How A Lack Of Awareness Keeps People Struggling

I happened to come across a video on X (Twitter as it was/is better known as) taken from a Channel 4 News report about the current cost of living crisis.

The report was dated the 24th of this month so it is very recent.

In the clip, the reporter spoke to two guys, Paul, 57, and Gareth, 55.

Both were forced to use the local food bank in Weston-super Mare due to not being able to afford to buy food.

Paul is a qualified vehicle repair technician and mechanic but sadly had to prematurely give up work due to ill health.

He currently receives £843 per month on Universal Credit, but is due to get more because of his health issues. He has yet to receive that extra money.

He is struggling due to a recent hike in rent which now costs him £620 per month.

After paying rent, bills and insurances, Paul is left with an average of £30 per month to spend on anything else, and that included his food and drink.

He lives alone in a small flat consisting of a small kitchen, a small bathroom, and a room that is both his bedroom and sitting room.

As a way to save money, Paul keeps the lights off as much as possible.

Paul admits that he is very lucky to have a good neighbour who helps him by buying things such as milk so that he can enjoy a warm cup of tea.

He is forced to ration his money and now only eats one meal a day to preserve food.

When asked what he had eaten the day before, he told the reporter that he had eaten fish fingers and beans as his only meal.

Gareth was in a similar position to Paul. A welder fabricator by trade, he too was forced to give up work after a spinal injury affected his hands leaving him unable to hold things steady.

Gareth told the reporter that on occasions he had been forced to share a tin of tuna with the cat due to the fact he couldn’t afford to buy much food.

OK, I have to be very careful what I say here and how I say it.

There are a lot of people struggling at the moment and there are a lot of impoverished areas in Britain. I cannot deny that…

But what I do find frustrating is that there are a lot of people who simply do not know of ‘other ways’ to make much needed money.

I am not going to say that they are all easy and that they will make tens of thousands of pounds in the first month, but there are ways for people who are struggling to make money which could give them the room to breathe a little more easily.

Most of what I suggest is online and so they will require electric and access to the internet to make them work, but that isn’t such a hurdle either.

I have previously reported about a guy called Mike who was homeless and living in a tent in a park in Portland, Oregon, who went on to build several 7-figure business thanks to using the computers at the local library.

The big difference between Mike, Paul and Gareth is that Mike knew that he could make money writing articles for other people. He also knew that he could access the laptops for free at the local library to get online.

There are many ways to make money from home using the internet, but when money is tight and people are rationing their use of electricity and possibly cancelling their internet service, they could be making it harder on themselves.

But, there are many places they can go which they could use until they are in a better position.

Many coffee shops and cafes now offer free access to the internet and allow people to plug their devices in.

Libraries and other public places offer free internet access and allow you to use their lights and electric.

When using a coffee shop you will need to buy a drink and possibly some food which is not going to be easy if you really are strapped for cash, and over the long term, it doesn’t work out any cheaper than working from home…


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It is a great alternative to help you get started.

Working from a coffee shop or public space that is accepting of remote workers is good because it means that you can enjoy their lights and heating while saving money by not using yours.

As for people like Paul and Gareth who are basically at rock bottom and can’t afford to buy drinks, going to coffee shops may not be a viable option, but they could go to libraries and do some research and learn a new skill.

I have talked numerous times about how people make money writing articles for other people, writing and sending emails, creating digital products such as eBooks, newsletters, and video courses.

They could be a fantastic way for people like Paul and Gareth to make extra money.

Even if Paul made just £10 a month from one of the above, he has basically increased his available spending money from £30 to £40 which may not sound a lot, but percentage wise, it is a huge 33% increase.

There is no reason as to why he couldn’t earn more.

Yes, it can take time to build an online empire like Noah Smith who is reported to earn a staggering £800,000 a year from his paid newsletter about economics.

But… and I have to be careful how I say this… Paul and Gareth are not working so they have quite a bit of time available to work on an online business.

The point of this article is not to bash people who are down and struggling; it is to point out that most people don’t actually know what opportunities are available to them.

Sadly, people don’t know what they don’t know.

They are kept in the cycle of struggle because of a lack of knowledge and awareness.

There are many opportunities available today that could really help people out of a hole.

They may not be right for everyone, but for the short term, they could be a real life saver.

They could really help get people back into some kind of normality where they are not forced to sit in the dark eating only once a day and sharing their food with the cat.

In the video here: The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter! you will discover how to start a paid-for newsletter for free.

It is incredibly easy to start a subscription based daily/weekly/monthly newsletter.

There are platforms which you can use that don’t charge you a penny until you are making money.

This makes it incredibly affordable for anyone to get started with. Plus, a lot of the content can be created offline meaning that you only need to connect to the internet when you have something to upload.

For now, don’t think about the potential thousands of pounds that you could earn, think of making your first extra £100 and then grow it.

Get started… make some money… then ramp up your efforts.

If you would like to know more, go to:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you watch the video, you will see how easy it can be to create your own video newsletter and paid-for content.

Everyone has something other people are interested in learning or hearing about. There are more than enough people in this world that will willingly and happily pay to see, read, or hear what you have to say.

The more important, controversial, useful, or exciting it is the larger the number of people who will happily pay to access it.