retail or commercial unit on the high street or on a retail estate for two years at that price. You’d be lucky if you get a month at that price!
If you are interested in this website for yourself, please know that once you have the website up and running, you are more than welcome to email our techy guy Andi with any questions you may have.
He will advise you on running and managing your website, or at least point you in the right direction where you can find the answers you need.
If the Saveapacket website idea is not for you, I have other domains for sale too which you can take a look at here: Domains For Sale.
You might find something in that list which you could turn into a profitable online business.
Get Started…
There’s a saying I love: ‘This time next year, you’ll be glad you started today.
The reason most people don’t enjoy wealth and success is that they never get started. They ‘put off’ getting started and wait for ‘the right’ time or ‘the right conditions’ or ‘the right place’ etc.
More often or not, this leads to people not starting and nothing being achieved.
Without risk and action, success and wealth cannot be enjoyed.
Please remember that.
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Ask yourself this, ‘where would I be in two years time if I get started today?’
Where would you be?
If you do nothing, you’ll be in the same place. That I can guarantee.
Start something today… check out the domains we have for sale here: Domains For Sale.