How A 126 Year Old Book Could Make You A Lot Of Money

I recently read that a guy named Matt Kirkland had published Bram Stoker’s lengthy masterpiece novel, Dracula, in 110 easy to read sections via a newsletter.

He started it during lockdown and apparently 262,000 signed up to read his ‘Dracula Daily’ newsletter.

I don’t know how many people he has subscribed to his newsletter today, but 262,000 people signing up to read an old book is pretty impressive.

The book was first published in 1897 and is in the public domain so it is free for Matt to use.

I don’t know if or how Matt is monetising this newsletter, but if he is a writer himself, publishing his own vampire fiction and was charging a small £5 a month subscription fee for people to receive his stories… just 1% of that huge list would give him 2,620 paying subscribers earning him a decent £13,100 each month.

That wouldn’t be bad would it?

I’m just speculating here, he may be publishing the story out of the goodness of his heart to help others enjoy a classic novel and not making any money whatsoever, or he could be making far more than the £13,100 per month example.

He may also be publishing other classic works that are in the public domain such as HG Wells’ The War of the Worlds.

What I do know is that he got 262,000 people to sign up to read an email newsletter which is publishing content he didn’t actually write.

That is next-level genius!

That is 262,000 people who are interested in Dracula and vampire stories.

He could quite easily promote Dracula and vampire related products to that list and make a nice monthly income.

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Not everyone is going to buy.

Some will buy multiple products, some will only buy once.

Some people will buy the first promotion; others will not buy for months… possibly a year later.

But the fact that he has 262,000 people to promote to means that he is in a fantastic position to make money on demand.

Imagine having your own list of 262,000 people to promote products too and one day you fancied going out for a meal but you didn’t want to pay for it with the money in your bank account.

You simple send an email or message promoting a product that the people on that list are potentially interested in… and before you know it, there have been a handful of sales generating the money needed to pay for your meal out.

It sounds simplistic, and it can be.

As long as you have a decent sized list filled with the right audience, you have money on tap!

And it all starts with a simple email newsletter.

An email (or online) newsletter can be managed from anywhere in the world.

Newsletters don’t have to be hard work; it is specifically about the numbers.

An email newsletter only needs to be written once whether you have only one reader or 262,000 readers.

That one email newsletter could be written while relaxing in your garden, while on holiday, while watching the television, or while listening to some music in your office.

You write it – or in Matt Kirkland’s example, take it from a book – and publish it… and get paid multiple times for that one newsletter or from sales of promoted products within the email newsletter.

This is a way to make money that is open to anyone and everyone.

All you need is to get yourself set up… then start writing and publishing regularly.

To learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Email newsletters can be written on smartphones and tablets and can be written while you are travelling as a passenger or whenever you find yourself waiting for people or events to start.

It is the ultimate freedom business.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret